>movie night, order pizza
>pic related arrives
>*woof woof* "that'll be 19.95, plus tip"
wat do?
>movie night, order pizza
>pic related arrives
>*woof woof* "that'll be 19.95, plus tip"
wat do?
get laid and eat pizza
Keep the puppers. Tell Dominos my pizza never arrived.
holy cr*p a talking dog!
This some good bud, the dog is talking
>plus tip
give him a treat, he obviously wants a treat
that dog is probably dead by now
Dogs are pretty cool so i'll tip him
Keep the pizza and dog.
Hey I didn't ask for pupperoni!
push him over and take the pizza for free
he is a dog what will he do?
Walk away barking
Congratulate his brother's successful film career and then pay him
What else?
You have to tip bro. Just give him $2 bucks and call a pizza place that's not that one. Just keep a list of ones you've already cheapskaped
pay the 1995 then give him pets of course
Check behind the bushes and chastise the man for being so childish.
wat u stupid docc
plz, no bully the doggo
my dogs been wanting to get a job, the puppy johns near me won't hire him because he's not house trained and has no previous work experience. what the fuck? he's not going in to owners houses. they said the best they could give him is sign holding duty. :/
> I'm sorry. I may be barking up the wrong tree here, but I think that price will be too ruff on my wallet.
Let him eat the pupperoni
>It's not some midnight man
>It's not a drooling teenager
I would pet the doggo tell him he is a good boy then tip generously and leave a glowing 5 star review.
considering how old this pic is, yeah.
"Here's a tip, get a better job that pays you a proper wage".
Where's the extra jalaperro
its okay i wont push that hard, doggos are dummies and he will think we are playing, then i shut door with my pizza and he will forget what he is doing and chase a squirrel and be happy
Rub some peanut butter on my benis.
>my pizza arrive
>stupid cat thinks it is time to fucking shit
>can't ignore the smell of cat shit
>pizza is getting cold
thank you cat
If you've never been fucked by a dog you're missing out.
Take the pizza while my pit bull fucks up that retard pussy dog
Yo quiero taco bell
Keep the dog and return the pizza
*bites you*
>I said that'll be $19.95 PLUS TIP, NOW PAY UP BITCH
What do you do?
*stomps your dumb dog head in*
>amberlamps doge face when he sees the carnage
Killing a dog over pizza, what has the world come to
>push him over
Have you ever actually tried to make a dog lose its balance? It ain't easy.
What are some kinos about best friends?
you have to go back
Basically impossible unless you pick him up or shove very, very hard with a full leg push.
could i just do a leg sweep and trip him?
Dogs are freakishly stout for their size weight.
He'll just side-step/dodge/catch his balance while you fall on your ass.
well Sup Forums you have convinced me to not bully the dog, it is too much work. i pay the 19.95 and give him a big fat peanut butter covered tip
fuck the pizza, eat the dog
>hand over 20
>keep the change
chill and eat pizza with the talking doggo
*pats him on the head*
*speak to him in a Russian accent*
You see! Ungle Bennis! You are good dog, yes? ok. Praise. You are of spurdo of Finlan:DDD ok? Braise to you, fuck off, little jew.
*flip him off*
*shoo him away*
>im a f*rry
>rape the doge