African runners

Why do Africans dominate track during the Olympics? Seems like Mexico would sweep these events with all the practice from running from border patrol. What other events should other country's win based on stereotypes?

America doing well in the eating contest? The whole country is practically full obese subhumans so competitive eating is one good stereotype for America as whole, considering it is the fattest nation on the planet. Eating too much too fast = obesity


Superior genes for distance running not to mention Ryan Hall thinks God does his marathon coaching for him and the best European coaches move to Kenya to raise and train athletes who see professional distance running as their most lucrative possible career path. Marathon payouts are ~10^4-5 for the winners and that's more money than any of these men can get in a lifetime of work earned in 2 hours

If Mexicans can run, jump, or swim; they stopped being Mexicans.
Look in California or Texas, some cities have a 90% Hispanic population.

>Eating too much too fast = obesity

>implying samoa and tonga aren't American

Actually there's this group of native central Americans that can outrun all other types of people on the planet, with corroborated data to support the claim. I forgot their fucking name though, starts with a t I think

Why isn't Cuba swimming laps around Michael Phelps?

And it's not Africans who dominate distance running its specifically Kenyan Masai who were born in the Rift Valley and some Ethiopians (honorary Aryans?), maybe a Ugandan (London oly '12 marathon winner), Somlian (mo Farah who runs for GB) or Eritrean but they're all from a very small part of east Africa. Caribbean nations where African slavery was used excel in the sprinting disciplines because of the selective eugenics whites practiced over centuries.

Nobody will top this guy. And after excelling, he spend years working in an Uranium mine.

They have a great coach

East Africans like Mo Farah have spindley little frames and can run for ages since a few have a mutation that quickly breaks down lactic acid. These negroes dominate the long distance running.

West Africans, like Usain Bolt, have stockier frames and longer limbs, making them suited to short bursts of speed.

Europeans, meanwhile, have far higher intellectual capacity and have sent men to the moon.

And if you pay attention to the sprints you'll see that American men and women have for a long time dominated especially the longer sprints 200/400 and especially the women who are all very light skinned but have west African lineages. Actual Africans can barely crack the finals in the 100/200/400/300h the rest of the athletes are American or Caribbean with maybe a Chinese, Canadian or European thrown in

Blacks tend to dominate in the athletic portion of the olympics, basically anything to do with running and jumping.

Whites and asians dominate pretty much every other sport. Whites dominate swimming, asians dominate the lower weight classes of weightlifting up to middle weight and then above that whites dominate weightlifting. Whites generally dominate gymnastics although currently the best female gymnast is a black American girl.

It's just something genetic with blacks and running/jumping that makes them better at it.

I bet $20 on Galen Rupp to win, he better come trough

In the multi events the top man and woman are both heavy west African/European mix. i think there more disparity in throwing events but I hardly follow those, I know a Kenyan won gold at last years world championships in the javelin (insert your favorite stereotype here). Long/Triple Jumps again favor American/Carribean athletes.

You start to see whites perform better in the vertical events probably because of their stature, but there are still some very talented African American female high jumpers. Pole vault which requires the most equipment ($$$$) is dominated by Americans and Europeans.

Marathon or 10k? Odds? Kipchoge and Mo/Kamworor are going to crush him

Nobody has mentioned yet that America won it's first gold this year in shooting. If guns aren't a stereotype of America I don't know what is.

Oh and Sup Forums is going to blow the fuck up next week when caster semenya from RSA takes the gold in the women's 400/800

"She" has a vagina and two testicles

Is that a woman?
That's a 10/10 for africans

>not Nurmi

>that's a woman

No fucki NH way

Blacks do well in disciplines that don't require the use of brain matter.


"She" has a vagina and (I kid you not) a pair of internal testicles. One of the governing bodies of the sport forced her and athletes like her to take drugs to decrease their testosterone in order to continue competing in women's events. Their performances dropped off but their testosterone was still much higher than any real woman's. That regulation is no longer in effect and "she" is CRUSHING her competition. She makes it look like a joke it's bizarre to watch her run.

Can you explain how she is being allowed back in? I thought she had testicles pumping out test inside her??

See my above post. The regulations on athletes like her which originally only required them to lower their testosterone levels which they took drugs for were removed in the last 2 years. There's some much better information than what I've provided on LRC but I can't find the thread.

Africans are basically running skeletons, they have zero excess mass in fat or muscle.

They also train in places which are deficient in oxygen.

Throw in a genetic mutation or two and you have yourself some world champions (for running anyways, not so sure about powerlifting HARDY HAR HAR).

Just read an article on it. Seems like with the rules the way they are now, only hyperandorgenic "Females" can hope to win.

Stupid and wont last. Or a brave new world were women are thrown on the trash heap.

tip top kikkity kek

Political correctness is going to let trannies start being in the olympics. Then all of the olympics will just be a bunch of men.

Blood doping Finns not welcome

Fuck off fatty.

60% of Americans in Sup Forums are consider fat in others countries.

I think the organization that makes these rules doesnt want to have a bunch of retards posting bad publicity about them. So they are waiting for us to demand a ban rather make sensible rules on their own.

why do white people dominate strong man competitions?

we have evolved to take suite our environments. its more beneficial or an african to run fast. its more beneficial for a white man to be strong in winter environments.

I now honor you with phd in sciencing.

Mexico does horribly at the olympics because all the mexicans who can run,swim, or jump are already here

Epic level 10/10.

You want the real reason why? Their bodies adopted their race's lifestyle. Humans are endurance runners, we don't sprint nearly as fast as many animals in Africa but we can run longer than them. It's for hunting.

>caster semenya