/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

The Fat Lady has sung edition


The misogyny is going too far.

Alright alright, what the FUCK did he mean by this?

miguel ferrer was killed by irl lodge shenanigans
season 3 is a warning

Anyone else think Nadine's drape runner business was absolutely shit-tier fanservice?

>be me, David Lynch, trying to draw a deer thing and a giant hand in the sky
>hear knock on door
>it's Laura Palmer's giant head crying

He just wanted to draw. Also, I think Laura is possessing either Albert, Tammy, or Diane. Not sure which. I think Laura would be on the good guy's side though, white lodge and whatnot...

how many minutes of the 10 hours of show so far have actually taken place in twin peaks?

>waaaaah Lynch doesn't care about the original show and is just shoe-horning in his random ideas for experimental short films
>waaaaah Lynch actually cares about the original show

You fags need to make up your minds if you're gonna complain. Is Lynch doing fanservice or not?

Who has had more screen time, Cooper or David Lynch's cameo?


this depends on how you define coop
i'd love to see somebody actually crunch these epic numbers

That is literally the only fanservice-y thing in the entire show, so no. It's also why it sticks out like a sore thumb.


>amerifats consider this """"""""""singing""""""""""

Are Cole, Albert, and Tammy going to (sexually) torture Diane to get her to spill the beans?

why wouldn't she be possessing/trying to contact Cole, since he's the one seeing her?

Dissolves are cool.

as opposed to what? they clearly showed her trying to get patents and shit on the drapes. would you have preferred they change her to a different career?

I don't know why people are so hung up on Lynch's cameo role in the original series becoming a main character in the new season. It makes sense the FBI would be on the case and it's not like Lynch changed what character he was playing to have more screentime or is shoehorning the role in. It fits and it's a character he's good at.

>yfw you got muffins on the mind

>foreigners watch our shows

Filthy and nymphobanic Jane-E raped pure and innocent Dougie, who just likes to drink cheap coffee. I hate her for that, the only thing what womans can think of is sex

You know damn well the people that prefer the old show want the tone and pacing back, and probably for Cooper not to be retarded. Not a dumb reference to elicit claps. Strawman arguments should be expected from redditspacers, though.

It's happening again. Garland vision is a trap. Bobby is getting killed.

Yes, 25 fucking years ago, and if you actually watched the show instead of a YouTube recap you'd know she was denied a patent and determined it was a pointless endeavor then tried killing herself shortly after.

Who cares what people want?

Either get on board or go away.

So we have to deal with people who expect the old show and people who expect Lynching and get mad at "fanservice"?

This was a classic Lynch moment. Reminded me of the Mulholland Dr diner scene in how it caught me off guard.


i don't disagree, but i do sort of think part of it is to piss people off. and it does.

I like it. Gordon Cole was always one of my favorite characters.

I actually forgot that she was denied and then gave up on it. Makes the reference even stupider.

this was the cutest thing i've ever seen.

why did cronenberg change his last name to lynch?

I've just finished the first 2 seasons for the first time.

Should I watch the movie before starting season 3?

>trying to get patents
that's what i wrote you fucking mong. is reading not your strong suit?

honestly you're being a gigantic faggot over a drape.

you have to watch the movie before S3, it references Bowie and the ring

i wish we had more of phillip jeffries
i wish lynch would resurrect bowie and make him the star of twin peaks 2: water walk with me


Tried, and was DENIED, and somehow has the store after being denied and giving up on it completely.
Her character dropped it in the first fucking season, but it was her most memorable "trait" so it was shoehorned in even though it doesn't make sense based on the actual fucking show. That's why it's shitty fanservice.

You have to consider that this show is so much harder for your average person to follow than the original series.
My family adored Twin Peaks when it was originally on, but now they're having a hard time with it.
It breaks my heart to see something they loved so much completely alienate them.

Let the old folks have their fan service.

I was honestly spooked, was not expecting that at 3AM

Yes. Fire Walk With Me, and then The Missing Pieces if you want.

By Jerry Horne. (Confirmed by Eddie Vedder song.)

Someone said last thread they would go on a date next ep. Reminder that someone who has seen the whole season is making subtle leaks each week.

Also, I hate this scene because with Lynch watching it happen, it's like "Hey, look at this scene I wrote, audience! Look at it, isn't it great!" Would have been better if we just saw them eating and didn't have Lynch watching it.

What is The Missing Pieces?

1. I like Season 3 even better than Season 1.

2. This may have been the best episode yet.

Was it rape?

>Also, I hate this scene because with Lynch watching it happen, it's like "Hey, look at this scene I wrote, audience! Look at it, isn't it great!" Would have been better if we just saw them eating and didn't have Lynch watching it.

If there's anything we've learned from this season, it's that Lynch is the most self-indulgent faggot ever.

>every single time Cole pauses his dialogue for a brief moment he's actually having weird flashbacks and vivid hallucinations right before resuming the sentence as if nothing happened
prove me wrong

denied a patent, opened a store anyway. really don't see why it bothers you. but whatever i'm not gonna convince you and don't really care to.

i'd say amnesia/the psychotic break was her most memorable trait.

KEK its funny seeing women trying to actually understand shit

Janey-E definitely did NOT rape Dougie. Just like David Lynch did NOT rape his own daughter and write a tv show about it.

She wanted patents so she could become rich selling drape runners, which was always an absurd goal. She doesn't need patents to run a small business (which she seems to live in) in a small town.

The Horne kid is a red herring Bob. They are really trying to make you think he's Bob (especially with the lighting of the candle, very FIRE WALK WITH ME), and they will more and more with each episode.

Who is the REAL Bob now? Thoughts, predictions?

FWWM is kind of a mess. The Missing Pieces are deleted scenes. If you don't get some lodge stuff from FWWM, you should give TMP a watch. It's only one particular scene with Cooper.

The part of this clip with just Lynch and Tammy's response is great meme material. Could be used in so many ways.

please get out normie

>Also, I hate this scene because with Lynch watching it happen, it's like "Hey, look at this scene I wrote, audience! Look at it, isn't it great!"

Nah I liked that it did that. Thought it was adorable. You don't always have to respond to everything with cynicism and miserableness.


No, in between scenes he said "give two rides."

>especially with the lighting of the candle, very FIRE WALK WITH ME
He left the stove on. The candle wasn't a symbolic gesture, he rigged the trailer to explode.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

The candle was to blow up the trailer. BOB is with the woodsmen now.

But that's "playing with fire", something Bob is known to like to do. They're going to set it up more and more to make you think Richard is BOB, but someone else has become BOB. I think it's whoever lives in the house that Andy was outside if, and the guy in the lawn said "You have to go".

Can we get a vote on if this was better than episode 8?

I say probably.

The guy Andy was talking to was all but shown to be killed by Richard. Andy was questioning him over Richard's truck, and Richard was most likely in the house listening without Andy's knowledge. When he got wind of the meeting, he killed him. I think it even ominously cuts to the door of his trailer while Andy is waiting for him.

kek this is actually pretty funny

nothing is better than episode 8.

At least we know based Bobby Briggs isn't corrupt.

I mean that's a good point if we assume the bullet wound left a scar.

The way the camera zooms in on Meriam's trailer door reminded me a lot of the camera zoom in on the door of the farmer guy so I thought that was cool and definitely does make me think Richard killed that guy too.

coop would probably have a scar from cracking his forehead on the mirror as well.

electricity is humming
you hear it in the mountains and the rivers
you see it dance among the seas and stars
and glowing around the moon
but in these days the glow is dying
what will be in the darkness that remains?
the Truman brothers are both true men
they are your brothers
and the others
the good ones
who have been with you
now the circle is almost complete
watch and listen to the dream of time
and space
it all comes out now flowing like a river
that which is
and is not.


Laura is the one.

Why does Janey get so wet seeing Cooper at the doctors office when she dressed and undressed him all throughout the week?

So we all agree that a performance at the Roadhouse signifies the passing of a day in-story, right? Meaning that the next episode will begin on the 9th day since the pilot. Even though it seems like forever to us, Cooper has only been retarded for barely over a week.

that would be dopplecoop though

right yeah that's what i meant.

The bullet didn't wound him though. It killed a tick that was feasting on him.

What did y'all like about this episode exactly? I personally thought it was the worst episode of the season tbf

Maybe she already raped him multiple times during the week.
It's not like he would be able to take a shower by himself.

Candy. She's so hot and incredibly stupid, I love her.

>google captcha: CONVENIENCE STORE

>ywn have Janey wash you and bathe you

to me this was the closest tonally to the old series. i laughed a lot.

>the bullet didn't wound him though
It left a bullet hole and the other two bullets broke his ribs.

>Plot progression
>funny scenes
>Naomi Watt's hips

>mfw I get my thicc fix from the least expected source

Bravo David.

Reminder that right girl is best girl.

She's nearly as oblivious as he is. Even in the doctor's office, she didn't seem to get moist while his shirt was off until the doctor pointed out that he lost weight.

its candie

it's probably because of all the shit she was bitching about before she even looked at topless dougie. Janey has been heavily preoccupied with everything else in her life to even consider dougie sexually.


How long did Candy spend in the lodge to get that retarded?

But that's not Lynch watching, it's Gordon Cole.

I wondered the same thing. I don't think she'd let Sonny dress him.

also, Johnny looked like David Schwimmer's retarded brother, if you catch my drift


I think she's faking. I predict she'll reveal herself to be an agent of the rival mafia family and unintentionally end up saving Coop by taking Knepper and Belushi out before they kill him.

Show me the bullet hole. He had a tick wound.