I'll start.
I learned from Spiderman: Homecoming that the Washington monument was built by slaves.
I'll start.
I learned from Spiderman: Homecoming that the Washington monument was built by slaves.
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America won WW2
it wasn't built by slaves, thats like saying the pyramids were built by slaves. slaves doesn't deserve credit for the things they do. If there were no slaves, the monument would still have been built.
imagine being a pusyslave wow
an obelisk is such an ugly design for a monument. I mean I get why they built it since freemasons love egyptian wewuzery but come on.
Fucking fraud.
Who built it then?
Stone masons, architects, etc
The only thing slaves MIGHT have done was mine the stone but even then slavery was nearly abolished when the monument was being built so thats very unlikely, but for the most part it was builders and masons who built the washington monument
Here are some builders posing with the first model of the monument being nuilt
Here you can see some more black slaves building the monument
thats a fucking pyramid you mong
This is anecdotal evidence. Abolitionists would have thrown a shitfit if they knew federal money was being used for slave projects in the capital, so if slaves did take part in building the monument they would have kept it hush-hush.
I mean there's no evidence that slaves physically built the actual thing but posting some pics isn't good evidence
That's the top of the monument...
why did they blatantly lie in the movie? do they think their audience is really that stupid?
So, by that logic, no rank-and-file soldier deserves the medals he wins; they should all go to his colonel.
what's even the point of that monument?
>we'll make like one of those egyptian obelisks but white
is it just white people compensating?
>whites built the pyramids too
Darkie btfo
I dont think you know what anecodotal evidence means
But pictures of workers constructing the monument are a primary source and are completely valid
>anectodical evidence
>not very good evidence because I don't like them
was this your first Sonykino?
That's not the actual monument. The monument has an aluminum capstone on the tip.
No it was probably just a joke about MJ being a retarded nigger
A call back to Raimi's old spiderman films
The Nazis were horrible people!
The American political elite had a classical/ancient fetish for the first 100 years of the country's existence. Check out DC sometime, everything is Roman or Greek with some Egyptian obelisks thrown in. That's why there's a pyramid on the back of our money too.
The tip wasnt added for another 40 years after the monument was built
I learned that it is possible to have lucid dreams
>he doesn't have a dream journal
who cares, it's shitty uninspired architecture. I live 10 miles away from it. looks like a giant white dick sticking out of the ground. I hate this city.
>The tip wasnt added for another 40 years after the monument was built
That's because construction of the monument wasn't completed until 40 years after it was begun. The capstone was part of the original design.
>looks like a giant white dick
Well, thanks for telling us that your penis is long, but really, really thin.
>40 fucking years for an obelisk
Black people are very intelligent and occupy a lot of key managerial positions in businesses and power structures.
you know what I mean. what actually is the point of that? all of dc is like this too. none of the buildings are allowed to be taller than that gay monument so there's no skyscrapers, it's like a metropolis with no large buildings. its garbage.
gangs need leaders too
Pyramids weren't built by slaves, they were built by paid workers and paid farmers during the dry season.
You don't feed slaves fish and cow meat to keep them strong to build your monument.
Americans are retarded for not castrating their slaves, the one thing arabs got right.
Look, don't take my word for it. Books exist, y'know.
Oh, yeah. I forgot. I'm talking to a millennial:
Books are stacks of paper that are glued or sewn together. They hold information.
>mfw I finally got my Papermaker and Bookbinders in Dwarf Fortress to Legendary
Time to make some real fly books.
that wasn't my point
my point is why it took them 40 years for an obelisk
>Americans are retarded for not castrating their slaves
Wouldn't have done much good; they were too busy making mulatto babbys with their female slaves. 80% of black Americans have 15% or more Euro admixture.
>my point is why it took them 40 years for an obelisk
It was built using donations. When donations went dry, construction halted. Also, there was a war in the 1860s that kind of put the kibosh on construction. Besides, construction of the mid 19th century was slow on tall structures; they didn't have the diesel-powered megacranes we have now. You have to remember that this was the tallest building in the world until the Eiffel Tower BTFO us.
>slaves were no where near cities during americas early development.
Another person ITT who has never opened a book. Sure, the majority were used for agriculture, but there were slaves used in urban settings as well.
>All northern states abolished slavery in 1804
>Slaves built the Washington monument in 1848
What did MJ mean by this?
wage slavery is still slavery
>All northern states abolished slavery in 1804
>Slaves built the Washington monument in 1848
Trivia question: What state is Washington in?
Answer: None
dc is southern
it's built on land taken both from VA and MD which are southern states. it is situated in the regional south.
>it's built on land taken both from VA and MD which are southern states. it is situated in the regional south.
Maryland is, geographically and culturally, a border state.
>Over half the states don't allow slavery
>Sign off on slave work
It was something a highschool girl said and a security guard shrugged at in the context of a movie. Learn to discern sources.
it's a southern state in that it was confederate and it was south of the mason dixon line. it's northern border is literally where the south ends. it's northern south but it's still "south"
>it's a southern state in that it was confederate
MD was never in the Confederacy!
If you are American, you should have stayed awake in history class.
MD was a slave state that remained loyal to the Union, like West Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri.
socialist cuck detected
You are now aware that the washington monument is a freemason/Illuminati symbol