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Reminder that Albert is Laura.
>i shitpost about this hoverhand being explained in later episodes
>lynch actually does it the absolute madman
first for Naomi's back.
>an arm reaching in
>two trees ( evolution of the arm, normal and doppleganger)
Is he just fucking with Michael J Anderson here?
and it's raining post toasties
>Moby is on stage
>performance goes on forever
It's Coachella all over again.
>Moby is on Twin Peaks
>Moby sampled Twin Peaks in a song
Is the show Twin Peaks canon in Twin Peaks?
i guarantee that fucking moose thing he was drawing ends up being a thing
is that moby
It credited him
Worst Roadhouse song by far. She's a good singer but the song was horrible.
mommy kino
>Moby in this episode
>remember his awful interview of David Lynch
She fucking wishes she still looked that good.
That was not Moby you fucking morons. That was Jack from RLM
Did David Lynch kill George Romero?
this put the nail in the coffin on my theory that Lynch is padding the series to make sure the episodes last 60 minutes on average and are not an artistic choice but are because of him owing showtime 18 full episodes per their contract.
the giant and his realm = not padding. candy = not padding. mauve room = not padding. wally brando = not padding.
guy weeping floor = padding. nine inch nails video = padding. rebkka del rio video = padding. diane smoking = padding.
Here's something I noticed while re-watching Part 9 before tonight's episode: the timelines of some events we're seeing are out of sync with each other. Hopefully it's as novel a realization as I think it is, pic has full explanation. Please pardon the shitty editing.
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen youtu.be
Read consequenceofsound.net
sample and song is shitty
Moby as ever
wait Moby was in the episode?
who was he?
did I fucking black out?
out of all the pics of jack you chose the one that looks nothing like moby
He was the guitarist.
>tfw wondering why people are defending this awful song
>see it's written by lynch
Never change, Sup Forums.
we just started streaming the new ep if you missed it before
bretty good dot com
What the fuck was that laura shit all about? She just showed up at Gordon Cole's doorway?
He writes 9/29 you idiot. We've been through this.
The guitar player at the end
Lynch directing this as an 18 hour movie was a mistake. It fucking drags too much, and the performances are fucking garbage filler. In the first two seasons, they meant something. Now they're just here to pad out the episodes.
Also, fuck this Dougie shit. It has gone on for way too long. It's like they couldn't figure out anything for Cooper to do, so they just made him a bumbling retard until he can magically wake up and defeat Evil Cooper. This show is dropped harder tan he trinity bomb.
Also, fuck all you David Lynch cocked suckers with your reddit xD LYNCHED! meme
whats the name of this vine kid again
Albert is actually being possessed by Laura.
i mean in the op pic
That's a 9, not a 0.
wow this episode was great! and the roadhouse song swept me, i literally cried of joy
2nd pic says 9/29
Is Richard /ourguy/?
First for Spanish Women!
my son
>implying lynch's music isn't god-tier
he also wrote all the Julee Cruise songs from the original show
gtfo normie. go watch got
this song genuinely makes me laugh. so fucking terrible
sweeping and the other stuff were funny, not nearly as bad as this but it seems more like he did rebeka del rio a favor
no fucking clue about the missing 8 minutes though
>not liking early 90s house
piss off
Spamming your website after streaming Game of Plebs. GTFO
I'm on the fence about this episode boyos, this was the first night I had to stop being a Lynchfag and really think about this objectively
As a degenerate with a foot fetish however, Janey-E playing with her red flats gets four stars from me, but everything else was kinda just like "meh" wheel spinning
I'm really happy to see Nadine figured out her drape runners though, that was a nice touch
fake and gay
best roadhouse song
best girl
Get lynched boy!
I like this episode for the most part, Richard and a lot of the slapstick was really fun and interesting but the ending kind of fucked up my opinion on the episode.
Really wish he had done something more meaty with the FBI agents and that song was just filler. Didn't even run the full hour WITH the song.
What? DoppelCoop can't go in buildings that contain glass boxes just because he's a doppelganger? I thought this was America!
I do, but Moby is overrated, always shit
the sampler builds to no pay off
like he never "got it" what makes a song great other than plain technique
>implying the next episode won't be 66 minutes to make up the difference
Learn to kino.
Did Moby make Sopranos canon in Twin Peaks universe now?
actually shocks me how many babbys who just got into lynch defend this shit. like they think it isn't entry level
I think the series is ok but the dougie shit is just fucking stupid now
Does anyone have screenshots of jane-e mirin duge? I wanna know what its like to have a female gaze upon me lustfully
Feels like what Mulholland Drive was supposed to be before he was forced to turn it into a feature length film. In hindsight this seems to have been a good thing for Mulholland Drive.
I still enjoy the show a lot but it's shaping up to be an incredibly niche thing. Like it's only for people who really, really can't get enough of Lynch.
>Dougie's flopping arms during sex
MacLachlan is the best.
Janey-E give two rides.
Hmmm it's weird cause now the dougie shit just doesn't have the same effect. I'm not feelin it anymore bros.
Great episode. Glad it's settled into its own orta vibe now. I was laughing at most scenes
I just did what David told me to do.
post the pasta
It wasn't the best episode. But you still got lynched bitch,
How are people saying this was a filler ep
It takes risks. Instead of going middle of the road, it tries different things and tries to evolve in an intuitive manner. That gives some very interesting parts, but some dumb and redundant ones as well, sure. Still, it's less cautious than a lot of other shows.
I'll... see myself out...
baitposters they live for the (you)s
not the strongest episode but still enjoyed it. I'm more concerned that lynch/frost are still introducing things this far into the season.
Dougiecoop bros 10 - 0 agentcoopfags
Feminists will hate this episode lol.
because they are plebs used to capeshit and dragon porn.
>>see it's written by lynch
are you implying Lynch can't wrong good songs? Have you fucking listened to Julee Cruise's first two albums?
before asking for a good sampler pay off
I suppose it was just a pretty conventional 52 minutes. Only standouts being the Laura flashback and Sylvia getting punched in the clit.
Don't be too hard on yourself user, it's a strange 9.
>"this episode sucked"
>mfw kyle is 34 years older than me but has a better looking body
lmao i was thinking that.
I was just discussing that wouldn't watch the new season because of all the violence against women. convinced her to keep going. waiting to hear what she says about this episode lmao
There's fire where you are going.