Tracey's Ass Edition
Tracey's Ass Edition
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1st for jumping man
dog's runnin. how many legs should it have?
Still gonna shill the Pastebin desu
This looked so fucking bad lol
dad will never be back. never mention doug again.
Is Albers somehow meant to be posessed by Laura or something?
>you will never be raped by naomi watts
why even live
why david
How is this acceptable, lynch-kins?
where's the webm
No stars? No stars. There's no stars.
What the fuck does that mean?
>Dougie's arms
jesus christ, this show
Just saw the episode, I'm glad they had sex. That fucking face Dougie made is priceless. Also is that singing lady at the end the same from Mulholland dr. ?
I don't understand certain things Lynch does, this is one of them.
What in this scenario called for this to happen?
>thank you, tracy
Dat line delivery.
gonna need some webms of her getting naked please
coop settles down to married life as dougie jones and never returns to twin peaks confirmed
what a fun shredding for them!
when will doug get his?
Cooper when?
>Kyle's abs
Good work, Coop.
Albert = Laura
>roll the dice sheena
do american news shows really do this?
no one ever see a light. p basic but i guess lynch is that style. no light no hope.
That part cracked me the fuck up.
How did you guys feel about the episode?
Thought it was one of the best ones yet. Focused, a lot of memorable and dark scenes, as well as being fucking hilarious. Loving the Mitchum brothers
please no more belushi, otherwise ok
I thought the complete opposite but was glad that angelo had some good score
Guys I found out
Robert Kneeper is going to rape and kill both dougie and his wife and he's going to fox river state penitentiary where he will meet Ike and kill him before he meets Lincoln Burrows
>Moby - Musician
I mean I was joking during that performance that Moby is playing guitar but it actually was Moby.
>The Suffering
I get that reference. Underrated.
It's not about the bunny.
Very very bad episode. Most of this episode was just standard fare for TV dramas, as well as constant pandering. The exaggeratedly evil character robbing his disabled and elderly family and the "aw so cute" date moment really stand out in particular, as well as the "drape shop" gag. Even the Log Lady's scene seemed forced. Only good scenes were based Dougie. If you all are gonna worship the most reddit episodes, at least stop telling people who are disappointed to go there
did angelo get a chance? please he is so good
>no more Belushi
idk the weird teddy makes sense to me
there's many stories of autistic kids being unable to deal without stuff from their childhood, I remember this story of an autistic kid who would only drink from a certain type of cup but it was starting to fall apart, so the parents needed to find another one - he would literally not drink from anything else even to the point of dehydration
my headcanon is that the bear was the only thing that calmed johnny down in the past but it fell apart/ they had to find another one so they eventually made their own and it changed over time, meaning this monstrosity is the only thing that settles him now
Douggie get pusy.
literal canadian opinion
wew lad
>ywn hold a qt in your arms as youre both shredded alive
My dream death
She was only in it for a little while. Why do I still miss her?
anyone else cry when albert was having his date with constance?
albert is like my favourite character. i'm glad he found someone like him.
10/10 episode tbqh lads.
Also what the fuck was the deal with candy?
Honestly one of the freakiest things I've ever seen. It's the way it fucking moves.
come on david just show diane's ass i mean your fans want it
>when you realize nothing in this show will be as good as part 8 was
That's how I'd want to go, made even better in that case considering that the news would eventually break out that I died fucking Madeline Zima so everyone would know about it.
Haven't told you anything.
Dougie scenes are always the best part. Episode didn't feel like pandering to me, except maybe the Drape runner bit, the Johnny and Sylvia scene was pretty upsetting to watch, because of how violent it was, we've never seen those characters facing anything like that, they were removed from any drama or danger in the original series. So, yeah Richard is exaggeratedly evil, but I liked it. Every Log Lady scene has felt forced, it's because she was dying when they shot them, her inclusion is very heartwarming and nice, but it's clear that they were extremely limited in what they could shoot with her.
Standard fare? I mean, yes it is in line with Parts 5, 7 and 9 in that sense, but it still felt like it had more going for it than they did in terms of mood and being memorable. I also appreciate how funny it was, I was laughing pretty hard multiple times throughout the episode.
Don't mind me just shredding with this thicc qt3.14
This was actually the first episode to not introduce any new characters.
>TFW you realize Mommy Janey will never look at you the way she looked at topless Dougie
>Also what the fuck was the deal with candy?
Oh, just being one of the best characters.
I bet the final 2 episodes will be freaky as hell.
Candy is obviously unhappy with her job/ life and the casino. She'll probably help Dougie in a later episode.
>"c-can you ever love me... after what-what I... what I did?"
Laughed so fucking hard
Twin Peaks has her and other generally really good musical guests and guess actors.
Game of Thrones has Ed Sheeran.
I hated how she had to wear that fucking chevron pattern. It's such a stupid immersion breaker. Is Eddie Vedder going to just be wearing pic related when he performs?
Candie is cute.
The cinematography this season is kino.
Chevron dress was cute and made her look good, would smash
part 8 is overindulgent, meaningless shit. congrats, you fell for the wacky visuals! watch more Lynch.
She's planning to stab the boss in the back.
>Game of Thrones has Ed Sheeran
Didn't understand why the fuck Ed Sheeran is in GoT. Did I Got W E I S S E' D
I think you're giving her too much credit, she's just an airhead
So you'd rather have insurance shenanigans?
Kyle's body is fucking disgusting bros, like wtf was Lynch thinking, I bet Naomi Watts was puking in her mouth
It definitely got to me. Had that feeling that it was Lynch giving his dying friend's character a nice moment before the end.
song was the worst of the series and way too long and autotuned. disgusting. the treatment of women was super problematic too. they are incredibly stupid, inept, punching bags, put on screen for no other reason than to absorb only the most toxic elements of hegemonic masculinity. they experience only exploitation and brutality and the hands of masculine rage and confusion. no stars.
Kyle is perfect m8
I'd rather have a good Twin Peaks episode
LOL i can't even grasp how pleb ur irl
take care of ur crippled brain
"Candy is dandy baby"
I need the people that hated this episode tell me their other 3 least favorite episodes from the season. Because I want to understand why people didn't like it
I don't get what there isn't to like, unless you also happened to dislike Parts 5-6-7 and 9, then at least you're consistent, but this episode continues down that path, the more the story threads come together, the more focused the episodes become. This one had an air to it that Parts 7 and 9 didn't though, they felt a little too straight and to the point, whereas this one managed to be a great mood piece as well as threading a lot of these storylines.
Nigga he looks fantastic for 58.
tbf the ed sheeran scene was the only other good one aside from the hound scenes
>ywn hang out at robert knepper's fancy mob house with his cohort of show girls serving you martinis and watch the news
why even live?
>hot 58 year old guy who is also in shape
still though, having Ed Sheeran on just shows what kind of show Game of Thrones is, which I've been arguing all along.
we have ed sheeran too though
>Ed Sheeran looks into the camera
>"i have a new song out"
>it plays for 4 minutes while some Hightown whores dances to the beat
shit episode
Who here stuck with Twin Peaks yesterday and completely just abandoned GoT (if you were still even watching it)?
I only had time to watch one before work this morning so it was an easy choice. My emotional investment in GoT is zero now and I'm all in with Twin Peaks.
I let out an audible "awwwww" and got all warm and fuzzy.
This episode is not on the same level as 9 and 6 at all, and your essay posts wont change that
jesus christ how young do you have to be to find this scary?
i like how there isn't even any difference in their "acting" between when they're being mauled versus when they're just looking, they just keep wobbling back and forth sightly while a korean effects guy adds in cg ketchup
how is this any better than "haha damn fine coffee guys!"
Yeah I stopped GoT two or three seasons ago, I think. Seemed mildly interesting but once I got a sense of its trashy formula and its smug reddit atheist tone it started to leave a really bad taste. That and it's not nearly as smart as redditors like to think it is.
I feel like yesterday with Ed Sheeran (didn't see it but saw the pics here) really sums up just what kind of show it is, in contrast with Twin Peaks, which is likely the realest and best thing we're likely going to see on television at this stage.
Keep in mind the husband he replaced was fat and ugly so she probably saw it as an upgrade.
Sorry, what is special about 9? I can accept 6, but you gotta explain your reasoning for 9