ITT: characters who probably did nothing wrong
ITT: characters who probably did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
You think he fucked the dog?
thjat is a dog
le Hitler xd
Wait, what?
such a cute doggy could never do anything wrong :3
>tfw you make a thread and someone else makes a thread inspired by it and their thread is way more successful
just make me into a skinsuit already
Probably my favorite movie doggo ever
The dog obviously raped Buffalo Bill.
That dog caused nothing but problems for the entirety of the movie. I actually remember seeing this film on a date I was on near the time of it's release, and losing an uphill battle with the manager for a refund after the showing had finished.
There's no need to have dogs yapping throughout films, absolutely no need.
You've caused nothing but problems
you, sir, caused nothing but problems for the entirety of your life
Bump to counter other dog thread which is just a copy of this one
ha ha
That's ruff!
My dogs are really barking now
Hot dog!
He probably put peanut butter on his asshole at the very least
That's pretty gross dude
Fucking dog niggers
dogs are such fags
Fuck that bitch deserved everything for harming a poodle
This. How the heck could you harm a poodle
most acurate description of toy poodles to date
Tbh poodles are cutest doggos ever
>tfw you just had to put your doggo down because bad kidney
I legit wanted to see that bitch die for what she did to that poor doggo
if you're a little girl or an old woman.
I have 2 and love them to death but they are ridiculously high maintenance. They are worse than spoiled children.
Fuck you too! What you want to do, scrawny nigga
But I got a arsenal of automatics down to twenty-twos
Know how to use 'em, fight dirty as shit
I throw a grenade and all-in-one bury a clique
perro caca
>tfw $30,000 only kept him alive for two more years
>tfw he jumped on the bed and snuggled next to me right before dying
Stahp. My puppers are 15 and 16. I come to Sup Forums to get away from these feels.
Thats your fault tho they the easiest race to train
desu poodles get a bad rap.
They're more known for being froo-froo status symbols for styling and rich girl purses, when really they're one of the most intelligent breeds out there and come from working backgrounds.
Its their age. Ones blind and the others deaf. The deaf one use the to best behaved but since loosing her hearing shes become very clingy.
You had better take good care of those poodles man
Id give them my blood if it would help. Its hard watching them slowly spiral down.
Both of them
That's the best death your dog could have hoped for, comfy bed best bro next to ya. Good stuff.
i thought Precious was a bichon frise, not a poodle. Bichons are adorable and awesome btw
This thread is making me really emotional, did not come here for these feels
hee hee
Standard poodles yes
Toy poodles are literally worthless and should be eradicated
Agreed. High test white man here who would have a standard in a second. Great doggos
Peanut butter lotion...from the basket..
They are the same you retard if anything you can train a toy breed to be an alarm unlike bigger dogs they have better hering