Real talk, why didn't historical and fictional generals ever think of this before?
It instantly doubles the entire army.
It's brilliant.
Real talk, why didn't historical and fictional generals ever think of this before?
It instantly doubles the entire army.
It's brilliant.
Having women in the army is a hindrance.
woman of the north is strong ya dingus
well the united states managed to maintain its status of having the strongest military throughout its existence, we didnt need women
They are not trained to fight.
They are bad and weak fighters.
They can't obey orders.
They fuck and get pregnant.
Go to crusade, few months passed -> half of your army pregnant women now.
Wow, genoius.
Because women are more valuable alive then dead.
women could carry fetuses homie. if you lose men, its ok. lose women and you lose the ability to create population and production of goods while men were at war.
also the rape thing
Women need to have the babies to replace the dead soldiers retard
Great. Now your source of producing new soldiers is gone. And half prisoners of war are going to start producing soldierings for the enemy team.
You couldn't think of a worst way to wreck your country if you tried. Even fucking surrendering is better at this point, at least you would still HAVE a population.
They would be overpowered and draw the attention of other uninvolved nations. Watch Wonder Woman.
It's a feminist line for tumblrinas. Fucking stupid scene. I have never ever seen a show talk about war and include this kind of bullshit MUH WOMENZ
If they get captured they get fucked and are bearing future enemy soldiers in no time
Women fold easier under pressure, they're physically weak and all around bad fighters. The only time they become a threat is when you threaten their kids, and even then it's mostly rabid kicking and screaming with little actual thought put into it. Men are stronger both mentally and physically, hence men have traditionally done all the fighting since keeping calm in a chaotic situation can mean the difference between life and death.
Its the only choice in a fight for survival he literally explains this you dumb cunt, also see USSR WW2
And, no women fought in it.
They all were on productions lines, building tanks and shit.
Are we being raided by /r9k/?
What's with the blatant overt hatred against women ITT?
it's bad from a nation building IRL perspective, but sensible against an apocalyptic zombie army trying to genocide mankind
Also, he saw the wildlings woman fighting, take Ygritte for example, he know what they are capable of with a proper training (Something that their own courtesan culture, something like "yaay lets put the woman on pretty dresses and sing me a song", cannot see)
Men are expendable because surviving men of war can spread their seed quickly and to multiple women. Women are not expendable and must be protected because they can only have one child every 9 months. A lack of women in a society with too many men would decrease the surplus population. The reverse would not.
It's basic tribal nature and primal societal survival instincts.
LITERALLY 3 seconds on google
Give me actual history info about it.
Not another USSR propaganda photo to boost soldier morality.
so? you tripled your army by now
Because no one has ever had to fight a supernatural army that dies if you throw obsidian at them, which even a 10 year old girl can accomplish
I'm pretty sure that having zero economy and food production because every single civilian has become a soldier is pretty bad in a fantasy setting too.
Fuck you buddy. He LITERALLY googled a source and REKT you.
God I hope they dont fall for the 'give women bows' meme.
user saying WW2 is correct, hell, the night witches were a feared group.
It's called "militia"/"opolcheniye" or whatever civil shit people make in the dire times.
Thinking about "muh vagina" is the last thing people do.
So, essentially, Jon Snow mobilizes Volkssturm before it's inevitable.
Of course, feminists lurking here can't stand an idea of women becoming cannon fodder instead of queenz and shieeeet, so they bitch here.
Do you know how many russian men died in ww2?
Millions, tens of millions.
Do you think 100 women mean something?
You can't grow food in winter anyway, it's already all in storage
Thats actually a terrible analogy. Russias population was irreparably damaged, even to this day (I think theyre like 150 million), and tomthis day they are still struggling with population growth Youre just proving that anons point
Now that I think about it, there were also Steppe tribes (Mongolian precursers) whereby the woman could not marry unless she had killed an enemy in battle.
This is unironically the reason women have been historically exempted from war. Men are simply more disposable.
1 man can make lots of women pregnant at the same time but women only get pregnant 1 at a time.
>user saying WW2 is correct, hell, the night witches were a feared group.
Another dumb fuck tricked by propaganda.
Nice one.
just stay on your general
>Men are simply more disposable.
Women are:
Terrible for morale
Cause training and performance standards to drop significantly
Are an embarrassment to any competent fighting force
And throwing them in combat when they are clearly developed and adapted for child rearing and basic tasks was seen as a waste and frankly silly.
Paraguay fought a war with half of South America in the 1800s and lost almost all of its male population to battle deaths. One decade-long orgy later and they were back up to strength, because the women were still there. That is why you do not send your women into battle.
>And, no women fought in it.
Фeepичecкий дoлбoёб.
>Terrible for morale
There are tribes that had the woman and children stand behind the men so that the men knew if they broke and ran their wives and daughters would be raped. Pretty big motivator.
>People have opinions I find distasteful!? Impossible! The only way this could be is if my internet boogeyman was conducting a coordinated raid!
Cocи хyй, ceльдь.
There was a russian female sniper that iced around 300 kills in the battle of stalingrad. Women aren't great fighters but look at Ygritte? You're telling me a grown woman can't be physically trained to use a bow and arrow? Get the fuck out. They don't have the utility that men do for sure but they're not useless.
>Russias population was irreparably damaged
Except it wasn't.
>I think theyre like 150 million
>vs USSR
>What is collapse of USSR.
Burger. Fucking. Education.
Fucking everytime.
>There was a russian female sniper that iced around 300 kills in the battle of stalingrad.
>Another myth by USSR
>Our brave female warrior killed 300 nazis!
No, it was all a lie.
Why hasn't anyone thought about this before? In thousands of years of warfare why has nobody made 50% of their army female? Really makes you think.
>Real talk, why didn't historical and fictional generals ever think of this before?
They did, in similar situations. Ever hear of the Russian partisans during WWII? Same idea.
However very rarely are wars fought on a level of struggle to survive to the last man against a genocidal force - despite war rhetoric to the contrary.
and if the enemy managed to get some light cav unit passed your flank and started butchering your women and children, what do you think that would do to the cohesion of your units?
individual women can be exemplary soldiers obviously. if the army was actually 50% female their would be catastrophic results.
Tы и тaк хopoшo c этим cпpaвляeшьcя, пeтyшoк.
That's not women being in a fighting force, that's them being near combat with a much higher chance of being killed/raped, which is even more fucking retarded and significantly heightens the losses of any non-victorious battle. Men fighting who watch some pretty women get her face bludgeoned with a mace are going to be far more disturbed and likely to break from it since women are not adapted for combat and fighting and men have a much higher natural inclination to protect women and hold empathy for them.
Imagine it in real life. Big burly man gets decapitated by a great sword, it's horrific but it would be easy to adapt to and accept. Some pretty women trying to fight gets her throat slashed? Much more debilitating reaction.
>Russian partisans during WWII
They mostly killed russian people m8.
Burn russian people houses and such.
I watched this with my mom and even she agreed that this episodes GURLLL POWERRR was pushing it.
HOWEVER one can see how Jon Snow would think so. He has seen wildling women fight, he knows that that the undead army also includes women (although there aren't any White Walker women REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.)
But I do still question why he would think that given the first wilding he didn't kill was a weak defenseless woman under his blade.
Ygritte might be the strongest person in the show considering she could hold a bow at full draw effortlessly for minutes at a time, she could smash the mountain
>You're telling me a grown woman can't be physically trained to use a bow and arrow?
A bow is the last thing you'd give a woman you tard. You people play too many video games.
The idea was to not let them past. If you got routed and flanked you were fucked anyway.
protip; that's propaganda, same with other legendary snipers as well
Sometimes women were used for archery, but in melee infantry combat women would get absolutely destroyed because they are weaker and can't carry as heavy armor and weaponry.
But even archery is a problem for the large-breasted because it hinders the draw.
Also, they get periods and they get pregnant which obviously hinder combat effectiveness. They are just much better suited to producing warriors than being warriors themselves. But in dire times they were sometimes used, if the supply of men ran too short.
[Citation Needed]
You are a fucking idiot. The whole point is that when a nations back is up against the wall you need to throw whatever you got. The women in GoT are going to be slaughtered and reanimated if the men die so Jon might as well teach them how to fight rather than stay in a house and wait to die
Read a fucking history book instead of mouthing off on the Internet please.
>I watched this with my mom
>If you got routed and flanked
at least read the post you're replying to
If you're thinking in the medieval-esque war sense?
>Fighting is largely Physical where Men excel at (though there is a lot of records of female archers)
>Women tended to crops/food/production back at the mainlands
>Women were almost intrinsically more valuable due to being able to produce children.
>Getting your period week each month could deter abilities (unsure how this is dealt with in armies today actually if someone wants to educate me)
how much grlll pwer do we need before the media stops pushing it on us at every turn. this fad is overdone
I thought his point was that Russia was a terrible analogy?
>at least read the post you're replying to
If they are in behind, you are fucked.
>Sometimes women were used for archery
Stop getting your info from video games.
Ok faggot, write real number of women fighters in WW2 in russia.
And i will laugh at you.
>The whole point is that when a nations back is up against the wall you need to throw whatever you got.
And? This never was a thing in USSR.
You fucking asshole, Im aware Russia is not the whole USSR, but being as they were the most important Soviet Republic they bore the brunt of the fighting. The VAST MAJORITY of the Red Army was ethnically Russian. and drawn from Russia. Dont fucking condescend to me I'll stick my boot so far up your ass you'll fall in love with me and call me daddy. watch your mouth faggot
Shut up, dumb faggot. Its basic logic. It's the underlying reason for why people flip their shit at the slightest hint of a man harming a woman. Are you denying that women are not seen as more fragile (because they are, objectively), that men are not more inclined to protect them given their greater individual value in terms of reproduction, or that you yourself wouldn't be more disturbed by the mutilation of a small woman as opposed to a muscle-bound man?
That's not a Jewish conspiracy you retard, that's biology. You lose too many women you lose your society.
The young men can die and your society can just fall back on what's left of the young and the older men.
>female archers
I want Sup Forums to leave
You think the Nazi's never had USSR against a wall? St Petersburg was surrounded for years.
I can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded for damage control purposes or if you legit can't read.
>Its basic logic
It's neck beard assumptions.
>You think the Nazi's never had USSR against a wall?
And? USSR never used women as main force.
>St Petersburg was surrounded for years.
Good example. Nobody in the city actually fought, especially women.
>Everything that doesn't fit muh tiny dicklet fantasy is propaganda.
Women were actively mobilized in 1942. But that's understandable, considering that burgershit has never had a war against invaders on their own land.
Women are shorter and not as strong as men
It just hit me, this is the result of Sup Forums consuming Sup Forums. It got popular with the far right media consuming, Trump voting crowd after the election and now these "normies" are stumbling their way into other boards.
Sup Forums can be dumb and easily triggered at times, but it's never been THIS bad. We basically got the alt-right version of SJWs flooding this board now.
>it was in a video game so it didn't happen!
Are you retarded or what? It's well known that they would use women as a last resort, especially among tribal people when the men were on campaign. The women and elderly would defend the camp. Stop being a faggot, user.
ayy the jig is up
Ah, right. So you're denying all of these claims:
Women are seen as more physically fragile (because they actually are), women are more valuable to humanity as individuals due to the process of reproduction (an objective fact), or that you yourself would have an equal reaction to a more small and helpless woman being violently mutilated as compared to a large male?
You're a retard, to the fullest extent.
Sorry, do you have a bad relationship with your mother?
>Women were actively mobilized in 1942
As medical stuff yes.
As soldiers - no.
I bet more 14 years old male kids fought in WW2 than women.
>muh women archurz cuz women hav dex n bowz r 4 dex
Bows require an amount of upper body strength that women don't have.
>Not leaving someone to tend to the crops.
>Not leaving someone to keep the supply lines running.
>Not leaving women knocked up at home to breed the next generation of reinforcements
Legit answer?
Who is back home farming and taking care of the children? That is biggest impetus against having women in the army. Just look at Ancient China where the armies would travel hundreds of miles away from home, the women would farm the land, raise the children, run the businesses, take care of the elderly etc etc.
You literally can't have 100% of your usable population away from home or your kingdom will collapse.
Okay so I think we can all agree that keeping women in a STANDING army without guns is fucking retarded. However I think we can also say that having women trained as some kind of emergency militia is more preferable than letting them get wholesale slaughtered.
lol I love it when people think their opinions are objective facts
natural order exists whether you want it or not
>Ok faggot, write real number of women fighters in WW2 in russia.
I'm not going do your homework for you because you're too stupid and triggered to read history on your own time.
Women fighting on the side of the USSR during WWII is well known. I don't know how you missed this knowledge but that's not my problem.
You can't win war in 1 day.
You need to attend kids.
Make weapons.
Make provisions.
You do not want to leave healthy male to do that, so this is women job in the war.
>You literally can't have 100% of your usable population away from home or your kingdom will collapse.
Mongols did it.
t. Retard who has absolutely no concept of bows whatsoever or the amount of strength it actually takes to effectively wield one
You're so stupid it's nigh laughable. Explain to me what there is an "opinion", and I will explain to you why it's reality, and why your denial of it is based in the fantasies of braindead retards and nothing more.
Everyone remember, we aren't talking about a conventional battle. We are talking about LIFE OR DEATH against the undead horde.
Yes, you need women behind to make more babies and to grow food, but that doesn't mean shit if there is a growing army of death at your door.
Edgy retards like to act like they are racist and sexist online but are probably normal people in real life.
Being anonymous lets them act like retards without embarrassing themselves.
I fucking love woman and I don't give a shit what color your skin is as long as your aren't a moron.