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It's amazing how much more likable she has become.

Who do you think she should get with?

Jon x sansa would be god tier but it'll never happen

I just want to see if her tiddies are worth seeing


she's so fucking ugly

>she's on muh nerd show so I think she's hot!

she was hot when they cast her 7 years ago no pedo

british slags dont really age well, there are some exceptions of course like elizabeth hurley

Anyone got a stream?

Needs to be on a show where we can see her legs.

so has she returned to season 1 levels of attractiveness? What has changed? did she lose weight?

They should totally tease it.

she's the new Cersei so obviously she ends up with Jaime.

people who actually think that sophie and maise are hot should really kill themselves


nobody thinks this

sophie looks ok sometimes tho

They've changed actor, the facial composition and nose is completely different

Maisie is a goblin but Sophie is a doable slag desu

Women don't need men anymore in GoT. The nudity is shriveled up old guy cocks going forward.

>implying you wouldn't

looks like an ironing board, i probably would tho

people who say they wouldn't are virgins

any rational thinking man who has experienced sex wants to put this girl face down while fucking her and cumming on that beautful back

did they have piercing in ancient fantasy land?

>cum on that beautful back
>If u disagree you're a virgin

seems like your a closet homo trying too hard to pretend your hetero. literally nothing special about her back except it could be a mans which probably excites you, gayboi

Salladhor Saan

no sticking a sharp little piece of metal through flesh is just too advanced a practice. That why piercings weren't invented until the early 2000s.

you're gayer because you don't want to fuck a vagina

Last time I checked this morning, her fat second chin is still there.
Can you fuck off with this human filth?

No i fucking wouldnt. There are more attractive women in any given scool classroom in any given white country. There's at least 1 cashier at every supermarket who is more attractive than her. The average female hotel receptionist is more attractive than her.

She is well below average in terms of looks.

Sophie is a bit of chameleon, her looks are fickle. She can look like slagathor and sometimes a pretty amazon

>White "men"
how absolutely pathetic

I know you're trolling but I agree

The drugs have ruined her face

Am I the only one who jerked off to the scene of her getting raped? It was hot as fuck.

Redheads just look good in snow.

Here you go!

I love drug scarred faces, I guess that why I love slav women so much because that's the way they look naturally.

How am I supposed to watch this... It's not even a video!

she has a revolting face and the body of a small young boy, but knowing that 90% of Sup Forums posters are pedos, this is probably a huge plus

i will never understand the 'maise is so fuckin hot dude' meme

What went right ?
She became so sexy.