sad truth...
Sad truth
Try again
Sigh.. fuck leftists and their petty games.
Why did he chop down all his trees?
He only needs one to get across anyway.
with what?
really agitated my bjorkenstoorrp
not an argument
He could build a grappling hook with some of the rope and wood left behind.
>Millennial faggot frolicking in the stumprest, literally crying about entitlement
Sounds accurate.
Don't you remember, we're not supposed to notice capitalists fucking us over
Everything's supposed to be dumb SJW vs anti-SJW shit while the richers and kikes fuck us and rob us blind
really make u think huh?
get the fuck out of this board
ask for a loan nignog, and pay 10% interest rate until its returned idiot.
>le meme is to blame
nice buzzword fag
He's right. You can however make it just as he did except it is harder because ideas are running out. Plus most resources are already claimed so that rules that out.
So the other guy has no trees?
He could haul up those smaller bits and try to fashion his own bridge.
It may not be the best but it will get him where he needs to go.
here's a plan that isn't incredibly stupid like yours is:
The shitty old rich man stops being a selfish kike and puts the bridge back.
Pull up the fucking ladder, its on your side dumbass, you have fucking 90% of a bridge.
why the fuck is nobody actually posting an argument against this
spoiled fucking kids
Not an argument
>le economics is a zero sum game meme
Use the rope and wood left over from the collapsed bridge ya dingus.
A capitalist would have charged a toll after he built it you stupid fuck. He would also have set up a non profit so he could call it charity when he charged the government for people who can't pay toll. Commie can't do capitalism.
>Crying about not having things your parents did
Yup, it's a millennial.
Maybe it's time to deal with reality rather than cry? Just a thought!
Not an argument
There is no argument, leftist just need to die.
wow this really made me think.... I think I'm a communist now?
the boomer chopped down the trees which he used to build his bridge then he crossed with the saw and rope and cut the bridge. now he's chilling there hoarding everything while the millennial has nothing
I remember when I was 15.
Maybe because it has been posted for the 100th time.
Name a better system than capitalism that has allowed impoverished people to build a life for themselves and pass on inheritance.
Will wait all thread, it is an impossible task.
The entirety of all human life and accomplishment has been the direct result of struggle competition.
Someone will always be on top, someone will always be on the bottom.
Here's a better plan, that would actually work -
the shitty old rich man uses his abundant resources to build a decent, functional bridge, instead of being a greedy old kike
>1 post by this id
>a fucking serb
Stupids like you need to kill yourselves for not having an argument
Shoulda studied harder in school. Then you'd recognise your new trees and your new tools to build them with.
>people should work to make the world an easy place for me
no. I also like being poor, because I'm already wealthy in pride.
Here is another plan, we just kill everyone like you that needs the "kindness" of others to survive.
You are trash.
Yes, that's correct. Did you have a follow-up point to make?
The argument fails because Africa has a fuck ton of resources, where Europe has less farmland and resources.
Rhodesia was working fine, producing tons of food. Blacks killed white farmers, stripped the machinery to sell as scrap and now they starve.
i refuse to believe that's real
> Commie can't do capitalism.
Tell that to all them Chinese millionaires.
also this isn't capitalism
capitalism would be the old kike building the bridge and then charging people a toll to cross it
actually no, we should kill greedy stupids like you.
wow goosebumps.
To build the bridge with should I say.
>not pictured: all the trees, ropes and saws that would require a little extra effort to get off screen
>waaaaah why can't I just get to where the rich people are after they did all the work!!!!!
Get fucked commie
If millennials were capable of studying the world around them, they wouldn't cry when presented with OPs situation to begin with
Greed is the only reason your sorry ass waste of resources ass is alive!
Your ancestors were sufficiently greedy.
Nigger please, you get what you give.
Talking about opp faggot
he is under no obligation to provide for anyone else. real life isn't a commie utopia.
I like how all the stupids ITT are okay with the old rich kike wrecking the bridge.
But theres a built bridge that he doesn't need to saw trees down for right infront of him
No, non-greed is why I'm alive, because my ancestors knew how to share.
Too bad you failed your ancestors by devolving into a stupid nigger kike who only knows how to steal
That's a great picture.
Of course not, real life is you dumb kikes wrecking the bridge someone else built
>knows how to steal
That is what you want to do, steal from others and then call it fairness.
Choke to death on your next meal please.
Its his bridge retard
Git gud
Not pictured - other people building the bridge that the greedy old stupid kike wrecked
>I blame my failures on everyone else
How the fuck did you know the old guy destroyed the bridge, it could have been weather, vandals terrorists.
It simply highlights the reality tunnel you CHOOSE to have rather than actual reality.
No, you want to steal, and just call it stealing, the same way the greedy old kike stole and then wrecked that bridge after he stole the saw.
Because he's holding the saw, you stupid nigger
please tell me that's real
>Sigh.. fuck leftists and their petty games.
No, this is actually correct. It represents large corporations "buying" laws to advance their interests and prevent competition from cropping up, which isn't so much a problem with capitalism as it is with corruptible government officials.
How big is the fucking planet?
Its his bridge, he can do what he wants with it.
You can expect every one else in the world to keep building and maintaining fucking bridges for you.
What does the old man owe you or anybody?
What service are you willing to provide for him?
You will be nothing more than a detriment to him and his life on the other side, you parasite, glory to the old man and his fucking bridge.
Yeah that must be crazy then that I went from 50k in student debt living in a one bedroom apartment to having it completely paid off, my own two story house, my car and my wife's car completely paid off in the last decade.
>the rich people took EVERYTHING and I am completely unable to advance my position in life solely because of this... not my crippling ineptitude.
Yup the rich people just got to where they are by abusing everyone else, it is literally impossible to make money without screwing over everyone else just ignore all the well off people they are probably burgoise scum, right comrade?
Neck yourself commie
Leftists insist we are not allowed to use the planet because of the environment.
So it is only as big as needed to attack the rich as part of their petty childish hate session.
Good ol lefty propaganda that the economic pie is static and wealth doesn't increase.
>What does the old man owe you or anybody?
Human decency.
Sorry you dumb nigger kikes don't undestand that concept
Old people owe me everything because I am young.
This is what these little faggots actually believe.
Good old stupidposter pretending that richer kikes don't steal all of the increase in wealth as they're stealing all of the wealth
>things that make you go hmm
Hey look, another stupid who doesn't know about human decency
Sorry you were raised to be a nigger :(
Yeah but millenials are too weak and lazy to pull it up and fashion a new bridge out of it, they'd rather sit there and whine that nobody will do it for them
>join the military for four years
>get free college, actually pick a useful degree you fag
>get a starting job that doesn't pay much, work hard(I know this is a difficult concept to imagine) and save it up until you're able to afford the things you want while progressively getting promoted
Wow life is so hard guys help
try getting a job
Ahh yes the tired crap from leftists.
You don't get to define what is human decency and what is not.
It is not decent to be a sack of trash that relies on others to survive.
I give decency to those that deserve it, you for example deserve nothing other than being stomped in your neck region until you expire.
>please return saw and rope
I've seen lots of shitty strawman cartoons in my life, this one is in the top 20%. Bravo OP.
So I guess the image would be more accurate if you replaced the "return" bucket and the capitalist on the other side with a bunch of government officials asking for forms and taxes and fees to get a saw, to get a tree cutting permit, asking for a % of your trees cut, requiring more forms and taxes and fees and hiring of mandated officials for your bridge design, forcing you to go through only government approved rope vendors, changing the rope sturdiness requirements after you've already bought all your rope and are halfway done with your bridge, etc etc...
When you let corporations create the laws, you really get the worst of both world.
Capitalism is literally an "early bird gets the worm" policy. And since we were born too late, we COULDN'T be early. It's easy to think it's fair since 'you can start a company yourself, they did it 300 years ago lmao they deserve to possess 99% of world's wealth' when in reality you simply can't butt in to the elite anymore. It's only a fraction of people who get sick rich usually by inventing something revolutionary, meanwhile you have 0% chance to get into the banking business or start a new megacorporation that jews people world wide. That ship sailed years and years ago, you can only get moderately rich anymore
Capitalism is beautiful for those who were there at the very beginning, and to their families since they inherit everything. The way they've brainwashed people into thinking the system is "fair" because "we all have that chance" is insanely effective at keeping the rest of the world funneling money to the them. Sure the economy keeps collapsing over and over again and we face crisis' all the time but surely that isn't the fault of capitalism since capitalism is FAIR and FREE, keep funneling that money to us
No this is BabyBoomers in a nutshell
How did the old man get over there in order to tie the bridge down in the first place?
LOL what a load of typical crap.
Read about reality would you please?
You just blew that commie shitstain the fuck out
Will he ever recover?
>this is what leftists actually believe
Its funny when they're poor because they don't even understand what they're doing wrong.
Google/NSA proxy go.
You're only fomenting class division. With nationalism and a unified ethnic identity this issue would be resolved, but then that would be raycis.
That picture makes me sad..
You just fucking know that a jealous mob will steal the fruits of his labor and tear down what that man has built..
All in the name of fairness..
After all, why should he get all that food..
This doesn't represent capitalism. No one builds something so no one else can use it. They build it so they can build a business and make a profit you. Go back to high school with your naive pictures
Nobody owes you shit.
You have completely misunderstood the concept of life.
Good response thank you for participating
You'd think people on Sup Forums would agree seeing how you idolize Hitler but I guess nobody really actually thinks, they just parrot what Sup Forums tells them to. Like that guy who made a thread asking how to defend Trump. "Think for me again Sup Forums fast you told me what to think but I can't go in-depth myself help me". Really summed up this board
Trees on the left side were planted by the man in suit when he was just as old as man on the left side. He worked hard so he can afford the saw and rope. Stupid leftists put the box and sign there because they are lazy cunts. When bridge is finished by a man in suit huge wave of leftists faggots sprint out of bushes, they want to cross the bridge, every single one of them wants to be first on the other side, they destroy the bridge, man in suit barely manage to cross before bridge collapses. Then OP's picture happen.