Sequels nobody asked for
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It looks pretty bad.
What's the point if they're not gonna use 10/10 practical effects like in the original ?
Robocop 2014
Every Spiderman since the first Tobey one
Fury Road.
>implying Spiderman 2 wasn't the best one
but it looks better than Ghost in teh Shellz
I prayed every night at the foot of my bed for Drive 2, and God sends me this steaming pile of shit. I guess its time to straighten up my act cause I've clearly done something to piss him off, its probably all the tranny shit ive been looking at lately
he sent you baby driver
you werent specific enough
There's a sequel novel called "Driven."
It sucks
That 'cinematography' is Peter Jackson tier bad.
i know its fucking terrible just look at it, looks like that shitty cinematography from Fury road
It doesn't look to be faithful to the original's visuals. I'm not getting the cyberpunk vibe from anything in the trailer.
>It doesn't look to be faithful to the original's visuals
its either too faithful or not enough fuck off
Me neither it looks too polished, but then it's not set in the 2019 of the original, it's three decades into the future.
But unlike Fury road it's CGI all the way
you're cute
This is really so sparse and bare that the only thing that can be said about it is the lighting's good.
>This is really so sparse and bare
of course, did you think it would be some garden of eden
Dumb and dumber
No, but you don't need heaps of lush vegetation to make an interesting composition from a desolate environment.
Isn't the whole idea of Cyberpunk that things get worse over time and not better?
Not sure, friendo
Spiderman 2 and 3 were great