is there a name for this type of shot?
the actor looking right at the camera essentially? Wes Anderson uses it a lot
is there a name for this type of shot?
the actor looking right at the camera essentially? Wes Anderson uses it a lot
another one
It's essentially a 4th wall break
But subtle, and not faggoty.
No it isn't
Totally wrong.
in defense of the guy, I don't think he's totally wrong. it's clearly a rhetorical device to show that a film is aware of itself as a film.
still need to know what this kind of shot is called though.
no. The shot doesn't exist to acknowledge the film's existence, it's designed to reinforce the 4th wall; to communicate to the viewer that the wall exists, which should heighten the suspension of disbelief and hopefully immerse you further in the work of fiction.
A character looking into or past the camera is does not imply that at all
The Reddit shot
wrong holy shit
this bitch in the OP isnt even looking at the camera eye. shes looking slightly down.
It seems impossible for you to tell that, what made you come that conclusion anyway?
i like this explanation
what does it imply?
you're missing the point. with respect to the type of shot, i'm just referring to shots where the camera films a stationary object or actor- often it takes the form of the actor looking at the camera or slightly askew.
pretentious cuck shit
fuck off
that twelve year old is so fucking hot it's distracting.
>I went to film school the thread: the movie
It implies they're looking at something beyond the cameras field of view, or at a characters gaze represented by the cameras gaze. If the shot actually addresses the audience in direct way, it could be considered fourth wall breaking.
>I unironically enjoy the films of Wes Anderson: the post
i'm not sure if you're the guy who originally said it's fourth wall breaking, but no one else has provided a better explanation.
but the question remains: does this shot have a name?
Hipster Angle
it's literally just symmetry that he uses and places the character along the line of symmetry as that now becomes a focal point
Everybody in this thread needs to fucking kill themselves
It's just one point perspective
Anyone else would have loved to go through an adventure like that? I forgot to be jaded while watching this movie.
Central framing?
I hope Wes makes a sequel
They actually were together in the sequel.
How about
>centralized composition
>tableau vivant (living (static) picture)
>read some art history
You all need to realize that
>form =/= subject matter
>content =/= meaning
Who is the girl on the right?
Hannah Marks
Thanks bro, she doesn't look as hot in other pics.
Now I have to shove all that jizz back in.