Reminder that fetuses have no brain activity until the 6th week, never achieve anything close to consciousness...

Reminder that fetuses have no brain activity until the 6th week, never achieve anything close to consciousness, and don't have the capacity to feel pain until the 28th week.

Abortion is equivalent to stepping on a plant.


If abortion is equivalent to stepping on a plant, why are women having miscarriages sad OP?


It's mostly blacks who get abortions.

By that reasoning anyone in a coma should be left to die

In fact that'd be a better use of your reasoning that abortion, since a fetus has a much greater chance of one day being a functioning member of society than someone in a coma has of completely recovering

Of course, ultimately this is all justification after the fact and all you're really bothered about is being able to have consequence-free sex on a whim like the hedonistic, irresponsible teenager you never matured beyond


>using women's emotions as the premise for an argument

I knew France was cucked, but sacre blue

>thinks plants don't have consciousness
picked a really bad analogy there user, i'd say either fetuses do have awareness or you need to start comparing them to rocks.

What is this image supposed to make me feel or think? Do the people that staged it think I'm too retarded to realize that fetuses are small or something?

My point was that women's emotions decide if a fetus is the most important thing on Earth or just a lump of cells, not the development stage of that fetus.

I support euthanasia for people that literally have zero chance of getting out a coma too.

If abortion is the equivalent of stepping on a plant, then how can a person be charged with two murders for killing a pregnant woman?

>Thinking plants have consciousness

Just because drug addled delusions make you think everything living has consciousness doesn't make it true.

anti-abortionists are horrible people who support the continuation of shit parenting cycle. they believe they punish the parents by being against abortion and pro child but in fact (yes the FACTS) show that the ultimae consequence payer is the child for life.

Laws are unjust, tell it to a judge

Okay, but I still don't enjoy seeing images of it.

So it is alright if I kill you OP? You clearly have no brain activity going on.

People in a permanent vegetative state are basically dead and the only thing keeping them alive is a machine.

So yes they should be let go to continue their dreamless sleep.

so if a woman decides her 5 year old is just a lump of cells she should be able to murder him?

trying to base an argument on a woman's emotions is like trying to build a house on quicksand

No shit, you arent supposed to. Its not an enjoyable act but its a necessary evil. Keeps the nigger and bogan/lower class from reproducing too much


actually by that reasoning people in a coma should be left to die if their family decide to. Which they are.

I love this argument. Everyone is already a 1 in a million chance of the right sperm with the right egg at the right time. Whats reducing the odds a bit more going to hurt

I just think that stupid bitches that get themselves pregnant by """accident""" shouldnt be allowed to back out of it whenever their please

Why not? Most of the time they're very unprepared to be parents, and their fuckup kids hurt the society.

a person who is asleep won't be conscious nor feel pain if you inject them with anaesthetic until they overdose.

does that make it ok to kill them like that?

No, because we expect that in the future that person who is asleep will regain consciousness.
just like we expect that in the future, that zygote or embryo will be a conscious human baby.

intentionally killing an embryo or zygote is intentionally killing a human being.

Canada, stop acting like a retard.
>women's emotions decide if a fetus
I wasn't talking about 5 years old here.

And I'm not basing an argument on women's emotions, I'm just saying that women's emotions are the final word in the debate over whether a fetus is a individual being that should be respected or not.

So it doesn't really matter if fetuses have consciousness or not. What matters is whether the potential mother sees the fetus as a blessing or a blight. Not because I say so, not because I want it or not but because modern society made it that way.

Fetus don't get aborted or not because they are more or less conscious but because they are potential burden that is more or less unbearable. This is our society, this is our culture of death.

My problem with pro-life is that these people actually think that death is the worst fate possible. It's just a clear indication of how clueless they are of what being poor and superfluous is actually like.

These people fight over how "all life is important" but then when it comes to the latest police shooting they'll just shake their heads and say "the world is going crazy" without seeing how their dumb, emotion-based opinions are causing more problems for people.

You had careless sex, you pay for it. When they become a parent they cant afford being irresponsible anymore and will have to get a job and shit and actually become useful than being party animals, which im sure most of the unplanned parents are. Your point is only valid in america and other Black enhabitated counries, where less Born negroes = better

babies up to 24 months should be abortable

