Best girl Myrcella edition
/got/ general
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Azor Jon
This show is such fucking garbage now. The only reason i watch it is because that fat fuck is gonna die before he finishes the superior books.
I'm making some Shepard's Pie and grilled Leeks, what are you faggots making?
best ded girl amirite?
friendly reminder to all summerfags
When is s7 starting?
Azor Jorah
Are you ready?
You wanna rethink that one, faggot?
is grrm an elite writer?
Fun fact, Myrcella is legitimately a slut IRL.
This is suprisingly accurate
1st for Lich King scourging through Westeros
>suffered a bit
>based Selmy in low
Euron's intro scene was great. The Kingsmoot sucked balls, but if he kills the sneks this season, I'm willing to accept him as a fanfic Euron.
>not ruined by the show
>gets shanked by like 4 not even good men
i cant get over how hard they raped jaime in the ass
>all characters who died early in the books are good
I'm going to buy a double bacon cheeseburger and chocolate milkshake from Schoop's
put jaime in good-tier, hes entertaining meme character, Dany is cancer-tier put tyrion in low-tier (for whats it worth he was entertaining for 4 seasons /3 books and GRRM also ruined him)
Otherwise good job
GoT Leak Reminder: Tyrion is Azor & the Warlock's use Drogo's ashes with petrified dragons egg to create a monster to go after Dany. Save it while you can HBO keeps having it removed from reddit and Sup Forums.
Boi what the fuck are you talking about?
Davos is /ourguy/
Friendly reminder that it's always summer in /got/.
Please remember the following:
Tywin was NOT poisoned by Oberyn
Quentyn is NOT alive
Sandor Clegane is NOT the faith's champion
Syrio Forel is NOT alive and is NOT Jaqen H'ghar
Howland Reed did NOT warg Arthur Dayne
Jojen is NOT paste
Benjen is NOT alive and is NOT Coldhands
Daario is NOT Euron
Septa Lemore is NOT Ashara Dayne
Tysha is NOT the Sailor's Wife
>watch at 6 in SD
>or wait until 9 and see it in HD
>killed 12 men on his own
>the best death for a knight in the show
At least he got a proper exit.
Charles Dance is the only reason season 2-4 are watchable
What was so great about him anyway? He just stood there when ned got fucked. He couldt protect Robert on the hunt.
Fucking boring character as well.
2 hours right?
>it takes 20 good men and a strong womyn to kill stannis
>not alive
you can't fool us, george
Is the episode out now?
hey guys, never read the books
just posting to say i will be coming back to these threads today :3
Torrent in the morning.
>God tier characters died before D&D managed to ruin them
I remember back in the first seasons my fear was that a character i liked would be killed, now i hope they do kill them out of pity.
I feel like tyrion should be in ok tier. Book tyrion is one of /Ourguys/ and he's pretty decent in the first season or two. But then you have modern 'no cock xD' tyrion
Does the whole "When I search for him all I see issnow" thing fall apart now that Jon's not really a Snow
You guys actually hate Tyrion? He was the reason why s2 was so good.
do you think this could possibly be worse than season 5?
>do I fit in yet guys?
which timezone re you talking about?
6 in SD and then spoil it here and then 9 in HD
I've got shitty fucking work tomorrow and I know everyone's going to be talking about so I don't want the nigger enablers to spoil shit for me but I also want to get drunk and play diablo tonight
>quick nap before the show
>3 entire threads to read
>tfw have to wait tommorow morning for the torrent
who else here /poor/?
>sansa is bad maymay
I want reddit to leave
>Tywin was NOT poisoned by Oberyn
>Quentyn is NOT alive
>Sandor Clegane is NOT the faith's champion
this would look retarded agreed
>Syrio Forel is NOT alive and is NOT Jaqen H'ghar
>Howland Reed did NOT warg Arthur Dayne
who the fuck defended that
>Jojen is NOT paste
>Benjen is NOT alive and is NOT Coldhands
he might be alive
>Daario is NOT Euron
>Septa Lemore is NOT Ashara Dayne
m-maybe it is
>Tysha is NOT the Sailor's Wife
it could be this one will be open forever
fucking this, Its a shame, GRRM's best chapters all-time were the Jaime AFFC, and NCW is the perfect actor. They fucking ruined Jaime because its the current year and Cersei must be portrayed as sympathetic no katter how illogical and unreasonable such a portrayal is
user pls.
S5 will be to S7 what S1 was to S5.
>sansa is good
go back
Tyrions fine, this place is just edgy as fuck
Leaks confirmed, Tyrion is Azor!
Huge joints of roast aurochs, great roasted onions dripping brown gravy, rich lamprey pies, trenchers of steaming beef, capon, blood sausage, heels of black bread, lemon cakes and cold fruit soup.
You're just being a contrarian faggot.
it'll never not be funny how showtard come in a few hours before the show is airing again and make comments about "fitting in" to people who have been there and posting that shit for 9 months during the offseason.
>who the fuck defended that
there was a time a couple years ago where 2 shills were shilling this super hard
For Hbo Now will it tell me its live and refresh or how does it work?
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
i'll give you a pity (You) but youve posted it in like the last four threads without anyone responding to you.its just pathetic. quit it
this, I miss off-season already
>viserys is shit
>tywin is a kike, good acting tho
>cersei is the typical "muh family"
>jamie's (theon's too) arc was godtier, overshadowed by 'muh stronk wymmin' (daenerys, cersei and yara)
white people all look the same
who is Azor?
>read so many different leaks I don't even know which are the real ones anymore
They ruined Stannis.
He was going great until he burned his daughter and then got killed.
>defending shit tier writing and character motivation
who are you quoting?
Who the fuck thinks Sandor is the Faith's champion? He's pretty obviously digging graves on the Quiet Isle.
anyone else paying the new cookie clicker update while waiting?
Am I supposed to be impressed you've been shitposting here for a year, kid?
literally EVERY strong and positive character at this point in the show is a woman. I'm not even mad, it's just too one-sided and ridiculous.
if you are an important good guy and a man, and not a moron, you have to be either physically or mentally incapable of fitting the traditional alpha male category, and you must be a supporting character to the female lead
>one exception may be Jon Snow
eh, he isn't the smartest and has the emotional control of a toddler. also, don't forget that his sister warned him about Ramsay and he got himself almost killed because he didn't listen to her.
if fact he only survived because.. right, his sister, the strong intelligent young woman got knights of the Veil to come and save his ass.
other than Jon, who is only alive because of Melisandre, and then again because of his sister, every person with any power or clearly moving towards acquiring power that isn't evil, is a woman.
the story even fulfills the dream of every 3rd wave feminist screeching about smashing the patriarchy:
>Bobby B dies first, essentially a caricature of a man as seen by a progressive feminist, in that he drinks, whores and eats himself into a stupor, while being the epitome of "toxic masculinity" and "power+privilege" and having no apologies for it
>Ned dies next, the "good father" archetype, also member of the establishment patriarchy, even though begrudgingly a good guy; still not bright enough, clinging to his old ways
>Tywin dies on a fucking shitter, the intelligent evil patriarchy archetype killed off
>Greyjoy dies to free the way for his daughter to go after his throne now (yeah, the uncle is a plot device to show how strong she is and how she will fight and win her salt throne)
>Martell dies killed by strong women who will lead Dorn now
>Even the fucking imbecile Tyrell is killed off, even though he's the member of the old circle of rulers in name only
ALL of the patriarchs of the main houses are killed off!
>implying not all of them are true
Nice try.
Where can I live stream it?
link to stream?
>not being manipulated by red whore
>and qyburn not manipulating cersei
At least you tried
the stupidity of /got/ knows no bounds.
no one cares about books you contrarian retard
nothing a few bandages and soup can't fix
its just a condensed version of the leaks that can be found fucking everywhere with google. The only problem i see with them is that the fire meeting at the end happens at the dragonpit at kings landing isntead of dragonstone. The leaks have been true for years so I have no reason to not believe these.
>mfw FROM THE DUSTY MESAposter is back
There's a big pasta floating around about why he was great. Basically he is a tragic hero, honourable to a fault, failed a couple of time and suffered internally, made up for it in the end of his life by serving Kelly C. Greatest swordsman alive. The perfect knight if you will.
He served his king when Ned got shrek'd, but later realized Joffrey was not the king and the mistake he had made. Redeeming himself by serving the rightful Queen was the only way he saw. The hunt was not his fault.
He was also played excellently on the show and one of the few actors that was a fan of the books before taking the role, gotta respect that.
>2 men and a plot shielded woman
It better be D2 LoD and not D3
In the show maybe
use google you lazy cunts
This 100%