This is Brazilian actress Ana de Armas, she is starring in Blade Runner 2049.
This is Brazilian actress Ana de Armas, she is starring in Blade Runner 2049
Mazel tov.
>tfw she's not sitting on my face
Isn't she Cuban?
uma delicia
Joder, está muchísimo más buena que cuando la veía en El Internado.
you forgot "say something nice about her"
She's Cuban senpai
giv mexico gf
>tfw no nicaraguan gf
She's a fucking awful actress, why does she keep getting roles. Casting coach maybe
Based givposter!
>girl next door look
> looks attainable unlike a dumb blonde bimbo
do you want me to say something nice about her?
ok listen RETARD
I HAVE had enough of you shitting up this fucking board
you moron
you stupid retard
every fucking thread
stfu shut the FucK UP
you're a virgin and u alwAYS will be
you will never have a tall gf, a small gf, a aryan gf, a nigger gf, a thin gf, a fat gf, a blonde gf, a brunette gf, ANY GF lonely virgin kys
you cuck idiot
giv urself a bullet to the fricking head you fucking shit
you and the pusy poster are the worst fucking posters
on this entire forum
jesus christ
retards still give you (you)s all day
oh haha its funny because im pretending to be a frog oh WAI TNO ITS NOT
i wish i could meet you irl because i would totally smash ur stupid cuck face in and have anal sex with ur mom right in front of you
she looks like that one comedian that duncan trussell dated
Ever watch that Spanish vampire movie she did? It's not very good be she's hot so I watched it.
i'm turned off by hot girls covered in blood, actually
pls dont be mean to me
>hating on based givposter
y-you too~
I actually kinda like the "giv me gf" posting... you need to chill out dude. seriously, take a breather and go afk for a min
Scum of the earth
Not cool user. He was just a boy.
How do i know you're not an impostor?
i know that i am not the imbostor bcuz ur
She's also starring in My Dreams as My Wife.
>forgetting the t.knower
imposter spotted, take him out boys
no bully giv poster
you think you're cool talkin this kinda shit to a 12 year old kid? must feel so tough how bout you go take a goddamn look at yourself
Who else has seen El Internado?
I'm a fan of her body of work.
u hav passed my test
she raped Keanu
Yeah that's not really a fetish of mine or anything but it's only gory toward the end. It's worth a watch if you're into low budget stuff, it all takes place inside a laundromat with some crazy vampire dude stalking her. The beginning is good then goes downhill fast. She's hot in it though.
>I was only pretending to be the phony for the test involving whether or not I really am the phony!
You're digging your own grave, friend.
oh i am digging a grave my friend.. but not for me
*teleborsts bhind u*