Everybody knows, you sting someone you die. You don't waste it on a squirrel

everybody knows, you sting someone you die. You don't waste it on a squirrel.

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What did he mean by this?

I want an answer! And I want to watch the movie again to get that in better context.

Only wasps die, and only if they sting humans

I heard it was bumblebees.

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of bees.

That's bumblebees. Wasps can sting you from the day they're born to the day they die, and it won't kill them.

Nah user, wasps bite you with their mandibles, no limit there.

Nah, it's bees. They die because they leave their stinger and venom sack in the victim.

>wasps can cause absolute misery and not suffer any respite because of it, even though they're useless asshole pests
>based bees, who pollinate our flowers and help nature, die if they try to defend themselves

Wasps as just sexier bees

Alright, fine
but my point was that ants have no reason to avoid stinging
and i'm still pretty sure it's just stinging humans that make bees lose their stinger

Not just humans, but you're on the right track. In thicker skinned animals, such as mammals, the stinger gets stuck due to barbs. Against other insects, it doesn't.

Humanity needs to put aside its petty bullshit and come together to eradicate wasps.

Wasps are afraid of my dog because he actually tries to eat them. One snap and they fuck off from the yard.

>they dont realize its a bee movie joke

I'm bumping this nearly dead thread just to say fuck you.

people actually waste space of their brain to remember bee movie quotes?

Wasps are annoying, but Hornets are just pure utter misery personified.

Wait a minute, ants can sting?

This so much. Wasps once crashed a plane with no survivors

Is it bad I've never been stung by a wasp in my life?

No. Wasps are insect murder machines. You just need to make sure they're murdering other insects and not you.