How does something like this happen and why?
How does something like this happen and why?
Because the tree of life is a shitty movie
And Civil War isn't?
because you don't understand how Rotten Tomatoes works
90% doesn't mean the movie is a 9 out of 10
It just means that 90% of critics thought it deserved a 6 out of 10 or higher
RT is most just a measure of how accessible and palatable a movie is.
Tree of Life has a higher rating. What's the problem here?
Because you can't read the words "average rating", apparently
RT is utter trash and has been for years.
The problem is Civil War should be a 2/10
>covers up the average rating for civil war
heh top meme
do you get upset when people disagree with you?
>minding what a completely (((reddit))) infested site says
Only when they're wrong
Bad example unless you wanted to show how misleading and useless the RT score is.
Pick Gladiator, fucking kino and still got less rating and score than civil boredom
how do you know that you aren't wrong?
Franchise films are graded on a curve. B
Because my movie doesn't have people dressed up as superheroes flying around and punching each other in an airport terminal.
Why is Tree of Life "your" movie?
Did you make it?
tree of life is trash. couldn't get past the halfway point of that steaming pile of garbage.
Because lots of critics are Malickfanboys because of the old days when he was good so they give him positive reviews now despite the shite he releases
I sincerely hate people like you. The only standard is that there is no standard. THE HATRED OF EXCELLENCE, STANDARD AND MERIT. THE ENVY OF GENIUS IS BORNE FROM ASSHATS LIKE YOU
subjectivist post modernists don't even believe their own lies, otherwise they'd have to argue a literal piece of poop is as artistic as a photograph by Brassaï
You're just full of questions, aren't ya?
>trusting rotten tomatoes
>Get Out: Best comedy of all time according to wikipedia
gets reviewed by manchildren with yt channels that will praise will anything marvel shits out
>actual kino
gets reviewed by actual people that care about movies
>You're just full of questions, aren't ya?
Just curious, m8
Do you feel personally invested in the Tree of Life? Does it upset you when people don't like it as much as you think they should?
You already asked practically the same question. You're one of the many subjectivists that's infested every avenue of art with your inane blabbering.
Do you understand how RT works?
Introspection is scary, isn't it.
You didn't answer me cunt.
>Non sequitur: the post
Supercilious pretentious cunt.
It always makes me laugh watching people throwing autistic fits over an automatic score aggregator.
Objectivism is absolutely frightening to you, isn't it? Are you even trying to argue anymore?
Can a piece of poo be more artistic than a photograph from Brassaï, yes or no?
>Objectivism is absolutely frightening to you, isn't it?
Not really. Life would be lot easier if shades of grey didn't exist.
I feel bad for autists who obsess and get hung up on other people's opinions. It must be exhausting.
>muh accessibility
If a movie isn't "accessible" it just really means you're an inaccessible person.
>muh gradients
Can a piece of poo be art comparable to Dostoevsky?
Not one argument was made that day...
You sound confused, user. You didnt ask any question
Is it not a hatred of all standards
No, it isn't.
Can a piece of poo be art comparable to Dostoevsky?
check his last three films' RT ratings. not exactly unanimous. do yourself and everyone else a favor and shut the fuck up
Then define A SINGLE STANDARD to distinguish quality of one piece of art over another.
What metric would you use to compare them?
running time
Just answer the question you slimy little weezball.
remember that scene where the punched each other and said FUCK THE GOVERNMENT
You can compare anything to anything
Did you really need to have that explained to you?
Kek are you fucking serious.
So what is better, something with greater run time or less. Either way you have shown how fucking retarded a metric that is to choose.
The critics to whom Civil Wars appeals and would be reviewed are more numerous and have lower standards than those who would review Tree of Life.
depends on your schedule
>A universal depends on something subjective
so why is Tree of Life a better movie than Civil War, then?
Civil War is a carefully crafted crowd pleasing blockbuster. Hence the higher grade.
The Tree of Life is a carefully crafted (albeit divisive) thought provoking film-kino. Hence the lower grade.
>Not answering the question for 500
You didn't ask a question.
Is English your first language?
Tree of life is boring and tries too hard to be deep. Civil war is pure concentrated fun.
Soz i'm going through 3 threads and missclicked.
But fed up with you slippery cunt anyway. Feigning ignorance while being supercilious is the scummiest thing to do. Just a time sink.
Based Armond.
>Get Out
>Nearly 100%
Reminder how incredibly bullshit not only are aggregate review sites, but RT in comparison to Metacritic.
Just wanted to say tree of life is best film of 21st century so far
Wow, aren't you DUMB, not knowing BOYHOOD came out in the 21st century. Did you just forget when it came out? Pretty embarrassing.
Civil War was great, so that's alright.