Gunnerkrigg Court


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The fact she's blond and not red really bothers me.


She was red when she was a fairy.

increase the lesbians

Lesbians is the new standard for webcomics. Comics have like 3 lesbian pairings for each straight one.

>post yfw Annie doesn't name her "Blue"

>implying she isn't going to be named Sappho

Yeah there's no way she's naming her Blue.

She'll name her Brown.

>Annie does name her Blue.
>Red comments at Annie is shit at names.
>Then proceeds to knock her to the ground and kick her in the stomach repeatedly whilst Blue laughs.

I called the police.

That would be nice of her.
Annie needs to learn just how awful she is.
Sadly, Red isn't that nice.


I want everyone to spit in Annie's mouth whenever she opens it.

i don't want to do that

but she wants you to

You wouldn't want to help her be a better girl?
That's not very nice of you.

Is her name going to be Blue?

no, it's going to be Red Too

She's not red at all. Annie is Red, too

How would spitting help her become a better person?

She'd stop opening her mouth.

She'll name her Dot.

But then nobody would be able to put their dick in her mouth! They have to put their dicks in her nose, or ears...

She'd stop talking, is what I meant.
Obviously she'd still service everyone.

I feel like lower left Annie should be on a blue background glaring at a computer screen.

>some other shadow guy
Hey what the fuck ever happened with that

He dead.

I want fics.
Fics of Annie being a good girl.

will granpappy give her a werthers original?

I know Tom's a fucking troll, but he wouldn't do that.

Only if she's REALLY good.

Whenever I read "Shadow 2" I pause for a moment to try to remember if there was another shadow person, only to realize that Annie is simply retarded at naming things.
And everything else, really, as well.

She'd have to get As in all her classes, practice an instrument, keep her shoes polished and go to church every Sunday.

Yeah. He's called Shadow 2 because #1 was her own.

Because she apparently named her own shadow. And she named it "Shadow", to boot.
Annie is retarded.

I wish I had an Annie to raise to be a good girl.

She was but then the Court allowed her to amount a long history of cheating charges, so they could blackmail her loving father with her future.

I imagined something like this except less ridiculous. Annie will name her Blue and have a proud look on her face, then Blue will hate the name and both she and Red will berate her for it.

Dont insult me or try to kill my waifu agsin

Heh, that actually happened.

>Tony is still waiting for his apology from Tumblr

>Tony deserves an apology because he had a good reason to be a traumatizing asshole

You wish you had a daddy as good as Tony.

Why do I hear Red's voice as Rainbow Dash?

Abandon me for years then embarrass me in front of class and infantilize me?



You heard me, faggot.

Because you've been a bad girl and you need to be put straight.


In all seriousness his only fault was thinking Annie wouldn't want anything to do with him and not moving on from Surma's passing.

>it was Surma's wish for Annie to enrol at the Court.
>He broke all contact because the Court were watching him everywhere.
>Not only was he was tricked into putting Annie in a coma but was grateful that Zimmy stopped him when he realised what he was doing.
>Rescued by the Court, they threaten to expel Annie from the entire school system just before graduation if he doesn't return and put her in check.
>Under enough emotional pressure from all of this, he snaps from seeing his daughter wearing his dead wife's makeup like some sick joke. Instantly regrets it after.

But hey, you know Tumblr and their 'emotions' that are more important than facts. There were enough a few people blaming Tom for giving Tony sympathetic reasons for what happened.

>his only fault was
Taking his emotional problems out on. His. Child. Rather than taking a minute to right himself in public and self-flagellate in private.

The world was literally spinning around him. when it was doing that for Annie, she almost murdered Elgamore in a wall of fire.

Show me somebody who says they never said something they regret to a loved one and I'll show you a liar.

He? Is a grown fucking up. She? Is not. I'm slightly more forgiving of Annie fucking up while being a child than Anthony fucking up while being an adult.

Well shit, I didn't realise grown ups were robots that never EVER suffer emotional distress.

>it's less forgivable when adults fuck up
>naturally this means they're never allowed to

He fucked up and was sorry for it. What else to you want? Dragging him across the street by his legs?

She needs to be corrected.

Did he apologize to the person he wronged? No.

Did he take steps to ensure he doesn't make that mistake again? No.

Has he done anything that shows he's actually sorry? Just got drunk and maudlinly talked about it.

Maybe it's something to do with his disabilities with talking to people that Tom has shown many times now?

Is your solution for people with tourettes syndrome to repeatedly wash their mouths with soap?



Probably the solution is that autists shouldnt breed

is that why you are alone?

>Rescued by the Court, they threaten to expel Annie from the entire school system just before graduation if he doesn't return and put her in check

Someday I'm going to have to forgive Tom for plotting his comic so that Annie's graduation-podium humiliation didn't happen, but telling me enough about it that I can imagine the scene well enough to know what was lost. Someday.

Kill yourself, Annie.

What the fuck is wrong with these threads

Annie doesn't seem to be a very popular character.

No, I think it's the contrary, actually.
She's way too popular.
But that's a good thing.

>no one likes early stoic dom annie anymore

We need more smut.

I know she's my favorite character.

If only we still had a writefriend user...

I'm sure you could write something, user - just remember to have fun with it!