This bitch is insane... dumping convo

this bitch is insane... dumping convo



>youtube comments
what are you doing with your life user
hitler would be ashamed

any interest here or nah?

trolling mostly, and in this case pol took me there


See me after class, user...

what's wrong with adblocker? or batman for that matter?

>No gay sex with hats on
OP needs to step his game up.

>doesnt circle "meetme"
you nigger

well near the end it gets a bit better

>those tabs
Delete your fucking emails you degenerate

so happy you like it sempai

Here's a conversation I had a few weeks ago.

thanks for sharing bruh, you can stay in my trench anytime


shit I think i got blocked because her comments aren't showing up anymore lol, so last one, and a bit out of context

anyway libtard convo thread

A wise man once said

"Saying you are offended by something, is basically saying that you have no control over your emotions, so you need other people to do it for you."

-(No fucking clue who said it)

Use this little piece of wisdom

>Diet and exercise would be healthier

Haha damn you got me there, good job

That old man was Common Sense.

>there are lunatics in the comment section on YouTube

This is surprising how?

just read through this, you are wonderful my man!

>getting this emotionally invested in youtube comments

well it's sometimes funny to see one doing it's olympian mental gymnastics

i fuckin know right

>what are you fox (faux) news sycophants doing here commenting on a CNN article
CNN confirmed hugbox