Why do girls love nerd culture?
Why do girls love nerd culture?
If watching cartoons made me special, I'd watch cartoons too.
why did she cut off half her t-shirt?
They dont.
They love attention and no one gives them more attention than beta permavirgins who eat right out of their hands 100% of the time
If a girl has no orbiters, she is no girl at all
t. normie
because they're all whores and liars
who is this semen demon?
Women's natural instinct is to destroy what men create.
>nerd culture
there's no such thing
>takes pic of herself
>covers mouth
this triggers me
cause they realized more men like nerd culture than watch sports or do jock stuff
most of those girls have never completed a zelda game yet they love it
*whores shilling for IG likes
think about being a girl these days, you want a boyfriend but all boys want to do is lock themselves away with their computer and they cant compete with the really attractive chicks for the jocks and goal oriented boys so they end up turning to feminism and black people
If putting on a pink dress and heels would get me any (positive) attention from this girl, I would fucking do it.
They don't love nerd shit. They love how people love them when they talk about how much they love nerd shit.
'''''Nerd culture''''' is a product of consumerism, not a legitimate subculture.
I know an actual wannabe gamer girl who thinks that liking Tekken and Skyrim makes her an ultimate nerd chick. She actually got mad and left the house doors banging after she lost to me in Tag Tournament 2 repeatedly.
As a gamer and a fireman, I approve of this post.
If you mean girls who are hot enough to be attention whores then for attention, otherwise Tumblr.
to take the last thing these poor nerds had left. at least they thought, hey if i cant have girls at least we have our epic nerd culture and games! no no no sweety, thats now theirs as well