The Mummy

The Mummy was pure kino for cutie lovers. Also, I disagree with the overwhelmingly negative reception. It was perfectly serviceable as an action adventure "horror" romp. It was less outright campy but it had all the quips you could ever need, very tacticool "Uncharted" feel at the start especially. So yeah, the film is paint by numbers and tries to have mass easy appeal in how it approaches things... But aspects of the Mummy and her powers were very cool and she was 110% cutie waifu. The scene with "Seth" or whatever the lurching bizarre psychological horror monster in the prologue was, I thought that was very cool. I kept rooting for Ahmanet the entire time, she was great. She went above and beyond saving our boy Cruise so many times, that idiot didn't even know how hard she worked for her Chosen. My only real complaint about the film as a package is poor sweet Mummyfu getting cuckolded by "Jenny" time and time again. The final scene with the massive sandstorm trailing off Cruise's galloping horse (and his alone) was very neat. Could have had an even more bombastic and typical final shot by showing his face imposed in the cloud "roaring" you know? Classic Mummy stuff.

Considering these same critics eat up Marvel shlock and other garbage without a second thought, something so mass-produced as that, the complaints about this film ring so very, very hollow.

tl;dr talk about both The Mummy (2017) and "The Mummy" aka Sofia aka literally perfect Mummyfu

I'm with you OP. Tom phoned it in but Crowe was great, looking forward to seeing more of the Dark Universe. The only problem I had with it was
>it was a different time
Why would she use this expression?

Anybody knows anything about the "Dark Universe?
Will we have more mummy waifukino or she's done in the franchise storyline?
It was an ok movie asides Sofia being a qt, so if she doesn't come back I don't see a good reason to remain interested.

Since they made a point of showing them putting mercury back into her body as opposed to her being destroyed completely, she'll definitely be back.

Going to make for some good flicks. Did you not like Crowe's Jekyll/Hyde?

Tom ruined the flick thou, the movie would have been a lot better if the main character was the blonde and it was more of a horror flick instead of action.

This movie was all over the place, tonally. At times it felt like it wanted to be a light-hearted action/comedy, or a horror film and other times much more grounded and modern. It jumped between those too often and never really found a good mix.

I didn't think it was terrible, just schizophrenic.

It was an audience accessible phrasing of a simple line to explain why she did LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG even as her face is being splattered with an infant's blood. And she's right, she did literally nothing wrong. Killing the wife and the son that would replace her entire future promised to her for like 30 years is hardly that wild or barbaric, let alone for the era. Yes, slay, my queen, my sweet beloved queen.

Why the fuck would Tom not just agree and go along with things? He could bring back his dead friends and have a hot Mummy wife and live forever as the god of death and dead buddy.

giv Mummy gf

don't bother here. A week ago I made the same thread where I said that the movie was fun and I was attacked like I'm a Hilary supporter. I guess they are all living in a world where Fraser is still a good actor even tho he's shit and only makes shit series and movies now.

Tom was great even Jake Johnosn was great

>mummy bandages conveniently cover nips and pusy

why does this happens?

You could have just said "I want to fuck the mummy". The rest of your post is pointless.

I want to fuck the Mummy!


>Mummyfu getting cuckolded

oh fuck off

Protip, mummy-fu was the qt grill alien in Star Trek Beyond.

Don't ya think that something nicely 'wrapped' is more tasty than plain exposed? Also, fuck it, I never realised bunch of old, torn bandages could be THAT sexy and creepy at same time... Halloween 2017 cosplay probability %?

>Awww, he's fixing her hair
>No, wait, the perspective doesn't line up
This is some F&F type shit right here.

Writing was uninspired schlock no different from the marvel schlock you criticise except it's less polished. The editing was amateurish (why show us the same thing over and over, and the opening scene was straight out of transformers) CGI wasn't terrible, but it was over used.

Even for today's standards this movie sucked. However Sofia whatshername was a total qt and I liked her since I saw her in kingsman

*the cute amputee in Kingsman

How CGI was overused? They literally used it in few scenes. Storm in London, plane crash and Ahmanet double eyes. All rest was not that noticable (mercury flowing out, animating animals, demons etc) lets say in todays era of making whole movie at greenscreen Mummy CGI was almost non-exsistent apart these few scenes and details. Even undead were played by real people.

I want to fuck the mummy btw