>Can't copy scenes from the books anymore
>quality immediately plummets
>most boring episode 1 yet
>cheesey pleb television shit like the poop clean routine
Is this pottery?
>Can't copy scenes from the books anymore
>quality immediately plummets
>most boring episode 1 yet
>cheesey pleb television shit like the poop clean routine
Is this pottery?
floppy weiners
It's Walking Dead with knights and dragons now and the new book is gonna be a disappointment too
I liked the Brotherhood Without Banners stuff. Everything else was shit, though.
I think you mean FAT PINK MAST
You arent seeing the bigger picture.
Remember the episode that ended with a modern song out of nowhere?
Remember the plasma grenades from the little alien dudes?
Game of Thrones does not take place in the past....its in the future after nuclear holocaust.
That is the first layer....
Now this is the real red pill.... ITS ALL A GAME.
Ever wondered why the show's intro looks like a RPG boardgame? Not only that but parts are added as the story progresses? Just like a D&D campaign...
Someone is playing a game and has imagined the Game of Thrones world and we are watching the "gameplay".
Who is the game master? Soon you'll find out.
>Can't copy scenes from the books anymore
>quality immediately plummets
I have no love for this show but this is a joke, even with GRRM source material the writing sucked.
Season One was on a whole other level to season 5 or whatever it was when things went completely to shit. Early on the show had nothing one tenth as bad as 'BAD POOSIE'.
I mean they probably have the broad strokes of the upcoming books. He was already pissed about a spoiler last season or something.
this proves /lit/ >>>> Sup Forums
does /lit/ think hes a hack or do they worship him?
They might have some points but GoT is more than plot points. I know it's only one episode but I had just got done rewatching the last 3 seasons, that episode tonight was very weak. And lame as fuck how they threw in the faggy sam montage, I mean the first episode of the new season where they are on their own they throw in shit like that.
It's gonna be the black sciemce man
liked before got show started
hated afterwards as a pleb filter
They were fucking up even when they COULD copy scenes from the book. The hype for the show really went over Dumb and Dumber's heads - they forgot they were below average directors before GOT.
The show peaked with season 3, the liberties they've taken since are astonishingly terrible. I can't believe how much they fucked up Dorne.
>I have no love for this show but this is a joke, even with GRRM source material the writing sucked.
That's because if you've read the books at all you are fully aware that the whole series is utter total shit.
how come the people Sup Forums claim are the worst writers, have the best book to movie/tv adaptions? Stephen King, GRRM, Michael Crichton just to name a few.
They are like any other board where people ree at popular shit but also there are people there who like him.
You haven't even read them
>Neil shows up and starts talking about space
Honestly wouldn't be surprised
>Stephen King adaptations
Besides the Shining, what?
Game of Thrones post-Season 3 makes The Walking Dead look like a masterpiece.
utter shit is a little harsh, but I've read them and I can see why someone would have that impression. It kind of depends on what your idea of "good" is
You just answered your own question...because they are shit.
Look ive read a couple of SK books and the only way to describe him is as a fucking tease, its like his stories never reach their full potential and just lose steam.
Stephen King is a great "idea guy", I really like his creativity when it comes to the horror genre but not his execution, thats why we like the movie adaptations.
>You haven't even read them
Not only did I read them, I threw them out afterward. If the words and prose weren't so thin throughout I might have used it as toilet paper instead.
Now you're just memeing. As bad as GOT is post season 4, it's still miles ahead of Walking Dead
This. Also Kubrick completely rewrote the story so it wasn't even close to a faithful adaptation. King is a shit writer.
Is that real quote?
yup, mike tyson said that shit right after the glove wouldnt fit his hand in court
Semi-real. He has been accused of stealing other peoples work. Niggers being niggers.
Every excellent plot point of GoT has been GRRM. When Hodors origin was revealed I knew immediately it was him
Green Mile
The Mist
Stand By Me
>making shit up to try to seem cool
Kill yourself
Go to bed Preston.
that guy youre replying to is pretty cool though, like that last post was hella clever and shit
It's for smart people with brains. It has a lot of names, locations, lore, the dialogue is very powerful, dramatic, yet subtle. It's wonderfully written and really brings the world to life and drags you into it.
I agree. An insult like that is above average in quality.
Does it really say that on the back cover?
It should
Besides being fat and lazy Gurm did nothing wrong
Imagine if the Bible said "It's for smart people with brains." on the back. We'd probably be on Mars by now.
They're good books you fucking moron, nothing you say makes any sense stop posting.
Is Game of Thrones a bad adaption of the books?
there's a fantasy containment general, but asides from that most people are more into more highbrow literature. i don't think most people care about him one way or the other
Was that really a good plot point? I would have preferred hodor was just a normal bro-tier retard
That's because the writers still had people with oversight and veto power above them.
The more successful it got, the more leeway they got and the worse it got
It has some bad moments but overall it's definitely one of the better adaptions I've seen
Not really, when they actually had the books to go off of it was mostly pretty good with some small exceotions.
>most boring episode 1 yet
Nigga this was a great episode.
If you consider an episode like Battle of the Bastards to be 10/10 then you are such a pleb.
An episode that spends time on each character instead of just action is far better
No, they're bad too.
The fact that Bran can change the past is huge and the reveal of that has to be something significant, which it was. It's not like the reveal changes Hodors character in any way since he dies immediately
kekarooni and cheese
>>quality immediately plummets
I actually think it improved a lot.
This would be the worst.
Oh I see what you're saying. Yeah I agree that aspect of it is cool. I guess I was just focusing on the fact that I didn't think hodor needed some magical backstory. But I agree the reveal that bran already changed the past is very interesting
I don't think I want to watch it anymore to be honest. It's just shit, can't even sit through 1 episode. Dropped
Nobody mentioned BOTB. But that was even a far better episode. Yes spending time on mutliple characters is fine and most episodes do that anyway, it was just boring and the dialogue wasn't very good either. I don't mean boring action wise only, it's more than that.
Personal preference, I guess. I'm not a book reader, so fidelity to the source is immaterial to me. What I've noticed since they overtook the novels is that there's more of a narrative focus. It's still sprawling, but less meandering. On top of that, they seem to have doubled-down on the sense of foreboding because of the point in the story that they're at. There's a lot of weight to even the more mundane scenes. Also, stuff like that great cleaning montage... I feel like before that would've been six episodes of b-plot because that would be like all of Sam's POV chapters for a book or something.
>can't even sit through 1 episode
Was it just me, or was the dialogue particularly modern feeling in this first episode?
I know the dialogue has become more anachronistic as the series progressed, but this episode was particularly jarring.
>Nobody mentioned BOTB. But that was even a far better episode.
They're both great, and completely different. The fact that we can get both in one show is amazing.
It's just bad. I'd rather shitpost for an hour.
>As Jon and Dany prepare for the final battle way up north, GRRM will appear and tell the viewer he is the stories true worst enemy
>I feel like before that would've been six episodes of b-plot because that would be like all of Sam's POV chapters for a book or something.
A gross exaggeration..that scene was cringey and misplaced.
>King hated the only kino adaptation of his work
A hack through and through
It was a shit episode but Book 4 and 5 are really bad compared to the first 3 books.
George RR Martin will deliver Lynch bookino, but it takes time lad to catch the big fish. Transcendental meditation has no deadline.
I was feeling the same
Where's the inner conflict? It's just people doing things at this point.
The only person uncertain of himself is Jaime - but that's where he's been at for 4 years. There's no dynamic characters.
Name one character who hasn't gone through a big change
>A gross exaggeration..
Is it? There have been several times where it's felt like character progression is in a holding pattern over several episodes, when one or two episodes would have done. From some of Dany's wandering to some of Arya's training and the torture of Theon.
>that scene was cringey and misplaced
Strongly disagree, we clearly want quite different things from the show.
>season one stuck to the book
>was the only good season and best book for that matter
huh, really makes you think
Would literally save the series. To have turned out as a troll on the plebs who still watch it none ironicly; the show they love is a lie... ha
Game of Thrones is a soap with swords and dragons setting. It's Dallas in ye olden times. If you enjoy it you are nothing more than a stay at home home enjoying a visit from her only friends.
>Where's the inner conflict? It's just people doing things
what does this even meeeeeeeaaaaan
Yes, spoiler, it's the Jewish cabal pulling the strings. More and more in the open if you're paying attention
Yeah you're clearly a fucking plebian who wants everything streamlined and instant gratification, packed with epic funnny scenes for comedic relief. Get some fucking taste, you must be underage.
It's a great adaptation of the first book, a decent adaption of the second and third books, and a terrible adaptation (if you can even call it that) of the fourth and fifth books, which are messy and plodding in and of themselves. This series literally only exists because of Ned's death and the Red Wedding. Those two twists were the strokes of brilliance that inspired GRRM to write the series in the first place, and they're why the show gained so much hype. It's all downhill from there because the author didn't know how to wrap up his own story and the showrunners are complete hacks who got incredibly lucky with this series.
The Night Flier u idiot
Literally the only character to actually go through satisfying narrative change having dealt with personal conflict (as opposed to progression, which most characters have gone through) is Sansa. She went from wanting to be a Southern princess to what she is now. Every other character has just become more of what they already were.
This sums it up.
Kinda like Berserk?
agreed, sansa and jon's conversations in particular
Everyone on /lit/ loves him. Only the try hards don't
>if you don't share my tastes everything about you is awful
Alright mate. I can't really take your taunts seriously, seeing as how you resorted to immature insults instead of continuing what I thought was quite a nice discussion.
Since they started making OC? None.
In the first season Ned doesn't tell Robert about his 'kids', but instead does the honorable thing and tells Cersei. He wants to do both, but he has to pick one. He's at conflict with himself.
What comparable dilemmas have occurred in the last four years?
>Who is Theon, Jaime, Arya's identity crisis, The hound
I was expecting them to start slow clapping for female inscription and empowerment desu
>Jaime, Arya
How are they not the same as they were from like Season 2 on?
Fizzled, postponed, botched, reversed
Can you imagine them chopping off Jaime's hand if that wasn't written for them?
There's no having a conversation with someone as retarded as you, if you don't see why that shit montage was ill placed while at the same time dogging the books then you're just a shit taste pleb.
You have to go back
Jaime has had a massive change ever since he got his hand cut off and Arya had her identity crisis and became a hardass. She is a little mary sueish ill admit.
ive never seen someone get btfo so thoroughly
Yeah she's Arya Stark of Winterfell, and also "No one" with magic powers she didn't earn.
And she has a jetpack.
How about when Arya wants to continue her training but can't give up needle the sword jon gave her so she hides it?