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The original female Doctor edition

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Will he ever be mentioned again?



Only in Big Finish

We Doctor Now

For sure, I think it'll be happening soon.

Help me out /who/, I've been busy all day so I missed the live thread for the reveal and whoever made couldn't be bothered to link the previous thread. Anyone got it?

How long till BBC bans men from seeing the show because "muh safe space for womyn"?

So what do you think they're going to do with the companion? Will she be female as usual, or will they stir things up and get a male companion to accompany the first female Doctor?

Do you have someone you'd love to see as a companion in S11?

Hold up I thought there was a rule that the Doctor can't be female, or was it black

>we have ruined all these other things and now we have ruined doctor who

It's not even too early to write a Thirteenth Doctor story for Shit Trips Vol 2 entry.

Seriously, Shit Trips Vol 2 needs more entries. I have like, 3 right now.

If we can cast someone as Hartnell why the fuck can't we recast the Valeyard and have a season when the doctor spirals into madness?

>mfw matt smith was the first doctor ti identify as a girl
>myf we saw her ta-tas

Anyone make any money of a bet?

The companion will be a black muslim male. The Doctor will gush on about how quintessentially British he is.

You misunderstand me. I'm not happy they're leaving because they dislike the new female Doctor, I'm happy they're leaving because they're over-dramatic cunts.

Did anyone even BET Jodie?!?!

I think one user won a thousand pounds


>that one user who put 2000bongs on marshall

almost feel bad for him

Good 'ole Daily Mail


Its going to be a male and a female. The male is going to be dumb and ignorant, and the female and the Doctor are going to "educate" him.

Then hes going to die offscreen and the Doctor will be like "finally, i couldnt stand more of his mansplaining"

Screencap this.

Its like only the assholes on both sides get any words in anymore. Like you can't even have a fucking opinion anymore because if its not far to one side or the other your literally the problem.

Lets give her a chance before we react.
>Fucking cuck, literally blacked

I don't like this and wont be watching since it just doesn't look like its aimed at me.
>Shit lord Nazi, YAS QUEEN SLAY, sexless virgin

Can I had a moderate opinion since none of this shit triggers me like everyone else? I don't think i will like its since its looking like pandering now but I will at least give it a shot.

Cheers m8, can't wait to read the asspain.

>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

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>- Can involve any Doctor(s), companion(s), side characters, spinoff characters and beyond, as your heart desires
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>- The main focus is on good fun in the vein of the wiki, although serious entries are allowed. (If you're going to write smut, maybe approach it with a degree of levity)

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christ what a fucking joke

How does The Daily Mail even still exist?

The the Scrapyard?

Don't make yourself broke over an actor who didn't even get cast, kids.

Huge amounts of traffic from America

"One day I shall come back, yes I shall come back, as a woman. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine."

GILF Doctor when?

I felt physically sick when it was announced.

Why have they ruined 55 years of tradition just to say they did?

Yorkshire accent or we riot.

It's over Who is finished.

Moffat’s going though, and Chibnall can actually write women

they're the highest selling paper in Britain

Freedom at last.

how long until someone memes rosenthal as a male companion

Hi, Guess What...

They Finally Revealed Who The 13th Doctor Is For Doctor Who After Peter Capaldi's Departure.....and Yes I Am a Doctor Who Fan and Once You Watch The Video and You See The Doctors Next Form It Will Change Everything.....Because This Doctor Is Different Than All The Rest....You Will Know How Much Different Is This Doctor.......and I Will Give You A Hint About What I Am Talking About.....This Kind of Time Lord Regeneration Has Always Been Planed Ever Sense The 4th Doctors Departure Sometime Between The Late-1970s and Early 1980s and Has Always Been Wanted By Doctor Who Fans Like Myself Because After I Watched The Video I Was So Amazing That I Immediately Became A Big Fan of Doctor Who Once Again and as we all now The 13th Doctor Will 1st Appears In the 2017 Doctor Who Christmas Special The Doctors Before Officially Appearing in Full Force in Doctor Who Series 11 Coming Sometime in Ether Fall 2018 or Spring 2019.......Trust Me...It Will Change Everything You Knew About The Doctor Forever.......
Doctor Who 13th Doctor Reveal (Trust Me On This...It Will Change Everything....This Unique Version of The Doctors Regeneration...Trust Me On This...It Will Change Everything We All Knew About The Doctor Forever...)

Nuff Said.
with thanks and hopes up,
From Your Biggest #1 Fan of all time in the history of the history of all of existince,
Shane W.L. Nokes aka James S.K. Plasma aka Dark-Pulse/Darkimus-Primal/Shadow-Force (Evil Dark Pulse)/Darkness-Destroyer (Original Timeline Future Dark-Pulse)/The-Blue-Dark-Pulse (New Timeline Future Dark-Pulse)

The End.....FOR NOW!!!!

Doesn't matter if he can write women, it matters if he can write the Doctor.

Ugh, more like the highest racists. BAKA.

>55 years of extremely weird plots lines where anything can happen
>something weird happen

It will be great.


because tradition is a mental illness

She doesn't have dibs on being the first Doctor to appear nude anyway

Just watch Pier Paolo Pasolini's Canterbury Tales, you can see Tom Baker's penis in it.

What if he's actually the Doctor in Pete's world?

A man is showrunner and lead writer

I made about £130 from a £20 bet. Put it on on Friday just as Jodie's name started getting tossed around. Pretty happy, feel sorry for anyone who wasted money on Marshall

Hi tumblr

Aah, have we really entered reddit hours already? I thought we had a few hours of proper discussion left.

>55 years of tradition
I mean a lot of tradition was probably ruined when they beheaded Louis XVI too.


Not bothered in the slightest about a woman portraying the doctor

What gets me is half of every episode will be devoted to pointing out The Doctor now has a vagina and how awesome women are instead of just having her do Doctor shit and pimping around time and space.

So, this is going to be part of Whittaker Doctor outfit, right?

>feeling ill over a tv series


Er, we kinda saw it coming with Michelle Gomez being the new master.

>the tradition meme
The Doctor being male has never been tradition, it's been just a thing that happened, not something that HAS to happen.

Tradition is the Doctor banging his assistant behind the scenes, not a male actor.

I took a nap and somehow I dreamed of the first episode of the chinball era
It was shit, it's over, DW is finished.

>never been tradition, it's been just a thing that happened,
This is your brain on reddit.

reminder that I still think something like this should be something 13 should wear, maybe with a little scarf or something

Paul Mcgann is still the cutest Doctor.

Today BBC announce it had chosen who would take on the roll of the main character of its longest running show (possibly the longest running series in the world) Doctor Who.

If you've never seen this show the lead roll only goes by "The Doctor" or "Doctor" they never have an actual character name on the show.

For several seasons through out the 50+ year series the doctor has primarily been a man. Today they announced a woman.

And people are crapping blood on themselves. Some even demand a boycott of BBC.

I am no feminist in any way shape or form. I find feminism a sexist, self victimizing, hateful, brash, and useless movement. I would rather associate myself with an occult than feminism.

On that note I also find it shameful and ridiculous that people are acting like this will change the minds of people at BBC. Second of all what is so wrong with a woman as a lead roll?

Post YFW this is the biggest publicity stunt in human history and she indeed IS the 13th doctor, but she regenerates after a single episode.

>can't refute it
This is your brain when empty

Have dreams ever became real here?

That model is an ugly mess.

That's also a terribly boring costume.

Half of her premiere episode, at best. Most of it will be standard fare and probably better than what we've had under Moffat.

>Curse of the Fatal Death was right about the 13th Doc being a chick
shit...does this mean Master x Doctor at the end as well?

I just went so liberal that I got 20 downvotes on Reddit within 3 minute.

I consider that a remarkable achievement.

Do you guys think Whittaker hates men too? If so, it going to be easy for her to play the Doctor.

Amidst the shitshow, can someone link to where I can watch classic episodes?

I fucking love this general


>cant refute it
I can refute it by showing you the definition of tradition.

>1. the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.
"members of different castes have by tradition been associated with specific occupations"
synonyms: historical convention, unwritten law, oral history, heritage; More
lore, folklore, old wives' tales
"the Chancellor is, by tradition, allowed to bring alcohol into the House on Budget day"
>2. a long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another.
plural noun: traditions
"Japan's unique cultural traditions"
synonyms: custom, practice, convention, ritual, ceremony, observance, wont, routine, way, rule, usage, habit; More
institution, principle, belief;
"the hunt maintains a centuries-old tradition"
>3. an artistic or literary method or style established by an artist, writer, or movement, and subsequently followed by others.
"visionary works in the tradition of William Blake"
synonyms: style, movement, method
"a poem in the tradition of Horace's ‘Ars Poetica’"

See particularly the third definition.

>lead roll
stopped reading there

Nice outfit. I definitely agree and also believe that the BBC will go with something like that. They wouldn't throw Jodie in a frilly dress just because she's a woman. It'll be some sort of variation of a suit, probably with a unique twist to it.

Sydney Newman of all people wanted a female, it was bound to happen one day, especially with Missy and all the references

that's a funny way to spell peter capaldi

You wish, her entire arc will be about her vagina making her better than her previous incarnations.

We need to establish a psychic link with Chibnall.

Even if they never produce another episode it was worth it for all this pissboy butthurt.

Another comedy sketch becoming reality

Get ready for a ton of men are inferior jokes next season

>Knowing the meaning of "Male Tears"
I for one hope so.

Ever since I first got into the show, I've strongly felt that when it comes to Time Lord Regenerations, gender should be locked. Time Lords stay Time Lords and Time Ladies stay Time Ladies. Gallifreyans have always been a stagnant culture and what better example than them not acknowledging transgenders in their own race?

Yes, in this day and age, gender is becoming more fluid and Western Society is becoming more acceptable to those who declare themselves undeclared (is that the right phrase?) and while I don't judge or even care about that, it doesn't change how I feel about this recent development with the Doctor.

I know people have been pushing for a Female Doctor for decades, but I blame Neil Gamen for this. He had the 11th Doctor mention a Time Lord with both he and she pronouns in one episode and that was the first nail in the coffin for me.

Despite this being a strong issue with me, I didn't get angry when the announcement came. Because I knew it was inevitable. Sooner or later, the BBC was going to be stupid and have the Doctor be a woman. And sure enough, shit happened. It's like when I had to have a root canal, I hated going but canceling wasn't an option so just get the stupid pain over with.

And since the current companion is a guy, that probably means we're STILL going to have the ridiculous Doctor/Companion romantic tension!!

The ONE positive point in this slop is that since the Doctor basically has infinite regenerations and has discarded all the past Time Lord rules about rengenerations, it makes more sense that turning into a woman is now an option as opposed to pre-Time-War and stuff. Finding at least one logical point amidst the idiotic helps a little.

So in conclusion, BBC, I hate what you did and hope it bombs so that you will never try it again in my lifetime. But whatever, I'm gonna ignore the show for now.

I had a great link on archive.org with all DW classic, however my HDD died, so I don't have it anymore.

>Doctor regenerates into a gril played by someone who has no objections to going nude on TV
>Goes topless in a scene
>All the SJWs implode because you're supposed to be ashamed of your body and seeing someone topless will irreparably harm the children in ways that the idea of being still concious after death won't
Bring on the Almandine Age of Doctor Who


d-does it mean precum


she has a fucking husband


wasn't Matt Smith naked with Eva Green in a movie once

After getting some sleep in a more comfortable place, I came to a better decision. I'm going to remain optimistic and continue watching the show. The show is built on change after all, and to not watch the show just because there is a female doctor now wouldn't be giving her a fair shake. I've read some of the interviews she's done about landing the role, and she seems like a reasonable woman. It's my hope that she isn't going to become a feminist mouthpiece, and I hope that Chibnall writes better ways of talking about that sort of thing than Moffat did. So I am going to watch series 11 with Jodie as the Doctor, and I am going to remain optimistic about her approach to the role. I am very glad that if it was going to be a woman, it wasn't some 19 year old Matt Smith tumblr wannabe. At least this is an older woman with actual acting experience, and for that I'm grateful.

>watching the cis white shitlord version
Ugh, what's wrong with you?
If it helps, this is what I use when I want to point out examples of heteronormative patriarchal hegemony:
vk com/page-5742320_26939298

>this much autistic rage to essentially say he's disappointed but will give s11 a chance

He was naked at least once in actual Doctor Who also but nobody cared because he's male.

This is the dumbest misinterpretation of that definition imaginable. Did you even fucking read it? "In the tradition of william blake" = works done in the style and following in the footsteps of william blake. If anything doctor who in the "tradition of its creator Sydney Newman" involves casting a female doctor because thats what newman said should happen