

Chuck lost the joint in a poker bet. Sneed's just rubbing it in his face.

Bad Sup Forums memes general?

snEED's fEED and sEED.

This becomes:

chUCK's fUCK and sUCK.

Great contribution to the board, dicklord. Can't wait to see what other stale memes you'll post 10 minutes from now when you can make your next thread. Really that starved for attention.

You realize this show was on network television, correct?

fight me, faggot

what the fuck that's not the joke you sick idiot

So it becomes Chuck's Feed and Seed.



Sneed's family and Chuck's family have had generations of family feuds

Chuck was on tough times and he had to sell the joint. His own legacy and lifeblood.

Sneed put "Formerly Chuck's" as a twist in the bullet wound, so to speak.

Look. They're already hanging out there to intimidate him or his family from coming back.


Cuck's seed and breed

Chuck's Truck & Duck


are the two guys sitting there Chuck and Sneed?

>Store used to be called, simply, "Chuck's"
>Store is now called "Sneeds' Feed &Seed"
>the joke being the juxtaposition of a simple, homely name being replaced by needless branding

This is fucking hilarious. I miss the Simpsons

Chuck's F___ & S____.
Now replace those words with potty words. xd

But why is it hilarious??

ELI5 please

what if seed is the old guy on the left and chuck is that chubby guy beside him, and they are chilling since they remained friends after the transaction so chuck often visit him to see how's the business going and for smoking some tobacco?



>Formerly Sneed's
Should be "Subsequently Sneed's"

wtf i hate the simpsons now

Chucks feed and seed.


The owners name is Chuck Sneed. He changed the name because it's catchy.

chex sex n fecks???

it's in the game aswell

thats a big pusy

Feed is a reference to cattle feed, usually hay or oats or things of that nature. Seed is more straight forward, farmers need seeds in order to grow crops. This store thus provides both to cattle farmers and plant farmers.

Because such rural communities tend to be close knit, when chuck sold the store to sneed or sneed inherited it, (actual method of transfer unstated), it was necessary to remind people that it was still the same store they'd been buying supplies from for years and decades and that they could expect the same quality of service. And again, being rural, someone might send a worker down to buy seed or feed for the new growing season, "Hey go to chucks and buy some pumpkin seeds", without the "formerly chucks" there, the guy could pass by it and not shop there thinking it's a different store.

>Formerly Sneed's
So it went from Sneed's to Chuck's back to Sneed's?

What was Sneed's tax policy?

Agriculture is usually untaxed and subsidized because of the importance of a stable food supply



But how is that a joke? It makes no sense.

>it ain't sneeds starts playing

If you can pass this test, I'll tell you about Sneeds.

The cosmic ballet goes on