ITT: Movie Doggos
>tfw Toto is probably dead by now
nigger that dog would be like 40 by now. dogs live 10 years tops
he'd be pushing fucking 90
Thats a yapper not a doggo
Are you kidding me? Why don't you learn a thing or two about dogs before posting in a fucking dog thread you fucking faggot.
Is this bait, or are there people seriously stupid enough not to see the joke here?
>i was just pretending to be retarded
>tfw Judy Garland is probably dead by now
Don't fuck with me.
My grandma has had the same dog for almost 30 years now so I think you're wrong
that's a terrible thing to say about your grandpa
I'm not even him, and I'm explaining this because I have autism. People frequently talk about dogs in fairly recent movies dead because of their short life span, and the jokes was making the same remark about the dog that couldn't possibly be alive now. That's the joke.
What a lame unfunny joke
>this damage control
Three people called him out. It's fine if he's dumb, but don't try to cover for him.
So, you think I am actually the same person who wrote the joke?
No, that's why I said "he" not "you"
Yeah no shit, I'd give him a 5% chance of still being alive AT MOST. He's most likely dead
>le doggo ^_^
lmao im fucking dying
reddit is cats though
Oh. I think it's more plausible that he knew the dog was dead, that he was referencing the fact that people wonder about dogs people dead of much more recent movies, and the joke was wondering about a dog being dead from a much older film where it would be obvious the dog was dead.
I think it's more plausible that his knowledge of dogs is on par with your reading comprehension.
he was assassinated during the filming of the movie
Kill yourself, cats have always been a Sup Forums thing.
DOGGO, DOGE and all the other dog memes are reddit
This meme is not funny and it never was.
probably, dunno tho
real talk, tfw bowie could die at any moment :(
filthy newfaggots
playing a newfag is part of the meme newfag
>all those vintage cuties that died horribly ODing or suiciding
what the fuck was wrong with the 30s-50s?
I wasn't repeating the meme. I just wanted a thread with movie dogs.
Well duh. The movie came out in the 30s. Its very likely the actor that played Toto died by now.
I heard they roasted and served him at the wrap party.
the brightest stars burn the fastest :(
Dying in the 30's-50's > being alive today
>dogs live 10 years tops
In your shitty country. Here it's 14/15
>that dog would be like 40 by now
It's a fairly old meme. but I can't expect a redditor to know about it
>that dog would be like 40 by now
holy shit, user. that was a laugh i didn't know i needed. thnx m8
imblyingggg s4s doesn't exist boyo :)) doge threads are top tier
>that dog would be like 40 by now
but he would be 280 in dog years
RIP queequeg
>Terry the Terrier
he was a mix of doggo and wolf