Danish circumcision ban

1. Your country

2. How do you feel about circumcision?

Danish Jews and Muslims are saying they will move to Sweden or Germany if Denmark bans circumcision. How do you feel about that?

Who cares about the jews and muslims? This will mean the end of American immigration to Denmark


>the end of American immigration to Denmark

That would be amazing. But I don't think I have ever seen an American here in Denmark.

Hol' up hol' up, so you be saying there's a cheat to remove all jews and muslims from your country?

>they will move to Sweden or Germany if Denmark bans circumcision

That brown weather guy on tv2 is american

Geographically it makes sense. We can drive to both countries in a few hours.

I don't watch the electric Jew. What's his name?

Should be illegal, good for them

Good. Should be implemented in France too. Just allow it for medical necessity when needed.

At best, authorize it for people above the majority age who are retarded enough to want it.

Oy vey you're a bad jew!

Jokes aside, nice. How many like you are there in Israel?

I'm Jewish and I think every country should treat male circumcision like they treat female circumcision. Both are barbaric and primitive. We don't do lapidation or strangulation of adulterers and homosexuals. Why do we insist on keeping this ancient, uncivilized ritual? We're a smart people after all.


Most don't care, and just go with the trend
Younger people are starting to wake up though. I think most people ages 40 and below who aren't religious, either oppose it or could be convinced to see it as bad.
At this point it's done more out of trend than anything. I've seen some videos made by israelis speaking against it.

I'm against it.

Should be illegal to perform on those under 15, unless there's an actual medical reason for it

>We're a smart people after all.

Dog bless.
I hope Poland will shortly follow suit and ban circumcision outside of medical reasons too.
Ritual slaughter goes next.

Danes are racists
but I'd totally cuck
them with that chick from

I'm glad countried are banning it
But on the other hand, we're not going to hear the end of it over here... oy vey antisemitism and whatnot

haha not bad


So you're about to ban a barbaric mutilation ritual that has no proven health benefits and is excruciatingly painful for infants. I wonder how I should feel about my shithole of a country not doing this too.

because its the previous year + 1 and you can get sued for being racist
do you want that?

>you can get sued for being racist
I don't have enough stars and stripes on my flag for that to be even a considerable possibility.

Actually Americans can't be sued for being racist. Only Europeans have anti-racism laws.

Guess we are not Euros then. Just yesterday a local dude attacked two niggers (with a knife) and all he got was charges for physical mistreatment just like it's supposed to go down. No rassismus was talked about.

dont you have a helsinki cometee or something?
they will make noise everytime we try to do something that's against the interests of our minorities

>Danish Jews and Muslims are saying they will move to Sweden or Germany

>Danish Jews and Muslims are saying they will move to Sweden or Germany if Denmark bans circumcision. How do you feel about that?


Here it's the same issue.

Well done Denmark. Save children from unwanted tribalist penile mutilation.

Based denmark

Bad. It will most likely become prohibited here as well.

Feminists are against it...

>Danish Jews and Muslims are saying they will move to Sweden or Germany if Denmark bans circumcision

Do they think we care?

>How do you feel about that?
Wtf I love Denmark now.


They did mention it in the newspaper as a white man attacked black men incident.


Nice one Denmark!


Not bad. Maybe we will realize we are barbarians someday. I'm guessing not, American men are masochists and only care about defending women.

One can hope.

How many Americans are circumcised?

WTF has that .gif to do with circumcision?

>The rates vary widely by country, from 1% in Japan, to 2% in Spain and Sweden, to 58% in the United States, to more than 80% in Muslim countries. Worldwide it is estimated that 25% to 33% of males are circumcised, by various sources.[2] [3][4]

so about 80-90 million circumcised men

>The overall decline was almost entirely due to decline in Western states, from 63.9% in 1979 to 40.2% in 2010.

only shitholes like california are wising up to this shit; east coast and midwest are still cutting up their sons like no tomorrow