As Fucked up as it is, I think Draper might be the most moral character.
Who is the Most Moral Mad Men Character?
Pete Campbell
Format your Fucking hard drive!
Pete did literally nothing wrong the entire run of the show and ended up getting everything he ever wanted
how can you say it was Don when Sal exists as a character?
I would argue that Ken was the worst person that worked there.
Other than having multiple affairs and exploiting his father in law? I don't really have a problem with what Pete did, but if you're looking at morality through an objective lens, he did things wrong.
Bob even though he was a degenerate
Salvatore was the least horrible of them. He was even decent.
Homosexuality is a sin
Ken right?
You MotherFucker. Ken was the worst person by far. He was the dick making the most money doing the least work. He sexually assaulted women. He was creepy to Draper's secretary.
He was the guy that seemed decent on the surface but pure evil to the core.
Joan is, obviously. She's the most moral and has the two biggest morals, hanging there and reminding us every second how moral she is.
Honestly, even if he is a Randian Hentai-Lover, Bert Cooper is the ONLY person who didn't do anything reprehensible
Constant affairs, shitting on other people to make himself feel better, unable to own up to his own fuck ups
Affairs, leaving his wife for younger women, spent years doing literally nothing and inherited his business but was jealous when Pete was earning his way to the top through hard work
Affairs and being arrogant/entitled for most of the early seasons. Probably ended up as the most moral by the end though.
I think she cheated a couple of times I don't remember, didn't do a whole lot wrong aside from expecting Don to hand her things
Constantly a stuck up bitch
Started out as an asshole then turned into the nicest guy on the planet, then back to being an asshole (with good reason though). If he chose to walk away from the firm after the merger and write his books or whatever he'd be number 1 for sure, but he used it as an oppurtunity for revenge.
Even though he acted like an asshole, he was actually one of the most consistently moral and loyal people in the firm. Even when Cutler was handing him the world on a plate Harry stuck up for Don (I actually noticed that the whole reason they sold SC&P to McCann was because Roger thought Harry would vote with Cutler to kick Don out. Harry had already promised Don he would do whatever he could to keep him in the firm, if Roger knew that then things would have turned out much differently)
>Jim Cutler
Scheming asshole, though arguably doing everything in the best interest of the firm
Dave Algonquin was the only one with actual talent.
Pretty nice guy, but cheated on his wife and fucked with Peggy's emotions, then got depressed
Other than 'muh degeneracy' memes I would argue he did kind of emotionally abuse his wife, pretending to love her just to hide his sexuality you could tell really messed her up
Pretty cold businessman, pretty similar to Jim except Bert doesn't really do a whole lot.
Childish and a pretty shitty mother, I guess she technically didn't cheat but what she did was hardly much better
Didn't really do a whole lot wrong other than be an insufferable cunt. Don was definitely a bad influence and brought out the worst in her.
>Lane Pryce
Cheated (or was very close to cheating i don't remember if it was explicitly shown) but at this point that seems like the norm. His forgery was pride and embarrassment rather than malice and he was definitely treated worse by the rest of the firm than he deserved.
Absolutely perfect, did nothing wrong and is objectively best girl
I'd say overall it was Peggy and Harry. Sal, Lane and Megan could be considered victims of their circumstances.
This is the only correct answer
If by sexual assualt you meant when he slapped ladies butts and whatnot, everyone did that at the time
She gave Don the tips about Heinz which she was totally not allowed to do
During the Kennedy/Nixon watch party he wrestled one of the girls to the ground and forcefully pulled her dress up so he could see what color of underwear she was wearing.
It's too bad there is nothing on T.V. currently anywhere near as good as this show was.
What a playful scamp!
duck u plebs
She was laughing the whole time.
Also, she was a slut. She was asking for it
You MotherFucker.