I still don't know what to make of this.
It's going to be virtually stunning and hopefully a KINO
prometheus 2.0 incoming
i feel like while some scenes try to imitate the blade runner look and feel others just look like generic indoor/outdoor settings. in the orginal the worls felt very consistent in its colors and light, here the colors and light is all over the place.
it's not going to be /kino/, just another blockbuster filled with action scenes to satisfy normies, it's 2017 for fucks sake
Yeah. It's really lost its atmosphere. Feels like a generic sci-fi flick.
It's gonna bomb, but it's gonna be KINO.
At least the soundtrack is good. One of the best bits of the original was the score.
But I swear to fucking God if Deckard is a replicant I'll murder someone.
>you dont know the meaning of pain
>you will learn
>robin wright and that nigger from walking cucks
LMAO no.
>Denis Villenueve
It's going to have a plebby or twist ending that's for sure.
I've never seen a trailer that misses the point of the original so god damn much.
Looks about as 'good' as Ghost in the Shell. When does hollywood get nuked?
Better than the last one
Should we put hopes in this man?
You know how Sup Forums is always wrong? Because of posts like these
no we should put our hopes on this man
Fucks sake, if you wanted to make a generic futuristic action movie why not just fucking do so? Why shit all over an existing property in the process?
It's these two you have to worry about
Oops forgot pic
>misses the point of the original so god damn much
>deckard: "we were being hunted"
>the point of the original
I think you're a Nexus 7, which is a Replicant without a brain.
>seamless CGI
>great props
>Dave bautista
>Ana de armas
>Great soundtrack
This is everything Ghost in the Shell hoped it would be.
ghost in the shell looks shit compared to this, the worldbuilding/atmosphere in that was a terrible attempt at this
Gaius Baltar FTW
hating on based warner brothers
yea, he doesn't make bad movies.
but this definitely has the potential to be his first failure.
>Jared Leto
The only based studio is Disney
The rest of them make nothing but garbage and need to be shut down as soon as possible
This, looks kino as fuck.
>That synth soundtrack
This looks like smeared shit.
Shit color grading and absolute, ABSOLUTE TRASH lighting by an amateur who has no idea how to create mood, because all he has ever worked for was on cgi capeshit.
It does look better than that Ghost in the Shell atrocity, but only slightly.
The generic zimmerian soundtrack kills this.
This same post is in another thread.
It keeps happening what the fuck.
Looks like fucking shit.
Have we reached peak Disney shilling yet?
It feels like we have.
>ABSOLUTE TRASH lighting by an amateur who has no idea how to create mood, because all he has ever worked for was on cgi capeshit.
It's by the same guy that did this.
I don't know why they used such shit awful music for the trailer. But there's no way it will be anything like that.
Looks o but it's an action movie now which is a little dissapointing
The soundtrack will be good. Johan Johansson is doing it.
This actually looks pretty good but having it be a sequel instead of just happening in the same universe and having Harrison Ford reprise his role is... stupid.
>unironically hiring a rassler
I can't wait for the next one, hope it's as good as Sicario, pure fucking kino
That was a hell of a lot better than the last trailer. The teaser trailer is still the best though.
I doubt it. Villeneuve is a master of tension and none of his movies have a focus on action.
>Nexus 7
It's a fucking tablet, user.
yeah i've seen his previous movies but that's the vibe I get from this trailer
its' just lacking that noir vibe
>shitting on Roger Deakins
this board is the biggest fucking joke there is
That's because it's a trailer and it "has" to be retarded to stupid execs. He probably has nothing to do with the trailers at all. I don't believe for a second the type of music in the trailer is the type of music that will be anywhere in the movie. It's just not Johans style.
I think at worst, 2049 will be okay to fine. I'd be impressed if it was bad
What if it's kino and better than the original?
I know it's far fetched, but it'd blow my fucking mind
There's no excuse. It is possible to make a slow-paced trailer that does noir and not explosive music.
You have to get the normies interested too to sell tickets. The original Blade Runner also did what 2049 is doing. Show all the action in the trailers trickery.
No one is saying it isn't possible. But they don't make one like that because the marketing people don't want that.
It's a shitty excuse that makes no sense but its what marketing teams think the people want to see so they keep doing it. Even video game trailers are doing it now.
The trailer looks good but I still have this slight apprehension that the plot is going to be dumb and/or generic. Maybe I am getting too cynical, but I do still plan on seeing this in theaters.
>it looks like an action movie
bravo Ridler
That would blow my mind too. It would put Villeneuve on the map for real and not just for critics. I'd be really happy for him. I think his style of directing is great for cinema in general.
Nah you are right to think that way.
Recent work of the director isn't putting any faith in the movie,I mean i will sell tickets but will be bland as fuck.
Again, not true. Normies are okay with slow paced trailers, just look at all the rom coms and other 2deep4u movies that are loved by normies. You don't need action to sell a movie.
Seems to "big". One of the best parts of Blade Runner was how small the story actually was even with major events happening (I mean, Tyrell was assassinated, that's a huge world event) it never felt like it went too high over the characters head.
It is something that I've noticed in a lot of modern films, and I'm not sure what to call it.
Do you have no fucking reading comprehension whatsoever? Nobody is saying normies arent okay with it. Everyone is saying marketers think it's all normies want.
Or just limit the budget and make the money back on a dedicated audience.
I'm hoping they put all the action in the trailer so that they don't give away any of the interesting story beats.
I'm retarded though, they've just made another fucking action film.
looks like an old john wick on the bottom one
Learn to read.
>action film
The music sounds like Daft Punk's Tron score.
>you don't know what pain is
Marketers and execs tailor it all to the normies.
I'll bet $5 that the only replicant is Gosling
I get such a huge "we wuz slaves n shiiiiet" vibe from this movie.
I bet you it will be all about the rebellion of muh poor replicants against the ebil whyte man.
Does that look like they're about to have some rough sex or have I been watching too many lesbian porn films?
>you will live long enough to see Blade Runner ruined by Holykikes
jfdimsa ffs
Batista is also a replicant. It's actually from the unused intro to the original where Deckard casually walks into a giant replicant's house and retires him.
He's not a replicant he's a goose
>"I like [movie] except for..."
Are you guys seriously considering revival of the whole Deckard was a replicant meme?
This director, Denis Villeneuve, is not good enough for a movie like Blade Runner. Very disappointed.
Shut the fuck up you moron.
Good points
A it has Villeneuve,
B Roger Deakins.
C Good special effects
D Dave bautista, Ana de armas, Makenzie Davis
E Good soundtrack
The only thing that worries me is Harrison Ford,
t. DeShawn Washington
That's cool that you've seen the movie so you can accurately make that assertion.
Tell us about it. Does Goose die? Is Deckard a replicant? Is it an action adventure or a Noir drama?
Harrison Ford only worries you because of the kind of movie this is going to be.
If it was like the original you'd be intrigued to have him there.
>you're a cop
>I'm a blade runner
jesus fucking christ ridley
Seems that they mined a lot more from the novel that was untouched by the first movie.
No Harrison ford worries me since he been phoning in roles for at least 10 years now.
This movie was co written by Michael Green.
>Green was born to a Jewish family[1] and grew up in Mamaroneck, New York.
>Green's feature credits include Green Lantern.
>He has written or co-written four films released or set to be released in 2017, James Mangold's Logan, Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant, Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049, and Kenneth Branagh's Murder on the Orient Express.
I have seen enough from this guy to know I have little faith in his ability.
How is he gonna sabotage this one?
I don't know why people keep acting like the original was flawless. It was visually stunning, aesthetics and setting were amazing, and Rutger Hauer stole the show with the best performance of his career, but many other things were pretty weak.
Here's the story:
- Deckard is a replicant
- Goose is a replicant
- Deckard has lived alone for awhile
- He ventures to a different city (Las Vegas) where Deckard decides to drop tonnes of goo on the inhabitants, exterminating them all
- Goose comes to investigate
- They meet each other and kiss
- Decard is killed eventually but Goose survives
-Twist ending: it wasn't Goose, it was actually Deckard, who is now captaining the ship
But you aren't allowed to say that because Sup Forums decreed that it's zomg da bezt movie evar
We're not saying it's flawless. We're saying that this isn't Blade Runner.
Also, why is this movie pretending Deckard was important in any way? They dragged him in off the street for a job, then dumped him right back there when he was done.
That scene more or less confirms a few things:
>Scott is going with the Deckard = Replicant thing.
>Batista is a Replicant (who dies during this scene).
>Gosling is a Replicant.
These three confirmations come about as a result of establishing the bar for action in the movie. It's an incredibly important thing as it informs the viewer what the MC can and cannot do, and can/cannot withstand during a fight or some act of physical trauma. Gosling literally getting put through a wall like that by a guy like Batista tells us that the MC is not normal, right off the bat. This, coupled with his methodical nature and skill also shows he is not normal in other aspects. Now, the alternative here could be that Gosling /is/ actually a human, and Batista & Deckard are Replicants. However we're being led to believe that Deckard isn't a Replicant, and that Gosling is throughout the movie. This would be an interest role reversal as the Replicants were designed to pass as human (this is the whole reason for the test), and exceed human thresholds in pretty much every other avenue. If Gosling turns out to be human and Deckard is a Replicant, than what we have here is a situation where it shows that humanity can be cold, and robotic (autistic) and that a Replicant is no less capable of being confused for a human by the viewer. We know this already given it's the fucking underlying story of the original film, but it does help bash the concept in over the head of normies who still can't grasp it.
In some parralel universe, he is the one who jumped off a bridge...
why don't you get a tripcode so I can filter you you fucking shills
at least try to imitate human behaviour a bit so you can pretend to fit in, this is just sad
How fucking sad is it that Dave Batista being in your movie is a good thing now, but Harrison Ford being in it might actually tank the whole fucking production.
I think they'll intentionally leave the ending ambigious as to whether Deckard is or isn't a replicant
>le shill Dx
You got me
This guy went from writing Green Lantern to writing Blade Runner. It's a fucking joke.