>momma had a chicken, momma had a cow
>daddy was proud, he didn't care how
Holy fuck, I didn't realize till now that this show not only dealt with cuckolding, but did so in a positive way. So ahead of its time...
>momma had a chicken, momma had a cow
>daddy was proud, he didn't care how
Holy fuck, I didn't realize till now that this show not only dealt with cuckolding, but did so in a positive way. So ahead of its time...
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Truly one of the worst cartoons airing after y2k.
what did they mean by this?
not a fan of pork butt and taters?
the latin spanish version was different
it went something like
-mom calls me chicken
-mom calls me cow
-when dad adopted us, mom passed out
that poor bastard
literally me
Why was Satan in Cow & Chicken?
it's funnier in spanish imo
epic for the redditness!
Gotta tempt the delicious farm animals into sinning, how else would you advance plot?
I somehow doubt that, dannyboytbh.
they put such a significant amount of effort into that
it was beautiful
I didnt know OP was an associate producer.
It's the little things that make life worthwhile
>look up Louis J. Cuck
>3rd image to pop up is pic related
top lel
I've masturbated to the cow and the red devil. Not proud. But it happened.
Is every cartoon pilot considerably better animated than the show itself?
The whole show was a send-up of the happy-so-lucky world of the mid-to-last 80's through to the mid 90's. The soccer moms who believed that there was a razor blade in every Halloween candy and every person you did not know was absolutely, 100% of the time, a murderer, kidnapper and rapist.
So, the one character in the show who always shows up to cause trouble OR to have trouble caused upon him was always Satan. Satan, the literal worst person.
It was a joke.
Holy shit sometimes truth is stranger then fiction
>this is what american kids had to watch
I watched one episode as kid and it was most disgusting adhd shit I have ever seen
>Dude farts and butts xD
>Le so random :p
>Look how fast we move!
>Annoying voices are funny :DD
Yes, I remember when Powerpuff girls was just a story, the one were the alien turns everything into meat with his gun then it became a show and the animation looked a little crappier, probably budget reasons.
Many of the best shows were born as a one off story, cant remember the name now but Cartoon Nework showed mayne 4-5 inside one episode, Dexters lab and Johnny Bravo were also born out of that show.
>Show about two degenerate animals whos parents involved with bestiality cucking
>Satan is a faggot who does weird things with his ass cheeks constantly
And people say todays cartoons are bad. Nostalgia really clouds peoples judgement.
What A Cartoon! was the name of the show.
I think Family Guy might have originated there as well.
>height 5' 11"
Cant catch a break.
Remember how he was always so D E V I L I S H ?
So, how is that any diffeeent from now?
There's an extremely redpilled episode of I Am Weasel that's entirely against race mixing. Can someone pull that up? The weasel makes a prosperous society and the baboon makes a totally shit one and once the weasel lets the baboons into his society the baboons destroy everything.
Yeah that was the name, some of them were really well animated like the blue cat that hurt his finger and run around the hospital or the guy that has a date and starts to eat everything including the table.
Fuck im old....
What did Eurocucks have to watch as children? Their mom getting plowed by Muhammed through a crack in her bedroom door?
Plenty of David Feiss's work is redpilled. People that hate if for being lol so rundumb were just too young to pay attention to all the jokes going on over their heads.
Does anyone have a webm of the carpet munching softball team?
The Louis CK?