RIP Trevor Baxter Edition
RIP Trevor Baxter Edition
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best girl
literally THE doctor
>Who will write the VNA's of the second wilderness years?
The same limited set of people who have been writing all the spinoff media for like the last 7 years.
>this was a season premiere
Just finished listening to pic related lads
its pretty good
Better season premiere than The Pilot
yeah, but that's not much of a stretch.
This is one of only 3 good scenes in the episode.
>no companion to watch regeneration
>are you okay doctor
>sits up to reveal Jodie
>oh I'm sorry, are you okay nurse
And it was one of the best.
this episode is fucking shit, but donna and ten are comfy
you've just described almost all of season 4.
10 and Donna literally save every fucking episode, goddamn what a dream team
truly the GOAT pairing
I have No idea why people hate this episode
It's fun and comfy and has an engaging plot and good directing
>tfw this will never be real
desu revealing the doctor early is a dick move. not only is it a total surprise ruiner and cocktease on the audience, but it also opens the actor up to a world of criticism, since they haven't even had the opportunity to prove themselves through a clip or trailer or anything, they just have an interview or some photos, none of which do them any justice. it'd fucking suck to be in the position jodie is in right now
>you've just described almost all of season 4.
Not really. The only bad episodes are the Sontaran two-parter, The Doctor's Daughter and Journey's End.
And the Christmas special, if you count that.
What's your point
It's cool fun villain
and planet of the ood, the unicorn and the wasp, and the stolen earth
>To celebrate, we're fittingly giving 50% off the entire Jago and Litefoot range. Just enter the code RIPTrevs at the checkout.
the who fanbase hates ugly but not scary villains.
this was the longest period of time between the doctor's departure announcement and the successor reveal announcement in the show's history
>Sontaran two-parter
Oi, it's comfy.
Surprise ruiner? They have to start filming with her in open spaces at some point, it's not physically possible for them to keep it a secret so the best thing they can do is stage manage the reveal as much as possible.
has pol left yet or should I take another day off
Who fanbase hates fun and wants Doctor Who to be Blink 24/7 which is retarded
She begins filming soon, so the news would have to be announced prior to Christmas anyway.
Sup Forums has always been here and will never leave, user
Will the new master have trump hair to contrast jodie's hillary hair?
>yfw fanfics of Pancakes and Jodie fresh from the oven coming soon
I'll give you the Ood one being mediocre, but The Unicorn and the Wasp is decent fun and The Stolen Earth is a good build-up before the shitfest of the finale.
Sup Forums will be with us for the entirety of Jodie's era, comfy /who/ is gone, get used to it.
>tfw the magic space puddle shit is all that prevented The Doctor Falls from being the best nuwho finale
d-dont call her that...
has Sup Forums, tumblr and reddit left yet or should I take another day off
They were so close to having a logical ending for once.
Thread Reminder
>The Unicorn and the Wasp is decent fun
Only because of Ten and Donna, which we've been over. The episode itself is shit.
>The Stolen Earth is a good build-up before the shitfest of the finale
I'll never understand you people. The Stolen Earth is fucking stupid and melodramatic fanwank garbage with no substance, and Journey's End is far from the beginning of the shitfest, and The Stolen Earth should absolutely be given just as much criticism, rather than just be called "good" and have all the criticism directed at its latter half.
Why was Hartnell so based?
I agree. Whoever is in charge of marketing is a flying dusche. It spoiled all the fun of not knowing which face to expect.
At the very least i hope they tint her hair or something so the Doctor is finally ginger or something. Come on...
Hi, Jodie here. So glad you all like me as the new Doctor. AMA.
You'd rather learn of her by seeing a low res set pic taken by Adam Orford?
post proof its you
post pusy
I reckon both Chibnall and Whittaker will be gone before the end of this decade, probably Christmas 2020. They'll get a new showrunner and an established black male actor for 14.
>Only because of Ten and Donna, which we've been over. The episode itself is shit.
No, it's also one of Gareth's best script and a decent episode in itself.
>The Stolen Earth should absolutely be given just as much criticism, rather than just be called "good" and have all the criticism directed at its latter half.
But it is good. All of the offensively bad shit (the fake regeneration, the other Tenth Doctor, the way the Daleks are defeated, Rose's goodbye, the big fanwank companion-fest) happens in the second part. The Stolen Earth is an actually good episode with a proper plot.
Although 2020 is obviously next decade. Duh.
Will you get a twink companion?
2018: Series 11
2019: Series 12
2020: Series 13
I reckon they'll be off then, or Jodie will at least.
Don't be so cynical user. I believe her.
thanks kid xo
Chibnall says he has a 5-year plan.
We aren't going to be rid of him that easily.
I reckon it'll get cancelled
shit gimmick, back to /brit/ with you
I hope you are the first to die in the next Tripfag Hunger Games
will The Pilgrim on GB keep good to his promise to refer to the female Doctor as "the Doctor with tits", despite Steven Hill's opposition?
>doctor who can never be cancelled even though the ratings are about to plummet because it will prove the ebil misogynists right
>we will never get comfy wilderness years again
Series 12 ended without a cliffhanger, everything was resolved, then Season 13 had to add one back in at the last minute, with the duo still on a parallel world instead of theirs.
Who the hell cares?
>/who/ presents:
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i'd prefer TitDoc if people want a nickname for me
What's good about not having any episodes?
If you're more interested in the goings on of another forum may I suggest you fuck off to there forever?
Dear Sup Forums friends,
I've been watching this amazing little show called Dr. Who and I want to direct one episode.
How do I get in contact with the head writer Chris Chibnall?
Much appreciated,
D. Lynch
You literally hate Doctor Who
You want it cancelled
Less shit will be produced
D. Lynch, the rapper?
Chris Chibnall
Independent Talent Group Ltd.
40 Whitfield Street
London W1T 2RH
Correct, my only purpose is to troll dickweeds that still watch this garbage children's show
Hence why I fully support this decision as in the minds of most voters it will signify the further decline of the BBC and hasten its inevitable privatisation
DocTits, Woohoo
I would rather the official channels and the BBC to not advertise it at the very least. It would dramatically reduce my chances of learning about it.
I am not the kind of person that would look into it.
wow how uncharacteristic of the guardian
Based Colin, a true gent
>his first statement has to be "I was the Doctor" because nobody wants to remember Colin Baker
Can you imagine 13 facing off against Julian Bleach as Davros? Cos I can't. Also, do you think Jodie has seen an episode of Doctor Who in her life?
How many pies did he get paid for this?
>Also, do you think Jodie has seen an episode of Doctor Who in her life?
Does she need to? Matt pretty much hadn't, he just binged some Classic after getting cast.
Someone edit and put Colin Baker, please
Also, I hope Series 11 establishes her against a bunch of new villains and monsters before any oldies are wheeled back out.
Litefoot died the same day Dr Who died
>villains are a cult of time lord terfs who don't believe in time lords switching gender
>Sup Forums
This is just blue board Sup Forums user
I cant imagine anyone as the Doctor until I see how they will play the role
One pies.