/who/ Jane Bond General


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>going out and assuming how the show is going to be from now on
>this is why you hate it
So the only reason you dislike it is because of this idea that you've built up in your head?

living in the UK must be just sad

Continuing the discussion of what honorific should be used when addressing the new Doctor.

I'm all on board with Doctress.

Doctrix sounds pretty Sci-Fi and in keeping with the theme of the show too.

>He doesn't know Moffat is leaving
Top fucking kek

Tumblr ruined another show.
Tumblr already ruined Sherlock and Arrow.

Are they unstoppable?

>threads are gradually turning into fapbait pics of Jodie

You fuckers are normie casuals. A true fan has fapped to every Doctor.

Just got done fapping to pic related.

How did they ruin Arrow? And Sherlock was always shit to start with.

How about just Doctor because the gender of the actor shouldn't change what we call the character?

his suspenders make me stronger

I'm loving the /tumblr/ general dr who editions

>Doctor Who not in the OP
shit thread

>fapping to Jodie's tits
>not tits related

Fuck off

Just look what happened with other male-leading media that suffered a genderbend. Why are you so sure it wont happen to DW?

I'm giving a shit because the show is going to be feminist cancer pushing an agenda for how many seasons it's gonna air with this actress in the lead role.

Do you truly trust them to write good stories? They're gonna make it all about her being awesome thanks to her pussy.
Now the Doctor won't have flaws, and won't be allowed to make mistakes. Forget about character development too.
Noooo, now it's gonna all be about "nonsensical plot", "there's a problem, probably a racist white man doing something bad", "Doctress just does nothing, waits for the show to end and bim! thanks to the power of feminism she ends up victorious".
Wash up and repeat.

I'm literally losing years of a show I like. Not like Moffat hasn't churned out awful series after series for the last decade, too.

>It's a "I can see the future" episode
It's literally the future, or the last series of DW with the heavy hints about "history being a whitewash" and "we can only hope the future will only be girls!" (quotes: Capaldi's dialogue in S10) haven't informed you correctly.

It's not hard to make broadly accurate predictions based on past behavior.

Every indication points towards this stunt casting leading to terrible results.

BUT...there are always fluctuations in results.

However, since this is a thread pertaining to predictions, it's impossible for any of this conversation to be based on known outcomes. I'd suggest if you wish to confine yourself to such conversations you simply do not engage in any threads until after the show airs.

I'm actually 200% okay with this

Gillian was my ultimate and first childhood waifu and prime fap bait

She's a fucking good actress too. Literally nothing wrong with this.

They ruined arrow by pushing guggenheim into "making my OTP olicity realzies

fuck off back to Sup Forums


Of course it should. You don't call your mother "father" despite both of them being parents, do you?

Also the term is "actress".

why are you so sure it will?

I don't know what website this is but it obviously isn't relevant to Doctor Who, can you please keep this shit in Sup Forums?

>He doesn't know Moffat is leaving
Fucker, of course I know, Chibnall ain't much better and the BBC's agenda hasn't changed either.

>It's literally the future, or the last series of DW with the heavy hints about "history being a whitewash" and "we can only hope the future will only be girls!" (quotes: Capaldi's dialogue in S10) haven't informed you correctly.
holy shit what a shit show

>the Doctor is a woman
>meaning it's not gay if it fap to pic related

This is a woman. Canonically. It's not gay.

come on guys we can get more diverse

How long till all the cancer leaves and we can go back to comfy /who/? Seriously all these people that think the show is going to become propaganda, what the fuck is bitching online about how you'll quit the show gonna stop it? Just fuck off already if you're going to do it, stop saying you'll fuck off and never do it.

>/who/ presents:
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>- The main focus is on good fun in the vein of the wiki, although serious entries are allowed. (If you're going to write smut, maybe approach it with a degree of levity)

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Get the fuck off Sup Forums you tumblr reject

I just want /film/ without any politics

Actually it is relevant to Dr. Who.

If you were British you would know this.

Why does The Doctor need to be a woman now after all these years? Literally why? It adds nothing to the show, or the character.

well now that the new doctor shitstorm has died down, i should probably get back to actually watching the show. I'm only on S4 and I've never gotten farther than S6

this just in, Davison is a stuffy, begrudging old cunt

Obligatory Valeyard post

I can't wait until the show is inevitably cancelled as a result of this stunt casting and you take to Sup Forums to bitch that no one is watching and have all fucked off.

>If you were British you would know this.
Thankfully I'm not.


Because it has happened before.

I've seriously lost all drive to watch Doctor Who. I don't even know why but I just can't care anymore.

Except there is no term for female doctor in real life.

Because the BBC has to allocate a percentage of all behind the scenes and on air talent roles to women and non-whites, non-christians.

Also because they hope stunt casting will reverse declining ratings.

>when you have literally no career and can say what you like
Davison confirmed best doctor.

Forgetting about this casting for a minute this truly is the biggest pleb general on this board.

You actually share it with these sci-fi "patricians"


>going from having Peter's wrinkly balls to this

Wonder how that'd feel, psychologically

you give them an inch....

Fifth Doctor is no longer canon. Good! Now we can go Baker to Baker without all that shit in between.

I can't begin to express how sad and angry I am about this change. These arseholes think they can just shit all over Doctor Who, all over Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee and Baker's legacies, to get points for being "hip and relevant" and for pandering to SJW internet warrior scum. Doctor Who should be a niche "weird" show not some mainstream crap. There is no need for this. Now we get these FEMINAZIS coming on here like "OH YEAH TAKE THAT PATRIARCHY" even though there really isn't a "patriarchy" anymore.

I actually wept when I saw this reveal, that's how sad it made me feel. The fact that they would rely on such a desperate tactic like this is truly telling of the state of this show now. It is truly the second death of Doctor Who.

>being this delusional

Because its a dead show

Worst tits out of all the regenerations

You dont seem to understand what we are doing here sweetie, this is about progress and gender not doctor who not arrow not sherlock!

And if you cant deal with that then get lost shit baby because this show isnt for your shitty gender!


>We are all tumblr now, they fucking hate it and it's really fun, try it.

The Beeb needs to get ratings somehow

Colin said he hesitates to call them fans, they should fight.

They know howthe game is played. Never be satisfied, keep moving the overton window further and further left. When the Doctor is a black gay trans lesbian muslim complain he's not also disabled.

>implying he was ever canon


That's hilarious. SJW's gonna SJWing


He has a point. It's true--this is a big change for some people, and we should be sympathetic to that. We may disagree, but no need to gloat.

Superwholock was a mistake

There is - Doctoranda.

But we don't have one in English because it's such an unusual and new phenomenon.

Now that the concept is going mainstream, it's time we settled on one.

Doctoranda is terrible. Doctress is the most accurate, Doctrix is the sexiest.

What about Doctrissa? Unfortunately "Doctrine" is out due to etymological conflicts.

What would they complain about if he's all that and disabled, while also being retarded and having a skin condition?

tbf Colin was talking about people who instantly dropped the show while Davison is talking about people who are "uncertain"

So does this mean the ""doctor"" will deal with women's issues like where to find a tampon in space, or the fear of being raped by a zygon or having to deal with an unwanted pregnancy or menopause - of course the show is going to be all propaganda now - it's a fuckin shame.

>Let's just show some courtes...

Sasuga Tumblr

tumblr confuses me

is there any way to have a public conversation back and fourth on there with other users or can all you do is comment on peoples posts that they and no one else can reply to?

Scaroth reporting in.

What the fuck is tumblr doing here

Which Doctor has the best feet and why is it Tom Baker?

Pic unlreated

He/shes not in an interracial relationship.

Again - predictive behavior. These stunt castings and refocusing on extremist politics (certainly focusing on extremist femnist politics) has overwhelmingly been death knells in the past.

While it might be different in this case, we have to rely on past performance as an indicator.

That's how predicitions work.

Ffs sweetie stop being triggered and just use this chance to do as much damage as possible,

To the patriarchy ofc :^)

This would never have happened if Trump and Brexit didn't win.

You reblog +caption
Post Q&a, statuses, oc on blogs and send PMs

No we absolutely should gloat. There is quite simply no reasoning with some of these people who think its all a big spooky SJW conspiracy and they need to be told to fuck off sooner rather than later. I don't want them shitting up /who/ for the rest of Jodie's run when most of them probably don't even watch the show.

/who/ is reddit. It's only when the show pulls some shit that people like us come here.

>a fictional alien character who can turn into different people turns into a woman is extremist politics

the funniest thing is you think this is all new and there's never been female sci-fi heroes before

It'll be the same show, her gender won't play into the story any more than past Doctor's.

I can't wait for the first article blaming it's failings ratings on Russian Hackers.

Cant believe they made her cut her hair to look more masculine fucking two faced feministd

what color is your tinfoil


You poor deluded bastard

I love how if you don't immediately like it and praise Jodie then you're a misogynistic white male scumbag.

Maybe some of us think this is a really huge change to the show, and we're a little apprehensive about it? I mean this is a huge change for the show, and the character. It's normal for some people (like myself) to feel nervous about how it's gonna work out. Davison is literally my favorite Doctor now just for not immediately jumping on the bandwagon.


But it is.

A group of people literally conspired to create more female and non-white roles on BBC television productions.

It's an empirical fact.

The BBC is on record saying it's trying to add more diversity to it's shows. So is it really an SJW conspiracy when the BBC has pretty much admitted to it?

>everyone who doesn't agree with my opinion is wrong, and thinks its an sjw conspiracy

>worried about female doctor bringing in unnecessary politics
>ranks his favourite doctor based on the actor's personal opinions

get out

Yes. It's extremist politics. Hence the glowing reception from people who practice those extremist politics.

>There's never been female sci-fi heroes before

Then why are people celebrating this casting as if it's out of the ordinary?

You seem very confused.

13/Missy art.

Doctor Who belongs to now

>implying it wont revolve around the fact that a vagina makes her better than the other Doctors.



Calm down. Peter was much shorter when he started. I'm sure they'll let Jodie have the final say with everything, like they always have with the actors.

Reminder that nuSarah was essentially a female Doctor and was SHEEP

I feel the same but completely dismissing Jodie when we still haven't seen her in action isn't kosher

give it two episodes, if you don't like it, you can go

until then, be patient, padawan

I don't think it's a "ess jay dubya" conspiracy. I thi k it's a Jewish cabal enforcing their particular brand of artificial "morals" upon us to weaken our national unity.

There is more chance of her gender being central to storylines than not, based on previous female stunt castings.

I'm sorry you don't understand how basic concepts like predictions and statistics work. Rather than allowing your intellectual insecurities to make angrily defensive, you should acknowledge your short comings and seek to educate and better yourself as a person so that you don't feel intellectually threatened in the future.

Someone's triggered. I'm sorry some people actually care about the show and don't judge everything based on how much diversity is in it.

>try to get others to see your point of view rather than abuse them or shut them out

Absolutely nothing wrong with that