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what was the intended meaning behind these words, again?


second for D&D are pandering faggots

Do you remember when GoT was kino? Do you remember S1?

If you don't like the show then get out of these threads you autistic man children.

Mad Dog Rickon will return and kill Sansa and Jon.

That scene was theater considering how cheap the production value was.

Reminder that Rome did everything GoT wanted to do 10x better in its first season alone.

There is literally no reason to watch this pleb garbage

Get this hothead outta here

Make it happen.

I was expecting Melly to be resting in the house Beric found. I was sad.

I didn't watch the episode can I get a quick run down?

Sam poop-soup montage

Season 1 was great. Very few deviations from the books and even when they were there, they weren't utter shite (e.g. Robb breaking his marriage vows because he was throwing a hissy fit and then got married under the seven)

Not to mention it gave us other viewpoints to make otherwise unsympathetic characters more understandable (e.g. Viserys)

It went downhill pretty quickly unfortunately

Arya is playing on god mode.

That's not fair.

just started to watch season7 episode 1
it's full of feminist bullshit like never before
wtf is happening, it's ruining the show

Basically nothing happened beyond Euron becoming Cersei's toady. Also, 10 minutes of screen time were wasted on Sam literally cleaning shit.

>It went downhill pretty quickly unfortunately
muh feminism took over the show

Where the fuck do I watch this. Hook me up, I ain't got HBO, and my old torrent sites are ded.

Was that Mag the Mighty and Dongo way in the back of the army of the dead? Or some other random dead giants they found way in the north

Would you be surprised if I told you that feminists hate the show for being sexist and love the books?

>still hating women
What's the matter? Still can't get over Chad fucking that Stacey you were in love with?

Literally nothing happened: the episode

Arya kills Freys
Jon and Sansa have a disagreement
Hound sees shit in the fire and feels guilty of some shit in the past
Sam cleans shit meets Jorah and finds out much to his surprise that dragonstone has dragonglass
Dany arrives at Dragonstone
Cersei forms alliance with Euron, who seeks to marry her

The first scene with Arya and the Hound scenes were the only good ones imo

Why do you all hate women succeeding so much? I don't see anyone here complaining about male characters winning fights or being successful in their goals.

>It went downhill pretty quickly unfortunately
It stayed strong for 4 seasons. Only with season 5 they dropped the ball.

>5-10 minutes of screen time wasted on Sam cleaning shit and collecting books
>5 minutes of screen time wasted on The Hound burying some literal who's he probably killed. We get it, he's a good guy now.
>10 minutes of screen time wasted on Arya meeting Ed Sheeran
>Dany's scene at the end goes on for about 5 minutes longer than it should have
Bravo D&D

No, the show is for mouthbreathers and sells itself on tits and blood.

The books at least attempt to have nuance

Why was that even necessary?
I don't need to see it over a 100 times, I fucking get it, Jesus.

Mag died at the Wall so some other one.

That's what happens when you kill off all the good characters and make it your selling point

He's going to take the iron throne right from underneath their noises, isnt he?

because women, especially in that setting are horrible leaders and have one purpose in life

Women succeeding means men failing. It is a zero sum game! The clash of genders!

>Why was that even necessary?
No, but it was surprisingly entertaining.

Piratebay. Or get kodi like a normal person. Or pay for it like a law abiding citizen. Fucking retard

>not knowing how to google
literally the top 5 results of 'watch game of thrones online free' all have streams. lazy cunt

It was a good episode.

Just read the leaks. The entire season is "literally nothing happened" except maybe the last episode.

This new episode of GOT is the closest to the spirit of the books since the first few seasons of the show. Have to say besides Ed sheeran being there I was very happy and remain optimistic going forward.

Because it feels forced

Remember when Tyrion used to be one of the main characters? He didn't even have a line in this episode.


just shove your feminism up your ass and leave my tv shows alone
i think you don't want to see the problem

Don't trust any of those.

Been looking for it on TPB, and I see nothing for S7.

to show a few years passed
even is that wasnt so obvious

who else?
The Rightful King

It's annoying when it's obvious they are only "succeeding" because they are women and muh feminism. I also don't know what you're talking about men get shit on for being gary stus and weak or beta all the time.

>closest to the spirit of the books

Can anyone say with a straight face anymore that the writers don't favor Daenerys? The main spectacle is going to be mindless fanservice Daenerys crap. I doubt they'll even show any downsides to her invasion like Dothraki rape.

Hound kino and Lord of Light mysteries are the only reason I will keep watching.

Fucking agreed, the Ed Sheeran part was the worst of them all.

so arya started at the twins and now she's traveling alone south to king's landing and then by the end of the season she will travel all the way up to winterfell to kill littlefinger

...by herself
...in the middle of winter
...while experienced hunters and farmers are dying of starvation
...and water sources would be frozen
...she would able to survive a trek for weeks
...by herself

is this what D&D are telling us?

I literally only watch this show for Missandei

Why are you trying so hard to hate this?
Fucking pleb the scene of Sam cleaning shit was kino. Would you prefer we get no notion that time is passing and he's frustrated, or heavy handed exposition alluding to the fact. It was nice visual story telling

because it's nothing to do with realism or good writing and everything to do with a political agenda.

I really hope she gets fucking slaughtered in season 7-8 somehow but it will never happen

No it´s not, in fact, it was fucking terrible, and you should feel ashamed over liking it.

You're probably one of those fags who thought feast for crows was the boring one.

Wasn't he killed by Brienne of Tarth or am I forgetting something?

Emilia Clarke gets one million for 5 and half minute scene at the end of episode. I guess it's compensation for her having to shoot sex scene with Kit Harington later.

can I get the DABID image

Arya is a mary sue and they know it, they dont care tho

>Can anyone say with a straight face anymore that the writers don't favor Daenerys?
It's not unique for Daenerys. Tyrion, Jon and Dany all received the "main character" treatment that made them bland and uninteresting by whitewashing them of all flaws, failures and character development. D&D probably think they're doing them a favour by getting rid of the "boring" parts.

>women are horrible leaders and have one purpose in life
you don't actually say this to your girlfriend/female friends right?
What makes you think that?
>It's annoying when it's obvious they are only "succeeding" because they are women and muh feminism
Dani succeeds because she has magic dragons, Cersei inherited power from her family. How is that relevant to them being women?

>why do you hate specific agendas and themes forcibly written and crammed into episodes to keep sjw's and feminists from complaining

that she's the biggest mary sue in the franchise
I mean come on, even dany doesn't fully recover from multiple infected stab wounds in a day

Anyone else cringed hard during "in the last season" segment? Watching it all at once really puts this shit in a perspective.

>Don't trust any of those.
it's as if antivirus and adblock don't exist

Is that actually going to happen?
My dick is already erect

It doesn't get any less subtle than that "draft the women" scene. The fact the loli stands up and rebukes the man in a loud voice, I mean who are we fooling here?

As if the plot all of a sudden called for women in combat and this was just the perfect time to do it, even though it was never happening before now.

Yeah, I'm sure it was just the logical plot direction and feminism has nothing to do with it, ha ha.

Billions of dollars wouldn't be enough to make me agree to shoot a sex scene with this manlet

It's all forced and doesn't serve any purpose which makes for bad story telling

In the books, Jon conscripts wildling spearwives and even gives them an entire castle. Curiously, wildlings in the show don't have spearwives.
Or any women at all.

Theon torture bullshit was some of the low points of the show if you ask me. Of course in terms of overall plot and more general quality, yeah it was post season 4 that things started to go sour.

How can you be so sure?
Stannis' body was never shown. He still lives.

what agenda is being pushed? that both men and women are capable of succeeding?

>we need better allies!
>i know a guy

I for one liked this episode for a season starter. I was genuinely surprised they brought out young umber and karstark. Felt like some political season 3-4 style scenario. The scene of Sam in the citadel was kino and judging by the amount of people complaining about it it was also pleb filter. They caught us all up on everything and set up this season storylines nicely

it was the best cut scene in Game of Thrones to this date. They actually put some effort in the editting.

When The Hound says "Looks like a mountain, looks like an arrow head" What was he seeing?

Ok just started watching. Hate it already; I predict arya mary sueing the whole frays out, Danny being rediculously OP. Fanservice deaths in the first episode and a butchering of Jon Snow's character.

Lets see shall we.

if in doubt, shock the audience

>Cersei decides to ally with Euron out of desperation
>Suddenly decides she doesn't want him, even though she was desperate an hour ago and invited him herself

>mfw there are still "men" who will tune in every week to watch an hour of cis-males getting BTFO by strong independent womynz

Seriously the only non-cucked male character in the show is Jon Snu, and he still has the numale ponytail and beta numale beard, and still is pussywhipped by his little sister

Every other male character in the show is straight up cucked to a superior female.

the whole show has an anti-male agenda
>arya murders an entire room full of men, but spares the women for some reason
>jon snow get's pushed around by his little sister and that little loud bitch, davos practically no where to be seen
>jaime is weak and cowardly, cersei is strong and decisive
>daenerys is leading her army of brown refugees with the beta manlet by her side
>yara (asha) taking charge of her literally dickless brother

The Mountain, whose helmet resembles an arrowhead. It's Cleganebowl foreshadowing.

Christ. you even edited the fucking posts when you quoted them.

Good job making yourself look bad. Idiot.

>The fact the loli stands up and rebukes the man in a loud voice
I totally agree that was unacceptable and bullshit. But if it was a 1000 year old loli or something then it'd be realistic and pretty believable.

I hope so man
Stannis and Tywin were two very interesting characters. They should have killed off some other boring cunt

>guilty of some shit
The skeleton duo were the farmer and daughter he robbed after they fed and housed him. He broke his own code and two innocents died a grim death for it.

>risks his entire fleet for the off chance of banging some dried up brotherfucking roastie


I honestly at this point do not want him to lvie in the show; Dumb and Dumber hate him so much they would bring him back as a white walker just so they can finally make him "the bad guy" like they have been trying for so many seasons.


Jaime reacting to the hand pun was the best part of the episode.

It's relevant because they are literally given these things but are hyped as powerful for some reason because they are women "succeeding" meanwhile male characters who literally fight and work for their positions are talked down to by these privelaged "smart" women who sat on their asses most of their lives but because they got a little heartbreak are suddenly empowered.

The Hound scenes were perfect lad

So how is your love life?

>yara (asha) taking charge of her literally dickless brother

If leaks are true this will change. Looks like Yara gets captured and Theon tries to rescue her or something.

Although the show writers appear to hate him they gave him """justice""" by torturing him for seasons on end so I suspect even they will allow him a few moments of glory again.

By the way Theon did nothing wrong.

>you don't actually say this to your girlfriend/female friends right?
Nobody speaks the way they do on Sup Forums in real life you retard. What a stupid question fucking quesiton.