What are some LEGIT flaws in Star vs. the Forces of Evil?

What are some LEGIT flaws in Star vs. the Forces of Evil?

Where the fuck is the unicorn head's body? How do her species mate? These questions being unanswered is a flaw.

Internet lingo on a television show

i woudlnt say flaw, just.. it could use some real solid serious action instead of just silly shit

There's not nearly enough episodes. :(

Just seems to me like you're a bit too old to be watching a kid's cartoon if you think that's a problem.

>Star vs the Forces of Evil
>Forces of Evil

Who are the Forces of Evil?

I can't be the only one that cringes when he hears the word yolo on TV

Pretty much these guys, possibly her kingdom

I think they're just using "forces of evil" in reference to the villains she faces in general, rather than a specific organized group or evil itself or something.

The art style, the voice acting, the animation, the writing. Not to mention the seriously creepy fanbase it attracts

While most episodes are juts for fun, I largely feel like NOTHING happened in the first season until the last few episodes. As in, for the life of me, I cannot tell you what happened in the middle of the season.
It has the making of having some interesting story ideas, with how things came to be and where they can go, but I don't feel like it did a swell job of pacing that.
Neither of those are to say that a show needs to be "PLOT 100% OF THE TIME", but I just can't recall most of what happened out of just about a dozen episodes.
Midway through the season, I believe the animation studio changes, and you can notice it almost instantly.
Other than that, I can't say I'd say there are many "flaws" that I wouldn't put under completely being someone else's personal tastes. Personally, I think the style of the characters and the world they're in blend well, and while I've heard complaints about Star's voice being "too old", I think it really fits. I'd probably advice for a need for a solid villain, but they sort of had that and I think they're going into sustaining another one, or maybe some more episodes about the extended cast to make them more interesting, outside of Star and Marco, but they might fix that in this season.

It has some weird moments. I'm not sure how to explain them, but during them there is no music.

i watched first episode and didn't feel like watching further -- everything is so bland

The voices and writing yes, but i cant see how anyone could hate the animation.

It had a rough start

lol tumblr lol calarts lol sameface ad nauseam

People say "YOLO." It sucks but it's a part of our culture now. Not even just internet culture.

>Not using apostrophes

>internet culture
this is just like... slang

It's legitimate slang, it didn't even start on the internet.

Season 2 has been a little lackluster so far. It hasn't been outright bad, but not great either. Just kind of good

I'm usually not this petty, but Star's voice was enough of a turn-off for me. It just rubs me the wrong way.

Beyond that, it's a little disappointing how bland it's story is, considering it's premise. It's the "safe" kind of random humor, which nullifies the point of random humor.

i think it's a taste thing
you'll agree with me that star's voice and characterization is totally UNIQUE right? So for you it's annoying, but for some of us it's so god damn refreshing. especially for a female character. Finally someone really zany and flawed but still super likeable and sweet.

Oh yes, I appreciate what they're going for. I love interesting and unique voices. I think with Star, though, it's one of the few times it's really bother me how much older the voice sounds than the character looks.

Not them, but it works for me because I think a lot of real teenagers sound like that. I also was expecting a much higher voice but I'm glad we got something different (I feel like higher could've been more annoying, especially with the show tending to go for crazier scenes at times).

The art style does make everyone look younger though.

>it's really bother me

I don't care for the humor.

no nudes of toffee

While I do find the writing pretty funny and enjoyable it really feels like there's about 3 to 4 minutes of dead air every episode. Some jokes fall flat and the writing feels a little hollow, I dunno.
There's usually one really big belly laugh every episode that makes up for it though.

Haven't seen the show since the last year, when the episode of the Diaz's family vacation was about to be aired. What happen since then?

Two other villains appear, one of whom changes status quo slightly in the season 1 finale. There's also some really background foreshadowing involving Star and Marco being part of a larger plan/prophecy but nothing's been directly addressed yet.

The show generally starts having more plot episodes halfway through the first season.

What happens to Ludo?

Since Diaz Family Vacation? He is overthrown by the new villain, and kicked out of his own castle. He allies with Star to get his castle back, but gets eaten by one of his own minions when he tries to nab the wand.

He survives though and gets some character development in season 1, when he winds up lost in the wilderness and has to learn to survive on his own.

I meant character development in season 2.

He starts out cold and alone, and eventually starts conquering the elements. It's like the first episode of the new season, just check it out.

Honestly it is the least interesting episode so far and has serious pacing issues. Tough it out though.

Fuck, well, I always think that he was kinda bored anyways

The writing has only ever been acceptable. Much of the humor derives from the quirkiness of the characters rather than inventiveness in the scenarios. Plot progression lacks ingenuity, often opting for resolutions that come from nowhere. The show would be tiring were it not for the appeal of the characters.

To be blunt, the plot is uneventful. It's a lot of world building and precious little forward momentum, not dissimilar to amateurish efforts of classroom daydreamers that Star was originally meant to be. A show can only hint at greater things for so long before viewers demand a return on investment, and Star vs is creeping very closely to that limit for me.

he had a great adventure

it's actually my favorite episode of the show so far

The intro theme song is obscenely annoying. That's pretty much my only gripe.

At times the show can get a sort of tumblr and it triggers me but that's only because I associate that garbage with other garbage so it isn't a legitimate criticism.

The only flaw in the show is that one season is only 13 episodes.

My husbando Toffee isn't in every episode.