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All I want in life is for Melisandre to chain me to a bed and peg me.
Jon x Sansa is real
>based Jaime calling out the Ironniggers
best part of the episode desu
All I want in life is to put a slave collar on Daenerys and make her call me the Good Master.
i want jaime to lick my pussy
Danny scenes are so fucking boring holy shit. I don't give a shit about this cunt and it fucking kills me to know that she's going to be here for the rest of the story. FUCK.
rate my oc
First for Georges mysterious blog post was him lamenting the shit downward spiral in the quality of the show.
this. she was only interesting until her husband died then she was just awful
damn nigga, fap and go to bed tf
Wtf happened to Jon
I thought he was going to come back as a cold hard ass based as fuck anti hero killing plebs left and right and doing whatever it takes to stop the ww. But no, fucking cucked little whiny Manlet getting amoged by his own sister. Absolutely heretical writing
>Be a brazen ignorant cunt
>Get raped
>Be a brazen ignorant cunt
honestly it felt like this episode is at least moving forward a story. Not like the beginning of season 6.
>July 12th
>today's the 16th
What is the relevance?
>Every man, woman, boy and girl from 10 to 60 will be trained
This is so fucking retarded. I know this show has devolved into "don't think so much about it", but there's a historical and logical reason for why you usually don't bring women to battlefield, even in times of dire crisis. Old women and small children, especially little girls, would serve absolutely no point on the battlefield except be in the way and create panic once shit gets real. Besides, who will be the ones to look after the children, protect the homes, be in charge of production of food, goods and other equipment while everyone else is away? Not to mention winning the war is a bit pointless if you just got all the fertile women killed.
Did anything really happen, beyond Euron allying with Lannisters?
What characters from the original 1-3 season run are still tolerable?
Beric and Thoros
Is that it? even Davos is getting fucking memey.
If anything her rape should make her even more irrational and emotional.
she is best when she's suffering or as a camera lens to much cooler characters. (drogo, viserys)
I bet we are up to an hour of screentime of Dany trying to emote with her face with upbeat music playing in the background.
>this bitch can't act for shit
>i know. lets just have her stand around with dragons flying and shit. then put some uplifting riffs on
>yeah. they'll eat that shit up
She was good when she was the underdog, now she has dragon God powers and poor writing (like in season 5) to save her.
>these sansa scenes
I wonder if tumblrwhales loved them, completely missing the point that she was shown in a terrible light.
MARK MY WORDS : Sansa is either dead (S7 or S8) or turning into a villain (not just a "master schemer" working for the good guys, but a villain who does terrible things to either her family, or anyone 'good').
D&D make her look fucking terrible in that episode. They don't do that to the characters they like. They only do it to the characters they hate or the characters they want to get rid off.
She is either turning against them, or she's getting killed off. Either way, she's not part of their meme good guys ending.
Numenor prequel series incoming?
How does someone who genuinely seems to have a problem with women get told that he has a problem with women without him then calling the person telling him that a feminazi libtard cuck?
Did they jump the shark with Euron "You All Everybody" Greyjoy? I don't remember stretchy leather pants existing in a time of swords and arrows. At this point they may as well have gimps and leather fetishes
Fucking this, holy shit.
>Who cares that you've been commanding men and fighting battles for years at this point - I got an unwanted dicking so now I'm a special wise snowflake who can do no wrong
>tfw you havent seen the new episode because youre an Ausfag and you cant find it online because youre a technoretard who doesnt know how to interwebs
Does anyone else feel that showrunners really fucking hate her? Maybe even more so than Stannis. I still don't understand what was the point of her exile, or when she removed her necklace beyond "HAHA, SHE IS OLD AND UGLY".
He had just finished watching his early episode screening and immediately took to his blog to low key complain.
So how does it work? You just have to write on you celebrity Instagram how much you love GoT and then they contact you for cameo for next season?
season 8 finale. Daenerys, Cersei, Sansa and Arya are stripped naked by the furious people of king's landing in the same place Eddard Stark was executed. they cry and shout for their lives but they end up humiliated, raped and murdered by the not so lenient crowd
That jonestown opening
I'm #TeamQuasimodo now
Everyone else either doesn't act as well or is written to be overly prescient and talented.
>If anything her rape should make her even more irrational and emotional.
>it just works like an equation where the result is predictable
Have you ever known anyone who was raped? Or heard from one who was? Every woman handles it differently.
None of this matters if the consequence of losing is the extinction of the species. With those stakes, you throw everything you have at the enemy.
She got her privilege checked and become better for it.
There is going to be a population collapse anyway. They have wasted resources on warring when they should have stocked for winter. What food are you going to produce during winter anyway? lol
If the winter is going to be tough and long you might as well let the small children perish. They will just consume resources and likely die anyway.
But you've got a point that against the army of the dead cannon fodder is counterproductive.
I would scream in impotent rage if he announces another book he's spent time writing before Winds.
Too bad she never showed up. Is she gonna revive The Hound?
Seriously. Only time his book character matched show, Then they fucked it all up so it doesn't matter. PERFECT Jaime actor though, that cannot be oversaid.
Seriously. "Oh I took Dragonstone, which happens to be thanks to unknown luck the only reason I can fight the White Walker other than my FUCKING DRAGONS."
Another character should have that power. Way too stacked.
She's unironically becoming the new Littlefinger, and considering the amount of "YASS SLAY" the last couple of seasons, I doubt D&D had a shred of self reflection writing her arc.
Party Rock starts playing
All i want is a bearloli to hibernate with
Weak men will never rule GoT again.
Anyone else feel that this scene was poorly directed? The Hound should have gotten closer to the fire, so you could have his eyes glow or something (similar to what happened with Stannis). Instead, the actor stood far away and hardly changed his facial expression, so it was hard to believe he actually saw anything. I know The Hound is supposed to be scared of fire, but in a scene like this it's important.
stopped being tolerable season 4
>what father used to say; Everything before the word 'but' is horseshit
>tfw at first I was triggered because BENJEN said that on the show, not Eddard
>then figured that Jon didn't talk much to Benjen in his entire life so he probably didn't hear him say that, but it's likely that all starks brothers were saying it, just didn't happen to have Eddard say it on screen
Guess D&D wrote something that makes a bit of sense for once.
Unless of course they just forgot/retcon'ed who said that line on the show,
like they did with the Theon/Tyrion discussion in S6
but what if your enemy directly benefits from cannon fodder?
just type watch game of thrones season 7 episode 1 online in google my dude
Kek, why was it so obvious they limited his lines so he wouldn't fuck it up?
get qbittorrent and then go to thepiratebay and get the fucking torrent you shit. You click where it says "get this torrent".
But these women will be crucial in the battle because they are women and D&D. Probably some fat independent woman will kill the Night's King.
Benjen said "my brother always said" in that line
>Anyone else feel that this scene was poorly directed?
>Have you ever known anyone who was raped?
no, but i know a couple of rapers
>Rick and Morty
>Game of Thrones
And creating an "army" so in-cohesive that will be even harder to supply and arm, and even harder to keep in order once heads start rolling?
Well in S7 maybe, but there's still S8.
And even taking into account how fucking retarded D&D are, I will NOT believe that they didn't intend for Sansa to be annoying and to sound retarded.
It is an existential total war. The loser isn't going to get terms. Nor will their women be taken wives by the victors.
Assuming they would keep the women in rearguard duties or reserve unless they run out of manpower it would all make perfect sense.
>Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything
Is he better?
I doubt they plan on having more than one battle with the walkers.
no sansa no life
The show writers are uncomfortable with characters that are sincerely religious. They wrote out Davos's religiosity, and cat's is given only a passing mention, an mostly just to highlight her grieving as a mother. has always worked for me user.
According to you, yes. I know more than 4 women
reminder that if you answered the poll any differently you don't belong here
Tbh the actor does okay with the material he is given.
You know he did
The show will be our only closure
I have no idea what you're trying to say.
they ran away with your ships?
Why would The Hound need to be revived?
He's our guy now.
>Did you hear she literally killed all of the white walkers?
>I can't believe we didn't let women fight sooner
>I heard she killed him by shouting "Smash the patriarchy" until he had an aneurysm
>Who knew we didn't need that dragonglass after all
This isn't your average medieval territory war, they don't have the option of being choosy.
>checking Davos's box
How did ironborns built 1000 ships with no wood and no time?
>Father and Robb made stupid decisions - Sansa
Has anyone managed not to laugh hearing this line? From fucking Sansa?
would be nice if writing the real results of enforced equality wasn't a political impossibility.
Honestly, thought this was an improvement compared to the last time we saw him.
>You All Everybody
holy fucking shit, kek
I thought it was badly done as well. Arguably the worst "stare into the fire" scene in the entire series.
he's gone stannisfag > jonfag > will be danyfag once jon kneels
he's dead. bury him.
>brienne of tarth: the early years
at least we're all getting to experience it first-hand though, so there's that.
>Assuming they would keep the women in rearguard duties or reserve unless they run out of manpower
That would at least make a bit of sense, but I doubt they'll handle it that way. Otherwise they're just going to be throwing bodies to add to the ranks of the dead.
And when there are characters that aren't sincerely religious, like Stannis, they write him as a zealot.
Is it full on fanfic now?
sorry m8, i'd help you but what if you're just a disguised mr. fbi?