Is Jon Snow the greatest military mind we've ever seen on television?
Is Jon Snow the greatest military mind we've ever seen on television?
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I know you're being ironic, but there is really no reason why women shouldn't be conscripted just the same as men. Why should men go fight and die in Vietnam or Iraq while women just sit on their asses back home?
>fighting age
Huh? Why aren't 10 year olds fighting? Imagine how confused the enemy will be when an army of 10 year old attacks, they probably won't even fight back
Don't American troops kill child soldiers all the time?
they got rid of that shit after the US conscripts just got stoned and fragged everyone. why even mention Iraq when its completely the opposite of a conscription?
nah they run if the children fight back
Iraq was a very immoral war. America had no right to declare war on Iraq.
that literally has nothing to do with conscription
a la not an argument
Still a better commander than stannis and tywin combined
women are relatively useless in combat and can provide better for the nation through various economic support roles
using 100% of your people in combat is totally unsustainable
Are you implying that America's endless warmongering in the middle east is in any way justified? It's completely unjustifiable, and immoral. Countless innocent civilians have been killed because of America, children have been killed. Children have been killed by America.
that literally has nothing to do with conscription
a la not an argument
>there's no way game of thrones can get worse after season 6
>it gets worse
I'm loving it. It's like watching a trainwreck.
Most critics of the "muh stronk womyn" trope are approaching it from the wrong angle, that is the angle of realism. The problem with the trope isn't realism; Arnold Schwarzenegger mows down dozens of enemy soldiers in Commando without taking a single hit, despite being built like a fridge. Nobody complains about realism then.
The problem isn't realism, it's gender dynamics, particularly the way men view women. It's fundamentally unhealthy for men to strive towards seeing women as equals. I say strive towards, because no one really perceives the sexes as equals, not even those who claim to do so.
Part of a healthy mindset for a man is the desire to protect the women near and dear to him. If this desire does not exist, he is weak of mind and most likely a coward. When men with healthy mindsets are exposed to media that displays women fighting on equal terms with men, it feels like an attack on their value as men and their utility. A man being turned off by the "muh stronk womyn" trope is not misogyny. On the contrary, it's the opposite.
Modern media, quite simply, is not made for men with healthy views on women. It's made for nu-males and lost, young women.
This show is full of military geniuses.
>see those horsepeople who don't fully grasp the concept of siege weapons and clothing, let alone armor?
>I'm going to use them to invade a country right before a year long winter!
>How do I make sure those narrow streets in this city are well protected?
>I know, just give my guards long as fuck spears
>turn on got
>little girl kills an entire room full of men
>"I'll spare your life your a girl *smirk"
>next scene
>"girls can be soldiers too *Davos sidesmirk"
Is this a parody now?
Lol you are making this thread over and over. The first one was fun but you must be getting bored of it by now.
Because some folks are born made to wave the flag
I think the problem is that what is otherwise an okay TV show is being slightly weighed down by the female cast. I can suspend my disbelief for dragons and zombies but not for effective female leaders.
Not sarcasm btw.
Considering the fact that the US government already has major problems with their populace not supporting military action against another country, it would be a lot worse if images and video was shown on the news of blown up or captured women.
Listen, I'm not here to say that women are inferior than men, however there are major differences between the two sexes. Your average man is physically stronger than your average woman and is built for war. They have a predilection for it. They also like protecting women. In fact protecting women on the battlefield always leads to trouble because men will jeopardize a mission to save a woman in trouble, and this has been shown during studies of the IDF. Also you have to account for carrying gear and actual combat. You can't discount millions of years of evolution just because of equality, especially when it comes to a nation's defense.
However, when faced with an unrelenting enemy that desires to convert you into an army of the dead, or flying robots intent on your total destruction, then it would be acceptable to put weapons into every man, woman and child's hand. You have no other choice.
because that's a good way for 75% of your population to die off
>Completely desperate war for existential survival
>No prisoners, no attrition, just death
Jesus fucking christ, are you all just being ironically retarded?
The problem is that women are portrayed unrealistically only for the sake of something called "diversity", "gender-quality", etc. Shit like that doesn't exist, women are not equal to man in any way. And there is nothing wrong with that, hey are build differently in both mental and physical way. Shoehorning that shit down our throats just so a show can be "progressive" is annoying the crap out of me.
In the past if you were in such a desperate situation that you had to use women on the front lines you had already lost the war.
In now war did women fight on the winning side.
>Jon Snu: Send off your women to die lads
>Angry Man: Hey senpai I don't want my daughter to die, why should she be forced to fight?
>annoying 5 year old girl: hurr I want to fight so who cares about your daughter
>oh by the way I won the argument now shit down and shut up faget
Bravo D&D
I could write many many many essays on all of the things wrong with the formations, charges, tactics, strategies, plans and on and on it goes for Game Of Thrones.
Jon Snow isn't the problem, the whole thing is fucked.
Alexander is weeping.
This and also
>OP making this shitty fucking thread twice an hour for hours and hours
Holy shit shut the fuck up, go buy a damn fleshlight or something OP.
women can do anything a man can. EQUALITY NOW!
I'm so glad I dropped it on DVD first episode of S5, holy fug.
Here's your (You), you deserve it.
The past didn't have fucking lich kings that were near immortal, had no need for logistics, have absolutely 0 political goals, and just there to act as death reapers.
SnuSnu: "Guys, we are completely and irrevocably fucked. We need literally every resource dedicated soley to fighting or we all get scourged."
WannabeSantaBeard: "U FUKKEN WOT M8"
MeanGirlsCandidate: "Pussy."
*first episode
Fucking autocorrect.
Is this a meme or did Jon Snow actually conscript women and children to fight?
Well thats just agreeing "women shouldnt be in battle in reality".
Saying "its just fantasy" validates everything OP says.
>In the past if you were in such a desperate situation that you had to use women on the front lines you had already lost the war.
The point is they are losing the war against a supernatural enemy of FUCKING ZOMBIES
Also in a world where there is magic and shit of course women have to do war shit, fucking Melisdandre throwing fireballs in the books
This isn't remotely the real world either did you complain about having female Night Elf Paladins in PvE quests?
This thread is stupid.
Also as for men fighting in an early renaissance era army.
The reason that men are basically the only option is twofold, firstly the equipment load is awesome in itself and these armies are literally especially mandated to forced march everywhere, this is basically impossible for women at their strength level. I wouldn't mind this if it functioned like a Roman Contubernium, with the women being dedicated pack mules and carers, essentially (Which is a much more effective use and would keep the men better rested for warfare) but the second problem is the larger and that to maximise their effectiveness troops of this era have to double up as field engineers, be able to construct forts and that kind of thing, and women are simply to weak for the enormity of that kind of effort, especially at speed.
If that weren't enough, shieldwalls need a great deal of uniformity in height and strength, without it they would collapse.
I conclude women would function better as servants, and at the very most as reserve fighting forces, maybe light infantry or skirmishers like Velites instead rather than conventional infantry.
The strenght of the book series is its more grounded and serious than say LOTR.
This is going away from the strenghts of the series into the realm of "shit writing".
>discount millions of years of evolution
Do you think people should start grooming women for war every gen so in the far future everyone can fight? Is that even possible?
In reality it's a fucking terrible idea when even total war scenarios require a 3-to-1 MINIMUM support-infantry ratio, yes.
But bitching about 'MUH FEMINIST AGENDA' is like the new bitching about 'MUH GAY AGENDA' when it's not happening at all in the setting.
>I want equality!
>But I don't want to have any responsibility!
God it sounds like my last girlfriend when I type it out like that.
While theres a lot of shit to be said about putting women in combat roles, the realization that they have to take action for their beliefs and the blind panic that ensues always tickles me pink.
>we're losing the war against zombies
>instead of running away lets make things worse by sending women and children to die
Like shit nigga take everything of value and move your people south or across the sea.
>everyones biggest problem of the episode was this
It's like Sup Forums is sexist instead of being smart
You mean little girl poisons an entire room full of men, it's not like she fights them all off
Well if they used phalanx tactics a narrow street would be good for them.
It is a hollywood feminist trope that women have to be equal to men in everything. Its not arguable, this is what happens when the tv show writers arent following the books.
I understand where you're coming from, but the lack of realism is not the problem. There are far more unrealistic things in the GoT than women fighting on equal terms with men. The thing is, fire-breathing dragons and ice zombies are not turn-offs for men. Women, who fight on equal or superior terms with men, are, because it deprives men of their utility. Men want to fight for women, and when they're deprived of that, they are repelled, and might even feel understandably emasculated, because they've been deprived of their role and identity as protectors.
A country is it's people. Men fight to protect their wives, children mothers. Even if the enemy is complete evil. Tolkien knew this.
Except that's not being portrayed at fucking all, Sup Forumsnigger. It's an act of desperation and why it was responded to with protest.
There are other threads roasting different aspects.
Selection bias on your part.
A bunch of dudes from your neighborhood are coming to kick the shit out of you with golf clubs and baseball bats. You can round up a group of people do go fight them. Do you call up your male buddies, or do you have your girlfriend text her friends (pic related) to come fight with you?
Wouldn't the 10 year old girls be alot more vicious if and when the Night King transforms them after killing them?
because forcing the entire population to fight a war is a good way to lose a war if your population rallies against it OR if they get BTFO your country still has a chance to live on if people are left behind. Since women are the more valuable sex (you can repopulate a country with few men and lots of women) it's unnecessary to force women into military situations.
>muh mens rights
misogynists are civil terrorsts and shouldn't be negotiated with
Except the Walkers are full-blown scorched earth and indiscriminate slaughter. If your non-combatants are going to get murdered anyway, they might as well have a weapon.
Call the girls so I can watch them get beat up
>This isn't remotely the real world either
>Biggest selling point of the series was how grounded it was and that reality beats idealism
Bit of a difference between a Mage lobbing fireballs and a 10 year old girl charging into battle. Brianne was fine because she was the exception to the rule and built like a man, she highlights just how weak the other women of Westeros are and even then she struggles against a weakened Jaime.
Because more than half of the anons here could beat the shit out of Ronda Rousey. Don't bother posting those youtube videos where horny boys let her win.
How is that bait?
I know you post is pretty stupid but please study up on human physiology before commenting again
>any argument that can be a legitimate counter-argument is "bait"
US public education is a joke
>one out of a million
>against the average male
Fuck off tard, unless everyone girl on earth can function like Rousey, please refrain from posting on this board again.
I call everyone.
>how grounded it was
>fucking Game of Thrones
Anyone who ever thought that is literally retarded shit is fucking ridiculous from the beginning.
>muh history
No it's shit at that, enjoy it for the ludicrous cartoon it's always been.
Why do all Anglos look like this? Why are Anglos disgusting both inside and outside?
esxpanding on that
>Another Cersei is being cartoonishly retarded but then says she's smart, and then has an overly "clever" conversation with a faggot in leather designer clothes to reinforce that she's smart
>10 minute long scene just for dragon cunt to say its begun in the most monotonous voice possible
Honestly the only part that didn't feel like a parody was with Samwell Tarly.
This show was honestly amazing once and theres still bits of that left, but this is just garbage.
>xcept the Walkers are full-blown scorched earth and indiscriminate slaughter.
So were the forces of Mordor. Do you think men can fight effectively if they know their daughters are on the front line suffering or already dead?
>justifying obvious postmodern ideals
>Women didn't fight in the Soviet army against the Nazis in WW2
Your argument is overly reductive. Dragons don't exist in real life so the depiction of dragons in fiction isn't dissonant with what the viewers know. Women do exist in real life and everyone knows they are weak and shit at fighting so depicting them in a way that ignores that is dissonant with what viewers know.
>b-but in this fantasy series the people aren't actually humans, they just look like them and the women are actually as strong as men
The reason this hand-waving doesn't appease anyone who isn't retarded is that the societies depicted clearly developed around sexual dimorphism like real societies did.
It says a lot when the love of realism is Sup Forums activity.
Me on the left
and if the Soviets weren't getting a shit ton of supplies from the United States and if the Nazis weren't fighting a war on two fronts, they would have lost.
And their strategy sucked shit through a straw too.
Soviet strategy was a fucking embarrassment and if their terrain wasn't fucking impenetrable and their tanks weren't so damn good they'd be even more of a laughingstock.
Neck Theory strikes again
Jesus she used to be cute but she just had to grow up. Just why.
because each woman takes 9 months to birth one baby. If you want 100 new citizens, you need 100 women. Meanwhile, one man has enough sperm to create an entire village.
If a tribe loses most of it's women, it's done for. They can't repopulate fast enough. If a tribe loses most of it's men, they can still repopulate fine provided they have a few men.
Women aren't people, they are a resource. This is a biological fact. They're too precious to squander as fodder in battle.
me on the right tho
comin for you~
They're just adapting from the books so basically it's GRRM's fault.
user, do you know what conscription means
kek its horny thinking of saving a woman instead of finishing your mission,
If the zombies kill everyone that hardly matters.
Real life desperate situations usually do have everyone including women and kids fighting to survive because they're desperate. Everyone dead = repopulation hardly matters.
If people survive the fucking apocalypse then you worry about that shit.
Honestly people in the Middle Ages never thought like that anyway that's some post-Enlightment nuliberal garbage muh evolution philosophy and back then it was about God and shit so if God tells a young girl like Joan of Arc to be put in harm's way so be it.
Not really.
GRRM detailed that both the Dornish and the Unsullied have Phalanx formations, not reproduced, to cite one example.
I think I'd just fuck off somewhere else the one in the white t-shirt and the other in the brown vest.
And tell my girlfriend she can deal with it.
because if you enlist everyone from 10 to 70, there's not gonna be much people left at home, and your kids will be raised by some 80 year old until they're old enough to go to war.
Also probably economic bankrupcy, and no one to manufacture anything. Your soldiers will have to make every bullet count, because that's all the bullets they're getting.
No war effort either since people at home will be too young or too old to do anything. And the kids will be trained for war by 80 year olds.
Because men are different from women and better fit for combat.
Why are tumblerinas constantly lying to themselves and us...
Do you have really no balls to make your original point if you are not in a safe space cheering on your every word in a braindead fashion?
No, but Middle Earth wasn't dealing with the same political shenanigans that ate up the bulk of their armies and fractured absolutely any notion of alliance.
You're complaining about muh political agenda in the midst of a battle for survival of humanity.
>Thinks ideals matter when the world is dead
>I don't have an argument and can't provide any examples, better call them an SJW
You're talking not about a long-term public policy here in GoT but in a very short term last ditch effort to save everyone from the Ice God of Death, you'd be stupid not to just use everything you have in this case.
Okay, but men exist in real life too, and we know that one single man cannot take on a whole army the way Arnie frequently does. Nobody complains about realism then, despite the fact that it completely defies commons sense.
Men like to feel useful, men like to feel strong, and there's nothing wrong with that. It feels good to impress a women by opening up a can of pickles for her, the same way it feels good to project yourself onto strong men who fight for their women. I don't buy the realism argument; I think men simply want to feel useful, and rightfully so.
>I think men simply want to feel useful
Yeah and some men get off on watching women warriors in fantasy fiction because its a fetish for fappin', honestly most normal people just watch it for what it is: a damn tv show with monsters and dragons. They don't feel threatened or emasculated or any other threat by some fantasy tv show. Worry about how much money you make at your job instead.
Except there's only one woman that's actually good at frontline fighting, and she's a freak of nature, and we're constantly reminded of it.
The rest use poison, subterfuge, politics, etcetera to kill. You just want a platform to bitch because nobody cares about the SJW push in gaming.
He was talking about Vietnam.
There ain't no Vietnam in Middle Earth.
But I guess Jon might as well. It's winter, so I guess there's not much people can do but stay home and masturbate around the fire.
On the other hand, every dead kid will strenghten the snow zombie army.
Arni beating hordes of poo in da loos is an over exaggeration of individual real life examples of alpha men besting vast numbers of lesser trained men.
Women generally being almost better at combat and ruling than men is a complete eversion of reality. That's a difference.