/got/ general
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Azor Jon!
>Montage of literal shit
>still one of the better parts of the episode
what did D&D mean by this?
so everything is pointing to them using daenerys's force to fight the white walkers
stark and targarien alliance incoming eventually?
will cersei pull another victory out of her ass somehow?
enough dragon glass to fight off the white walkers?
questions gentlemen
so GOT is getting auntcest?
can't wait for Preston to bitch about this
>show is run by D&D
>they turn it into dungeons and dragons
Did Bran warg into Edd to let them enter the Wall?
I don't understand why the hound can see flame visions when Mel can barely get a vision that isn't jumbled nonsense.
Game of Thrones was a mistake.
Will we get /ourguy/ this season?
Everyone at the Twins is dead quick someone occupy it
Everyone at Storms End is dead quick someone occupy it
yeah, also shouldn't he be scared of flames?
>stark and targarien alliance incoming eventually?
>will cersei pull another victory out of her ass somehow?
obviously not
>enough dragon glass to fight off the white walkers?
thats what the dragon are for
Holy shit bros has sansa ever pulled a mind trick stunt like bran just did
That's why he was reluctant to look into the flame.
Is that that foreign book autist that has the wife who is as autistic as him, or is this someone else?
he's going to single-handedly save the show
what did she mean by this?
>the only thing Sam learned since coming to the citadel is something stannis already told him months ago at the wall
Sam better be able to shoot lightning from his hands by the time he goes back or this whole sam arc was a complete waste of time.
>this exact "meme" popped into my head during her scene
I think i need a break from this place desu.
maybe that was his purpose in this world that he has been telling him about. beric? looked shocked that actually saw something
its only the first episode, relax.
So my main issue is why tf was there no one at Dragonstone, particularly if Cers knew they were coming
75% of the show is a waste of time. We just spent 2 fucking seasons watching Arya do nothing.
What the fuck was Edd's fucking problem?
>gary stu fearless leader makes peace with wildlings
>two freezing half starved to death kids show up out beyond the wall
>Edd wont let them in
This is so stupid. i watch it only to hate it properly.
most accurate rendition of arianne i've ever seen tbqh
except she wouldnt have been able to do what she did in the opening scene without first doing what she did the past two fucking seasons.
>Sunset found him cleaning out the latrine, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up he was cleaning brown water that looked like his supper. The more he cleaned, the more books he moved, but the more books he moved, the dirtier the latrines grew, and his disgust sent him crawling to the latrine to dump out his more brown supper, this time before eating it.
I actually didn't mind the episode, considering the entire show post-S4 is pure fanfic
she even dresses a bit like a beatnik, she must be trying to look artistic or something
Why do Dabid and Dan hate /our king/ so goddamn much? Every moment they can they shit all over him its not fucking fair dammit. Stannis was supposed to sit on the throne but noooooooooo it has to be dragonslut
>it's a tumblrwhale has an emotional breakdown episode
the whole damn episode was a waste of time. fucking Dany and everyone was standing in dragon stone for like 5 minutes with no dialogue while the camera was panning around a room we've already seen
reductive thinking, user. Take a step back and think about what you're arguing.
Yeah this is fucking retarded, it's gonna be too late now, Dany has the dragon glass and won't give it up, and the white walkers are already at eastwatch.
I stopped watching after this scene
>sam has a montage
>still a fat lazy sack of shit
Did dnd not understand the point of a montage?
Just a reminder, this is the most reddit meme of them all. I don't mind, I actually browse r/asoiaf and I do want cleganebowl to happen, but the fact remains.
Dont worry user, /Our lord/ will return.
>its a 4chantumor has a mental breakdown episode
This is show has really gone of the deep end. What was once a sophisticated rumination on the concepts of war, politics, honor, and the morality therein is now baseless schlock filled with cringe inducing dialogue, flanderized fan service. and faux feminist virtue signaling that is borderline zionistic.
Season 5 had a lot of problems throughout but the series officially died with Stannis.
>he doesn't hate women will all of his heart
Don't worry kid, you'll grow up one day.
I was hoping we would get something similar to the Carolean death march after Stannis' death, but instead we get this shit
>2 kids show up at the wall
>"Fuck should I let children with limited supplies live?"
>"im not sure if i should let me them in, maybe i should just let the undead army gain 2 more soldiers"
>"Are you wildlings that didnt join the massive fucking wildling army we just let walked through here a few episodes ago?"
>"whats that? you know a little bit of my history? must be brandon stark"
the worst scene. even over poo poo pee pee
Is it me or does Arya look fat this season?
hey at least you read reddit so we don't have to
>I get butthurt when people show obvious misandrists reveling in Danaerys' dragonfire because muh empowerment
Danaerys is a horribly flawed character that only show watching bandwangoning idiots find bearable
honestly, why are you here?
> Westeros, shall I begin?!
did we really need 10 fucking minutes of literal shit? entire fucking episode where nothing happens and rather then actually make something happen they give us shit
sets the tone for the bad writing thats going to plague the rest of the season. and that was supposed to be the cold open.
>he tries to bait people on the internet into giving him the reaction that he wants
Its ok kid, we know,we know
There are good theory threads if you search for the top rated all time ones.
I agree Edd was a total shit ass about it
>waaahh why don't people like gurrll power shoved down their throats
>"Shall we begin?"
>feminists lose their collective shit
someone's gonna have to explain this to me
Where is the scene where Dany shits? That's my favorite
That's the first episode of every single season following the first. Why would you expect that it would not be the same on season 7? Were you fooled the prior 5 times?
Seriously though. That moment where Dany tore down the banner was an intentional final fuck you by D&D to the one true king. It is a literal fucking crime what they did to his character on this show especially when they had the perfect actor for the role. They always hated Stannis and I just don't know why.
How come I only ever hear about bitter misogynists complain about misandry?
To make you suffer
How would you do girl power as to not shove it down someones throat?
Who's /ourguy/ now that Stannis is dead?
whoever leaked that probably got fired. the spoilers are true but the way he arranges what happens in each episode seems like studio trickery to crack down on leakers.
How was the episode, lads?
Stannis is going to come back as a wight and proclaim THERE MUST ALWAYS BE A NIGHT KING and protect all of humanity as the Jailer of the Damned
Arya's storyline has become worse than Sam's
>How would you do girl power as to not shove it down someones throat?
See Marvel's Avengers 2.
That red wizard girl is the strongest character of the marvel cast.
tell me i don't know
Did you not see the montage?
>worse than sams
what? sams story is one of the few things this show hasn't completely ruined.
either Davos or Jorah if he unfucks himself
I dunno, maybe don't write incredibly unrealistic meme characters like bearloli that constantly shut down grown men just because?
>hating the inferior and useless gender is "bait"
Grow up. Women are worse than niggers.
I love theon
Ah the old Pirates of the Carribean
>jon must have told edd at some point that his CRIPPLED brother is lost somewhere beyond the wall
>crippled little boy comes up to castle black and says he's bran stark
>edd doesn't believe him, as if beyond the wall is filled with crippled boys claiming to be bran stark
where the stream at?
On the bright side, Varys talks next episode.
I love that his line was "Stannis told me but I didn't..."
Didn't what? Believe him? What the fuck Sam.
was going for WoW but sure that works too
>all I need are 20 good hands
What did Euron mean by this?
I can't wait to see his teleportation powers this season.