The Layover is going to go down in history as amazing...right?
The Layover is going to go down in history as amazing...right?
>ywn be smothered to death by her tits as she sucks the lifeforce from you to sustain her
I'm gonna cum
Will this movie be fridge kino?
Probably, but not because of the fridge itself, but instead because of the pale succubus.
holy fuck lads
>when you load the thread after the post is deleted
what was it?
Can somebody explain the webm or picture that was deleted
Just a portion of the trailer. Solid bit of breast envy
only if youre a cuck that enjoys watching bit tittied white woment getting CURRIED
It was a screamer.
just a short clip from the layover trailer where you see the cleavage in the OPs cap
how much money $$$ did her rich daddy spend to make this Sears floor model into a regular model?
ITT: newfags don't know about the archive
delete it faggot idc
its so funny that this movie is coming out in this day and age. watch the femanazis and cucks rip it apart. too bad it probably will suck too, at least if you make something that will offend the libtards, it should be good. but nope, just a shitty meaningless breast movie.
d'addario cant act. its sad a girl that looks like she does is so terrible at her craft.
She's got big tits. That's all you need to get cover page gigs on mags like Nuts, Maxim or whatever else still prints shit.
Daddario got in really good shape for this movie.
>d'addario cant act
kek no one cares if she can act. She's got big ol titties.
>this crossfit bullshit
I don't get the appeal. We've already seen Daddario nude, we have plenty of spankbank material on her, and we have Kate Upton's nudes via the Fappening. What is to be seen from this film that we haven't seen already?
t. homosex
They'll have to up the size for the sequel
right after you up your photoshop skills
Wait, why was this baleeted.
>I will never be smothered in between Kate and Alex
>they will never jerk me off and squeeze my balls
What is this movie about? It looks like they're having a tit battle.
ah yes the classic sideways ankle snap, my favourite exercise
how many people remember what the movie heartbreakers was abou?
her crossfit coach just wanted to watch her tits bounce
sigourney weaver seduces guys into marrying her and then sets them up to cheat with JLH so she can divorce rape them.
>Justin Verlander is dating Kate Upton
>His little brother Ben is dating Daddario
What kind of deal with the devil did this family make?
I leik tats
I leik boom tats
do you get some sort of pleasure from pretending to be this way and saving all these pictures? how do you feel after posting things like this
feels fan
Well it's more that there's a satisfaction of people replying. Do you really not understand how avatarfags think?
Leave him alone he's /OUR/ special little guy !
Yeah, leave him alone. In the name of the law
Yeah, what a shit casting. She looks nothing like a wetback.
>she will never arrest you boipucci
yay tanks peep
bullying = bad
Having a hispanic surname doesn't make you a Mexican...
That's the first name on the badge, dumb cunt.
tfw I'm an Alvarado and love Daddarios :3
Alvarado is not a first name, dumb cunt. And why would a cop have their first name on their badge and nothing else?
The Alvarado's I kniw are scumbags
>"n-n-no y-you!!!1!11"
fucking hell you're pathetic
>the name on the badge is the person's first name
lmao holy fuck how are you even capable of breathing and basic motor functions
Maybe you're just a lil faggit
Easy. You're being watched
What are you talking about? Alvarado is a surname. And even if it was used as a first name, it certainly wouldn't be a woman's first name. -o endings denote something masculine in Spanish and -a endings denote something feminine. Not to mention that the name on the badge would never be the first name anyway...
someone needs to tell this girl to stop smiling with her teeth. she looks good but doesn't know how to smile properly
this more or less
A good way to improve footwork is to use a fucking agility ladder like a normal person.
I want her to cuff me and lock me up in her pusy for a life sentence
>thinking that's him.
original givvposter is long gone
do you not like apu?
he's just trying to help.
apu is frend of you
This is a good thread
ids tru
>why doesn't she fester on her computer chair until she gets diabetes like me reeeeeeee
There are more efficient ways to improve footwork than to risk rolling an ankle on that bullshit she's bouncing off of. It's typical crossfit shit where they do drills that have low reward, high risk to them. Although, I would expect a f/a/g to know anything about working out.
this is nice i like this, anymore like this?
>the demon briefly appears
>I'm a fat fuck
>still trying to defend crossfit
just stop lad.
>buttangery about people exercising
You're trying too hard at this point.
Is that Leanne Crow?
>he shills daily about a non-nude flick
Heh... enjoy unemployment after it's out... kid
>ywn never hack into that
Good, another stacked girl who thinks men like her because of how fit her body is and so loses all her weight in the gym.
Her training for the film should involve a daily regimen of 4 birth control pills and a diet of victoria sponge cakes.
I heard there's technically no nudity, like you never get to see their nipples, but there's one scene where they get into a catfight in the hotel room and more and more clothes progressively start getting ripped off. Then suddenly there's a knock at the door and they do a jump cut to the maids face followed by a record scratch and reveal that they're both topless with their breasts pressed against the other's chest. Still, no nips.
her training should be kept continually preggo and have a daily regimen of early morning milkings and 16 hour outdoor field grazings
I'll see it
What's wrong with her face. Her eyes are too close together or something.
>pubic area mole
2/10 best I can do
>that mole
haha no keepers on her belt
what does that mean, keepers on her belt?
have you ever seen a cop before? They have their last names on their uniform retard.