What the fuck was up with Ebert? His opinions were so consistently shitty. Like he was legendarily bad at understanding film.
What the fuck was up with Ebert? His opinions were so consistently shitty...
Explain why you think so
He was a little gimp and got by solely on his looks.
Agreed. Anyone who disagrees should read his absurd one star review of Blue Velvet, or his review of the original I Spit on Your Grave, where he reviews the audience instead of the film.
Did you expect him to be omniscient and infallible?
Don't forget that time he turned Ryan Dunn's death into a punchline.
I can't really fault him for not giving a fuck about a rape revenge film back in the day.
Blue Velvet on the other hand, was a fuckup, and one he later acknowledged and reevaluated.
As opposed to your shitty opinion?
Ooh, burn. Whites absolved of all crimes.
Back from the dead, Roge?
>Stanley Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange" is an ideological mess, a paranoid right-wing fantasy masquerading As an Orwellian warning. It pretends to oppose the police state and forced mind control, but all it really does is celebrate the nastiness of its hero, Alex.
>right-wing fantasy
>right wingers
>watching film
Doubt it.
2 bizzy readin books and runnin the show
riggered. It's too easy.
>mocking someone means they're triggered
nice logic douche
He should've covered that shit with a bandana or something. What the fuck was he trying to prove?
What did the guy who postedin response tomean by
All mine
I never read a review by this guy but the reviews written by other guys that get posted on his website are extremely shitty.
He's not wrong though. Kubrick messed with the book's message and fucked the politics up. Visually it's amazing but I can't say it's a great adaptation of the book.
Ebert never gave me the impression of being someone who read the books. He was that kind of reviewer I hate who assumes the adaptation is completely representative of the source material.
His great movies list is a great resource for finding kino
His reasons for disliking Blue Velvet are silly, but it is a vastly overrated film
>all it really does is celebrate the nastiness of its hero, Alex.
I don't get it, why does that make it right wing? That doesn't contradict at all with "pretending" to oppose police states
I really love his review on totoro
fun fact: he changed his mind on this because A Clockwork Orange is his wife's favourite movie
>Blue Velvet
oh yeah, i remember when you fedoras were shilling that garbage edgy flick
how will Sup Forums plebs ever recover
I bet you don't even read his reviews, just get angry when he rates your favorite shitty movies poorly.