Just finished this. Animation was great, but I thought the story was meh at most. Hell maybe I didn't understand it. Am I this much of a plen? Can someone explain?
Just finished this. Animation was great, but I thought the story was meh at most. Hell maybe I didn't understand it...
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what dont you understand?
it's sort of a commentary on how the growth of scientific progress and its destructive capabilities outpaces the evolution of moral development, the parallels between the akira project and the manhatten project should be apparent. the faster humanity advances technologically the less capable it is of handling its newfound powers (see tetuso)
the film is barely 2 of the 6 graphic novels, read them and everything is fully explained.
I agree the film doesnt really make sense. read the manga if you want the full story.
I loved it when it was new (I'm old) but I went to a screening of it last year and the pacing was trash.
It's like the last 1/3rd of the movie is dream sequence.
shut up nerd
First off no.
Second the manga writer/artist and the director of the anime said its about youth in revolt and fallen idols. Your grasp of this is childish and ignorant, its not like its that hard to understand.
It's a truncated version of a far superior manga, the animation is incredibly impressive in terms of effects and fluidity though.
some shit like akira became god and created a second big bang
Hello imdb Redditor!
It's been a while since I've seen it but the first time I did it was a dub and I didn't understand it. Then I saw a subtitle and it was a lot different than the dub and it made more sense. A friend said that they messed up the translations on the dub. So that could be it op, look up the different versions, I'm sure someone has figured out which is the best.
>Handwave argument.
Yeah kiddo keep telling yourself that. You should have been there when we had to watch this shit on bootleg vhs from somebodies brother. When you hit puberty you should come talk to me about this old school stuff.
A lot of the mis-translation comes from the fact that Keneda and tetsuo blam the adults for changing him into the monster and the whole Akira being the savior. In the manga Akira is still alive, and tetsuo's girl in the manga is his sex slave that survives the orgies because she doesn't take the mind drugs.
The comic is fucking based, if another adaption occurs they need to split it between 3 films. Neo Tokyo introduction to the hot potatoe explosion, 2nd would pick up with the destroyed Tokyo and follow right up till a reveal of the world powers outside of Japan ready to nuke it and the 3rd would be the tetsuo v kaneda with biblical/metaphysical proportionate battle.
Anybody who liked this anime should check out "Rebels of the Neon God", you'll like it.
Twenty. Four. Frames. Per. Second.
The appreciation of this film is not really about the story. It's about how its the only animated feature that is hand drawn at 24 frames, with many cells per frame, none of which were re-used at later parts of the movie.
It is a technical masterpiece which will never happen again.
It is essentially an extremely shortened version of the comic
the comic is way longer and better without any plotholes or missing information
Never say never, when the economy bounces back you never know.
But yeah it's more of a visual movie, Anime can rarely afford this level of fluidity.
Though i've actually grown to like the creative use of limited animation.
Basically they cut out a huge chunk of the comic for the film so a lot of it doesn't make too much sense.
There just isn't the talent there anymore. Even if you had all the money in the world, you'd struggle to find the studios that could pull this off.
The government is researching people with psychic capabilities. Akira was one of them. Those little blue children are the others. Akira became too powerful and blew up Tokyo or something so they kept his organs frozen,
Tetsuo who is part of Kaneda's biker gang is the runt of the group, but then he starts to develop the psychic/telekinetic powers. So he just rages on everyone with his power and Kaneda tries to stop him.
I really don't know why he turns into a giant huge blob at the end.
Studio Ghibli maybe
Since you're probably new to Anime i'd suggest Ghost in the Shell and Satoshi Kon's work, both fluid and generally palletable by westerners.
>There just isn't the talent there anymore.
Bullshit. Talent multiplies in 1st world countries. The only things that aren't there are budget and will.
Is the talent requirement even that high? Most animators are adept at drawing still images. They just have to do a million times.
If anything, more people who are capable probably don't want to do that kind of work. It's the art equivalent of working in a factory production line.
In 10 years Disney went from worse animation than what we have now to Snow White/Pinnochio
It's popular because the animation was groundbreaking at the time it was made.
>calling a completely applicable interpretation of the movie 'childish and ignorant' while proposing an entirely surface level explanation as the only legitimate meaning
ah yes...they were kids in a gang...youth in revolt..that sums up the whole movie lol
plenty of shit in akira is animated on twos, what are you talking about?
What a horrible way of looking at it. They are only bored mindless monkeys at hardass studios like HB and Filmation
who are you even quoting? bumbling mushbrain.
He turned into a blob because his powers were getting way too strong and out of hand for him to restrain himself. Or something
Akira is great but pretty much impenetrable on a first watch, read the manga (it's been rearranged to read left-to-right, no backwardness) and/or watch it again and you'll have a much better grasp of the story.
it's portrayed like humanity being in a sort of social adolescence, where our collective maturity has yet to catch up to our reality (writ large through tetsuo's powers, mutations and literal adolescence)
Any studio doing a hand drawn movie like Akira is going to be filled with hard asses.
Even YouTube animators talk about how difficult it is to do a production lasting a couple of minutes. Most of them have given up entirely. It's bitch of an industry to get into.
Not really, only the lip syncing was truly unseen before in anime, Robot Carnival was a year before.
yes, a weak bladder and a weak mind are the effects of old age. I recommend pumpkin seeds, mr Demento.
>Handwave argument
Not to defend a shitpost but
>First off no.
>youth in revolt
>fallen idols
>your ignorant
Holy self-awareness, Batman.
Please fuck off back to redd*t
There will be inbetweeners without too much say because they are animating on ones, but Keyframe animators will definitely have a say.
They actually just released an unflopped version, which I would urge you to read instead.
Pretty much.
Also, the film didn't really target at foreign audience, it was aimed at domestic watchers already familiar with the manga (which was a huge success in Japan at the time).
Japanese producers didn't really give a shit about international distribution until recently, and still most of their production animated or not is primarily aimed at japanese market.
What are they going to have a 'say' on? The work isn't going to get any easier. They still have to draw every frame by hand.
Already saw gits. Loved the ambient, the retrofuturism, the design. It was good but same with akira. Don't get what all the fuzz is abkht.
>At the time, most anime was notorious for cutting production corners with limited animation, such as having only the characters' mouths move with basic lip sync while their faces remained static. Akira broke from this trend with detailed scenes, pre-scored dialogue (wherein the dialogue is recorded before the film starts production and the movements of the characters' lips are animated to match it;[13] a first for an anime production, although the voice actors did perform with the aid of animatics),[8] and super-fluid motion as realized in the film's more than 160,000 animation cels.[12] Computer-generated imagery was also used in the film, primarily to animate the pattern indicator used by Doctor Ōnishi, but it was additionally used to plot the paths of falling objects, model parallax effects on backgrounds, and tweak lighting and lens flares.[8] Unlike its live-action predecessors, Akira also had the budget to show a fully realized futuristic Tokyo.
Uh, the actual conveyance of movement? Do you even animation?
It's heady and meandering, if that ain't your thing thats cool, it just gets a lot of newbies excited.
If you don't mind silly check out FLCL that'll show you the whole other side of the anime spectrum, you can find anything you like in the middle.
FLCL is actually acceptable to watch in english, which is why its always an early recommendation for me, the japanese director actually helped pick the voice cast and the timing and translation is on point.
There is LITERALLY an anime for every person.
You like heady "Kino"? Check out Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Angels Egg, Utena
You like classical literature and sophistication in your stories?
You want Anne of Green Gables, Rose of Versilles and Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Love a good 80's movie and can't get enough of the visual trappings of that decade?
You want Bubblegum Crisis, City Hunter and Dirty Pair
Like wacky American Cartoons? Urusei Yatsura will blow you away.
Action is your game? Gurren Lagann, and Cowboy Bebop gets you right.
Literally any kind of person.
>which will never happen again
>a movie can only be about what the director said its about
have fun at school today, bud
The story was more fleshed out in the manga, but basically it represents an outlook in the future which was partly influenced by Japan's failing economy at the time.
The film glosses over a lot of the story elements that imply this, but the artwork still does enough to convey that feeling of some kind of reconstruction going on.
Sunrise or as the other user said Ghibli could pull it off.
They still have a lot of people from decades ago working with them.
I don't know about Gainax though, I think a lot of their team split up to go into other studios.
Redline looks amazing, but it still falls short of Akira technically.
Nothing about this movie is hard to understand.
You watch Akira for the animation, the story was always shit.
>MFW Kanye West actually thinks Akira is better than Spirited Away
What an idiot.
It's an unfinished piece of garbage. And ridden with deus ex machina, kaneda avoided death like three or four times just because plot
>like wacky american cartoons?
How the fuck did you forget pany and stocking
its what happens when you try to adapt a pretty sizable chunk of manga into a single film
It is an unfinished story, you watch it for the visuals
Superior 90s anime coming through
>movie is too condensed
>manga is too shit
Manga is overrated but still 8/10, get that contrarian shit out of here
Again, nothing about the film is confusing.
>far superior manga
Still pushing this meme, huh?
I love how badly you got owned with these posts
That yo7 didn't even bother to reply. Fucking love witnessing this kind of shit.
could never find a good torrent for this
read the manga. it is GOAT
akira is one of the best movies of all time.
>MFW Kanye West actually thinks
>actually thinks
>uses his fucking brain
>he likes banana pudding and anal sex videos
sex slave that survives the orgies were is this in the manga