I just watched Back to the Future again. What the hell happened to TV and Film...

I just watched Back to the Future again. What the hell happened to TV and Film? Why are modern films such utter garbage compared to older films?

I think it's because people have become obsessed with identity politics and are using films more and more as propaganda efforts rather than creative endeavors. But that might be oversimplifying it.

What do you movie nerds think?

I like boobies!

>Why are modern films such utter garbage compared to older films?
I mean I get that you probably think you're "redpilled" but really just think about that statement for a second and you'll realize you sound just like every other fag who ever lived and died on this planet.

nobody uses 35mm anymore. now we get utter shite like the shot in this thread I mean what an absolute piss take, might aswell not film anything

I recently watched this trilogy for the first time.

Why is the second movie the most popular if is the one with the least quality?

Because politics sell now, senpai. Hollywood is stuffing every film full of it to cover up bad writing and acting. Additionally, political controversy creates free viral marketing with little effort. You can act like your movie is the first one to feature a black/female lead and cause every western middle class activist to see your movie. It also fools the alt righters to cause a ruckus about it, thus spreading the word further. Anyone dumb enough to believe "libtards" are doing this because they genuinely believe in their cause need a harsh reality check, they're only doing it because it's trendy and brings them money.

Give it another 10 years and it'll be replaced with something else. In the early 00's it was the edgy outcasts versus popular types, in the 90's it was environmental issues, in the 80's it was the lone wolf fighting against The System. Etc.

>I think it's because people have become obsessed with identity politics and are using films more and more as propaganda efforts rather than creative endeavors.

you are obsessed with identity politics, most people are just getting on with their lives.

>I mean I get that you probably think you're "redpilled" but really just think about that statement for a second and you'll realize you sound just like every other fag who ever lived and died on this planet.
That's a pretty standard reply to this and to be expected. I'm not saying shit from the 50's or some old Dambuster's film is objectively better than today, I am saying that modern films have become poorly made and cheap grabs full of cheap messages and shallow plots, and that movies from the 80's and 90's were basically peak cultural movie output from the USA.

The only decent recent film I can think of is Mad Max: Fury Road. Almost everything else I can think of comes across as a thinly veiled political message, usually tied to some modern American identity politics garbage.

>you are obsessed with identity politics
Not really it is just in my face in literally every medium.

>Why is the second movie the most popular if is the one with the least quality?
I think because most people wanted to see the "future" in back to the future. I used to like #2 best when I was a kid but upon rewatch I think #1 is my favorite.


This is what it seems like to me.

>Give it another 10 years and it'll be replaced with something else. In the early 00's it was the edgy outcasts versus popular types, in the 90's it was environmental issues, in the 80's it was the lone wolf fighting against The System. Etc.
I know this was the case for a lot of films from those times, but I feel like there were a lot more that weren't just pure political messaging.

It feels like every film I see these days always has some political messaging in it, whereas there were many from the 80's and 90's that didn't have that.

What's the political message in Back to the Future 1? There isn't one. And yet somehow they manage to squeeze modern politics into nearly every single new film.

It's garbage and it has basically made me stop watching films.

I didn't mean to sound dismissive its just that 90% of threads like this, the OP doesn't even want to discuss film he just wants to gripe about liberals.

What camera was Back to the future shot with?

google shows nothing but the one marty used to film doc when he got shot up

>I didn't mean to sound dismissive its just that 90% of threads like this, the OP doesn't even want to discuss film he just wants to gripe about liberals.
I don't even give a shit about the particular political message, I give a shit that propaganda is being passed off as innocent entertainment and that it is so common I actually cannot name a film without it. Or TV show for that matter.

The same shit pissed me off in the 90's and it pisses me off now. The difference is in the 90's there were alternatives. Now it's just 100% politics allllll the time.

It really does reflect contemporary America.

A video camera.

Probably a Sorny.

>I think it's because people have become obsessed with identity politics and are using films more and more as propaganda efforts rather than creative endeavors.

No. It's because everyone has ADHD so everything the plot and action has to move so fast and be so easy to grasp because of this speed. Identity politics is a superficial fault, a flavoring, it is not the core.

>everyone has ADHD
But not EVERYONE does. That's why there are so many people who like these older films. Why are these film makes so retarded that they can't see that?

It has the most going on and is just honestly the most interesting.
Seeing the future, seeing the first movie in a different perspective, seeing the vasty alternate 1985, good character development for Marty. Yeah I don't know what your merits for supposed quality is, but it's easy to see why anyone would prefer it the most out of the three.

I disagree. It has impressive special effects and have probably the most interesting setting, but it's the weakest story-wise.

It's overstuffed of events, Marty gets his real character development until the third movie and there's that big plot hole of Biff returning to the future where he is fucked up despite the fact he changed the future.

Also, why the Doc doesn't keep Jennifer locked inside the DeLorean when they are in the future? why he must be outside?

might also be a Panavision or Ultracam as those were popular in the 80s

OP is dead on, fuck off "comrade".

>go see homecoming
>literally 5 seconds into the film someone is chastised for calling native Americans "Indians"
>literally 10 seconds in a black school news reporter is macking on blonde white girl
>the new black Mary Jane's WE speech about how the Washington monument was built by slaves
>both of Peter Parker's love interests are black
>villain's wife is black
>Peter's Mexican school rival has a white blonde girlfriend
>the oh so edgy Sup Forums Fuck Marry Kill scene with high schoolers fantasizing about old men, also participated in by a gay male
Fuck what propagandists have done to TV and film.

Actually the whole film has been "Back to the past" for 2 years. I still can't get over the massive plot hole of old Biff returning to the same timeline he left, especially when you have Doc Brown explain why it wouldn't work. Someone should have been fired for that.

False. The Trump movement has them freaking the fuck out... They have turned their brainwashing efforts up to 11. This is plainly what we're seeing. Hopefully it's the cultural marxists death throes.

Hover boards and hover cars m8

That sounds like absolute cancer m8

One element of this film that would not sit well with modern audiences is Marty's lecherous attitude. He has a girlfriend, yet ogles other girls, and this is depicted in a very unapologetic manner, boys will be boys and all that. This character trait is turned completely on its head by having Marty's mom fall head over heals for him, which makes for some genuinely hilarious scenarios.

It's sad that modern movies would never depict something like this, because the "male gaze" is seen as unhealthy and immoral nowadays. It's a good example of the various ways PC culture stifles creativity.

i believe that most iconic film directors are pulling something out of the human consciousness

debate me, but it's very strange that this movie is still applicable to present day

>back to the future predicted 9/11

They have gone senile and are forcing their hand as hard and fast as possible before they die off to ensure their degenerate legacy lasts for generations.

Anyone who pays money for modern Hollywood productions is a fucking mouth breathing retard who should be shot and thrown in a ditch for crimes against humanity.

The dumbest people I know are the ones who go to the movies regularly and constantly talk about super heroes or politics they don't even comprehend beyond buzzwords. Fuck telling a story use your position to push a biased political agenda! Fuck telling a unique story with heart and levity just remind everyone they should be ashamed to be white and show how superior darker skin tones are even if it's only implied with pop culture buzzwords from twitter!

because hollywood connot get away with anything like before the internet, so they are cautios about what they invest in
because nepotism makes hollywood a system that has nothing to do with skill, every decade a little more than the decade before
because now they have to bi liked by illiterate third worlders from china and india

>One element of this film that would not sit well with modern audiences is Marty's lecherous attitude. He has a girlfriend, yet ogles other girls, and this is depicted in a very unapologetic manner, boys will be boys and all that.
Did we watch the same movie? I can't remember him ever doing that.

Jesus Christ movies like BvS have far more complexity and weight than all of those 80s and 90s summer 'flicks' combined.

I blame movies like BTTF, Indiana Jones, Matrix, Jurrasic park and terminator for spoiling the audience with popcorn cinema so much that when smart blockbusters like Mos and BvS appear they can't handle it.

Panavision Panaflex
35 mm film (Eastman 125T 5247, 400T 5294)