Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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>tfw I was basically that kid in middle/high school
Thank god the internet wasn't what it is now 15 years ago.
>was the loser who thinks he's funny so I always cracked jokes that were either to so esoteric or just flat out not funny
>wore a fedora on occassion
>wore a black trenchcoat all winter long
>quoted poetry to girls to show how "deep" I was
>wrote fanfiction, complete qith ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL
>on one occassion, wrote an erotic X-men fanfic
Thank god I figured out how asinine I was before college and thank god social media didn't exist. My wife asks why there are no pictures of me in my teens and I tell her I was just shy...she doesn't know I threw them all away in my 20s.
The world was a better place with message boards around. Social Media made this place too fragile and PC.
You were able to hide behind a username and some picture of Anakin Skywalker, yet you were still scared that the name of Machoman1996 could be smudged by something stupid you said. But, it never affected your real life. Where you were likely a loser anyways. But it couldn't have gotten worse which nowadays is much more likely
>pronouncing it "meem" instead of "meh-meh"
When my son starts getting into social media I'm gonna sit him down and have him watch a bunch of videos like this.
And I'm gonna say "Jamal, before you post something online watch it like 3 times and decide whether or not it's a good idea."
Back in the G4 message board days I got into an argument with Chris Hardwick. Shit always makes laugh, my username was PoopAss or something. I miss old internet.
At least you're conscious enough that you'll only have your wife's son to teach this for
i'm saying this for the betterment of humanity. fucking off yourself
I know I'm overthinking, but I really don't want my child having access to social media
But I know his fucking teachers will push it in on their students in school, with fucking ipads and laptops and such
All his friends will be on facebook or something too
Both kids are spergs that sadly think they are better than the other, when in fact both parties are probably "loser" outcasts at school.
Yeah I don't want him to do it either but it's fairly inevitable in today's world.
Best I can do is at least teach him to be responsible with it.
>ipads and laptops
How technology-driven are your schools, only our highest educational institutes / A-level high schools have access to that
How old is this clip? Both are probably seniors now
I concur
Do it
that fucking normie didnt even understand the basic culture of the internet
clearly our guy in the brown is right. He even has an iPad
Beat your child into submission so much that it will become a shut-in and use the internet to escape. This way, it will likely develop an internet identity before social stigmas come into place.
lol however it's likely he'll use his real name everywhere anyways because most sites nowadays either want you to link through googlemail or facebook, or want your real name
The only way out of this is by giving him access to Sup Forums. At least then you can ask, "son did you shitpost in my thread again" and beat his ass for it.
I genuinely love that video, it is the best cringe video on the Internet
I feel like that kid sums up everything wrong with Reddit and those kids who tape him sum up everything wrong with this site. There are no winners in that video and everyone is equally terrible.
Art in its purest form
It's apparently from 2013
2013 was 4 years ago
At university they blew our department's budget on ipads instead of laptops, getting a computer anywhere was hell and ipads were fucking useless for reasearch and writing
I'm not sure if they're common in schools yet, but I@m sure they will be by the time he starts
>tfw Sup Forums is udder shit now and children of the future will never know the glory of anomalous
I feel sorry for them
There's literally no need for pads in the first place, they're oversized phones and have no actual necessity, especially over notebooks. What kind of backwards logic has this university been using.
Fuck knows, most universities are shit now anyway
so your wife is gonna get knocked up by a black guy, or something?
or did that already happened?
Le good old days xDdd
Sup Forums has always been exactly what it's like now - mildly shit
They give out chrome books at the high school I work at. They fucking suck and three niggers got caught stealing them last school year alone kek
so noone is gonna post the original video?
here you go fag
My brother's school gave out iPad's to students when they began A-levels. Some kids showed up on the first day to collect their iPad's, then never went back to school.
iPad's are also given out to every 3rd year medical student at my university. I haven't got one yet to see the reason for it though. Every examiner during OSCE'S had one as well. Apple must be loving it.
>calls black students niggers
>teacher is the only profession at a high school
>spic janitor calling the soon-to-be university educated students 'niggers'
It all makes sense.
we wuz scholars n sheeit
The only non-worthless blacks at my university were always the students from places like Nigeria or Ethiopia.
>janitor and teacher are the only professions at a high school
Are you retarded? Movies and Marijuana have fried your brain.
My high school had those back a few years ago.
>At work
>Coworkers talking about memes
>At house
>Roommates talking about memes
>Go over to see parents
>Mom talking about memes
>Go to pet my cat
>mfw I'm a meme
Am I right in assuming that 99% of the activity logged on these school-granted iPads is some combination of Pornhub and social media? Seems like a gross waste of taxpayer money
No, kids usually just use their phone and ignore the ipads. I'd say about half the class actually uses it and the other half just fucks around on their phones.
muricans like to spend money on cool gadgets instead of having a good faculty.
This. They're trying to upgrade technology so much that in Georgia, a lot of schools are doing away with whiteboards completely.
why have a $5 whiteboard when a $6000 state of the art multimedia system can do the job just as well
Exactly, when it comes to white boards you just have to buy the board once and buy some markers. With the new SMART boards, you have to buy the board for 6,000 for every classroom (against the teacher's will), and buy the expensive projector bulbs for another 500 dollars each. Money exchanges hands and you get to say that you helped upgrade the schools in the region.