>affinity magazine
Affinity magazine
For real though,
What would have happened if Africa became a superpower instead of Europe?
Africans would have evolved with higher IQs than Europeans.
they would have enslaved people from the Americas
sub saharan africa a shit, everyone else did good because they left the fuckhole
except they wouldn't know how to keep the already advanced people there, and they would escape.
it's funny, my few black friends do not posses any 'KANGZ' ideologies. Yet my asian, and white-female friends do. They peddle all SJW ideologies.
Having said that, there are plenty black ppl I know (not friends) who whole heartedly believe in satirical levels 'KANGZ n SHIET' garbage.
Clickbait bullshit.
the worst part is that white boys is gonna be forced to watch this because it leads straight into infinity war
>if europeans hadn't enslaved africans they would have created their own version of edgy hot topic body jewelery and would have independently developed SS GOMAD and crossfit
>strong Kangz vs Apaches
Fund it.
The Afro-Caribbean is the single biggest gimmedat any group of people has ever received. Good climate, no war, scads and scads of free money in the form of tourism and offshore banking. The Blacks have had total control of that part of the world for decades and it STILL has an economy and average IQ only marginally better than that of Africa. If they can't make it there they can't make it anywhere.
Looks better than Antman and Dr Strange. It's got a nice aesthetic
>leaving niggers with technology beyond their capabilities that they're too stupid to maintain but become so reliant on they can't live without was good
Hello r/the_donald
Yeah I'm mostly just kidding around, I normally don't like movies with black people in them, but the only exception to that rule is if they are portrayed as tribal savages on their own continent far away from any white women, kind of like "The Gods Must Be Crazy"
The best part is the torrent for it will be out before Infinity War