Me and this Guy are arguing about if Snowden was a Russian spy or just an ordinary whistleblower. Could I have your Opinion?

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If you just look at the results, he was a spy. If you take in intention... I guess he never really wanted to be a spy or even a traitor. He just was concerned about overgrowing intel services

.0000911 bitcoins. What did he mean by that?

Edward Snowden is genuine.


>Revealed documents to whole world

Russian espionage is the part where only Russia sees it and you wouldn't have heard about Snowden

could be, but i think what he did was important, even if it had a hidden purpose. now the public os more conscious about spying. and more services provide more security

its a concern at least

no condom post, nice. trolls are sleeping.

He wasn't a highly trained spy. He was low level SharePoint admin.


He is a horse. A trojan horse.




It's "Putin outplayed everyone around the finger again" episode.

pekka plz

i'd say self-righteous whistle blower that evolved into a useful idiot. i think most facts support the simple answer

If anything, his actions proved the public is more comfortable with pervasive spying than ever

makes you think, did his actions directly contribute to the opposite of what he was trying to achieve?

more likely the complacent american public just massively let him down so they can keep liking and sharing

>All this posting in the past tense
I remember seeing the 64 character code and people were wondering if it was a dead man's switch. Did he died?

False flag disinfo agent, working for his original employers.

His real name is Эдик Mopoзoв

He is just a weird dude that thought burgers should know what their govt is doing. That's all.

Spies betrays secrets to foreign governments usually about military or intentions, see Robert Hanssen

Snowden instead told everyone on the planet they were being snooped, that's fucking it

To call Snowden a spy you have to be mentally impaired