The Wire

WHAT THE FUCK. can someone fucking explain to me how they though it was a good idea to kill off Stringer Bell? I started watching this show about 2 weeks ago. Mid way through season 1 I was hooked, but mainly I watched the show for Stringer and Barksdell & co. The good guy characters were entertaining but I didn't like them so much (except for the blue collar guys in s2, they were actually great). I was more fascinated by Stringer and how we would run the empire.
How could the writers get us so invested in an amazing character then kill him off in a terrible way, not to mention prematurely. They should've have had Avon be betrayed by Stringer and then Stringer would take the crown. I don't even feel like watching continuing the show anymore t b h.

He got what he deserved.

string's whole arc pivoted around him wanting but failing to escape nigga culture. despite trying to better himself, he alienates his allies while getting run in circles by the real power players

the problem was using the show's two shittiest characters to off him

String's arc is ended perfectly with his death. It also shows that whenever he did try to act hood, it came back on him. Playing Mouzone and Omar against each other had consequences. While it makes sense, when it plays out, it doesn't feel an earned death because Omar and Mouzone are like the cartoon characters of the show. It'd make way more sense for someone like Bodie to kill him or Avon.

Further, fucking series GETS BETTER after he is gone because it allows itself the room to expand the storylines into schools. It's a better series for it.

He flew too high, tried to be too big and too above the code. He lost sight on the details that give you staying power, wanting to have power without his name ringing out. He started to play in a world that he wasn't ready for. His mistakes and oversights eventually added up and got him got.

Omar comin

he got what he deserved, he pretended to be above street business and got killed for it
his whole idea of taking the street out of ghetto drug dealing was retarded

I watched all of this and like it for it's socio-economical commentary but I couldn't more often than not tell one nigger from another. Because they all look the same. Who was Stringer bell? But I loved the scene in the last season when that gay popular nigger was killed by the small kid, that was metaphorical and impactful.

Fuck you. He was the coolest character on the show and his ideas made sense. Like there was nothing wrong with his philosophy he basically just wanted to disconnect himself from the street, filter the money through legitimate means like real estate etc. The only reason he died is because the writers wanted to kill him off. And of course it had to be by this goofy ass nigga Mouzone.

this. if season 4 isn't number one or two on your list, you're wrong.

>He flew too high

He thought he was flying, turned out he never left the ground.

Season 4 was the WORST
>won't somebody think of the children
gay asss pull on your heart strings cheap shit
also, no mcnulty
it goes 1>5>2>3>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Let's be honest here: Stringer not going to Levy with his business dealings involving Clay Davis is quite honestly the dumbest thing to happen on a show that included a fake serial killer and Kima saying "COOL LESTUH SMOOVE"

this, I find hard for a drug kingpin to trust anyone who is not family completely.

The thing is, you just have to fuck up once. Be a little slow, be a little late.

Wildly overrated show. Ludicrous plots. bad accents, ham-fisted themes. It's not terrible or anything but it's not one of the greatest shows ever by any means.

leddit sentence structure

I'm curious as to what you do consider to be one of the 'greatest shows', then.

>"LITTLE MAN! We gonna get this shit all sorted out"

What did he mean by this? Why is String hating on manlets?

completely accurate. it doesn't deserve to be compared to the sopranos or any of the other great series

You're retarded and watching it for the wrong reasons then. It ain't Game of Thrones, nigga

>It's not one of the greatest shows ever

You're right, it's THE GREATEST show ever.

There was nothing wrong with his philosophy, but the whole fucking point was to show his pulled-punch machiavellian methods mixed with his academia didn't fucking work on the streets, in the hood. And sure enough it came back to fuck String in the end. He worked better as a consigliere to Avon because they got to balance each other out, but when shit hit the fan, they both fell to their extremes.

What the fuck did I do?

switch 3 and 4 and you got my personal list.
I absolutely loved season 2, easily my favorite season. The longshoremen were great characters and i enjoyed it even more after seeing the rest of the show and realizing how much season 2 set up for the show with The Greek and whatnot.

>Ludicrous plots
What are you on about?

>bad accents
you clearly have never been to Baltimore

>ham-fisted themes
at times. others are more subtle. it's not supposed to be literary, but honestly, there's too much literary shit on TV anyway and most of it around that time sucked.

>it's not one of the greatest shows ever by any means

it absolutely fucking is.


It's okay. They bring him back in the ninth season along with D'Angelo, Stinkum, and a bunch of other dead characters, to set up the spinoff The Wire: Zombies.

McNulty was a glorified plot device most seasons, barely qualified as a character in the 2nd. 4th season was one of the best.


He fucked up. Simple.

I don't watch this show but I speculate there wasn't any in-show logic to it. I would guess that since Idris Elba is a busy man he wanted to free his schedule for other stuff and so he had himself killed off. Kinda like the dude in Downton Abbey.

I'd watch this, it would probably be the most realistic depiction of Baltimore.

HAH, you thought Stringer Bell was safe? This is HBO sweetie, nobody is safe, not even the fan favorite characters. This is why it's such great TV, you never know what to expect!

Fuck String. He killed DeAngelo and he killed Wallace. Rest in peace, fucker.

Also remember when Clay Davis fucked him good? lol

you don't watch a show like The Wire for one character you absolute manchild

The Wire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> incalculably massive gap >>>>>>>>>>> The sopranos >>> everything else

>5 in second place

The whole point of The Wire is that it's a cyclical story. The old characters die/get shitcanned to make way for the new ones, but their roles stay exactly the same.

It's about how drug/ghetto culture perpetuates itself because politicians lack the balls to bring in reform.

If you're going to write utterly pointless shitposts, please have the decency to include some tits next time.

Even worse : remember when Marlo got exactly what Stringer wanted but wasn't satisfied with it?

Where the fuck is Wallace at!?

>get us so invested
>getting invested in the one character in the show that fucks everything up
what a life you must live