do you think the upcoming sequel for Top Gun should use the same stars from the original, given how well Tom Cruise has aged?
Do you think the upcoming sequel for Top Gun should use the same stars from the original...
yeah, because all jet fighter hotshots are like fifty years old. they don't need razor-sharp reflexes, perfect eyesight and working bladders.
>actually going up in a plane yourself
Christ McGillis looks fucking seventy. Has Cruise been draining her life force for the last 70 years or something?
Tommy boy kept himself in shape but has had massively extensive plastic surgery, not to mention the digital de-aging in shots like this
If she didn't gain weight she'd look as good as Tom tb h.
You can see his saggy old man pecs in the shot
Wasn't she already pretty old in that movie
I remember reading a Mad magazine where they were ripping on her for having crow's feet
>tfw the only box i check here is reflexes and im 25
>tfw u will never be an elite fighter pilot under enormous g and combat pressures
why even live
The guy I'm most worried about is Val Kilmer
She's 50 year old alcoholic, give her a break.
Tom has been receiving Xenu male vitality.
Goddamn, aging sucks. That's literally the best they could make him look. You know he trained for months.
Top Gun is an amazing, classic movie and Tom Cruise needs to keep his grubby claws off of this property. Fuck him and his dumb sequel plans.
Based Mapother has that effect on women thanks to his OT3 levels
>ywn have sex with prime tom cruise
McGillis looks worse than Tony Scott
Oh so that's why they replace her with that ugly dog in the batman movies.
tom literally sucked the years out of his ex wife. none of you can comprehend the powers available to operating thetans.