>I bypassed the character development
what did she mean by this?
I bypassed the character development
Other urls found in this thread:
>writes male character
>makes it female
what did hollywood mean by this?
kill yourself immediately
>writes bland, soulless character
>arbitrarily makes her female in a bid to get more money
>realizes shes shit and tacks on a 'super secret mysterious backstory' to make her more important and maybe help explain away how capable she is, despite growing up an orphan in a wasteland and receiving no education whatsoever
What did Disney mean by this?
Thats bullshit, she was always female. Ripley from Alien is a character written male played by a female.
"Oi m8 I boipussed the cumpressah!"
what did she mean by this?
daily reminder that you're all sexist
I don't understand the character development complaint. She has a lot of character development. That's what TFA got right and the prequels got wrong. Not discussing her past is not lack of character development. Her present character has tons of development. That's the all that matters for the movie.
>She has a lot of character development
Ahh so I see you didn't watch the movie.
How can you be this clinically retarded and still able to breathe?
Prove me wrong. Her character development is throughout the whole film through her dialogue and the way she interacts with other characters. It's called showing instead of telling. That's how good characters are written.
you should probably go back plebbit
>Prove me wrong.
Maybe provide examples instead of saying >she has character developement over and over again in your posts.
Ahh so this is bait. Good to know.
Fuck off with this bad bait
not an argument
She looks fatter in the new movie promos.
There is not character development at all. If there were you would provide an example. Anakain has more character development and inner struggle in each individual prequel movie alone.
Okay, so how does her character develop?
How does her character change from the start to the end?
Neither is le prove me wrong.
She gets new powers along the way without trying and whoops white boys ass at the end, fuck off hater.
I know it'd delicious, isn't it?
Nah, fat people are a disservice to society and themselves if were being completely honest.
>anakin has more character development and inner struggle
found the low iq millennial
She's not fat though.
shes goings to end up looking like her mother, kek
>They are saving all her development for when it is revealed she was the chosen one all along
>All that stuff that came before was just to get you ready for the STRONGEST CHOSEN REY and her story
>But we had to cut it for penguins but she is basically the real Anakin trust us guys
Sigh, why cant they make their own things.
t. Kathleen Kennedy
*movie is 2hrs 15m of Daisy Ridley running like a retard*
What did they mean by this?
She clearly means that she's so good she doesn't need unnecessary character development. Bitch is true kino.