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dany's hair is silver again edition

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Sansa shouldn't have interrupted Jon! Who even does that? Question the King!

>Lord Glover: I'm not putting a sword in my little girl's hand!


What could have been
>Robb is backed up against the wall of the wedding feast
>sword bared against 100 Frey soldiers
>Arrows knocked and ready to end his life
>The ground begins to shake
>Wh-Whats that!? shouts Walder Frey
>Doors explode inward at the far end of the hall
>Ned Stark stands at the end of the hall
>Ice somehow reforged and strapped to his back
>"I'm glad your father's returned, Robb...TO SEE YOUR DEMISE" cackles Frey
>Silence in the hall
>all heads turn toward Ned
>"Frey'd not."
>Cuts path to his son
>"Good work, Father, but did you think about an exit plan!?"
>Ned whistles
>One hundred direwolves leap through the roof
>A-10 Warthog destroys the Twins
>Ned and Robb leap into a Chinook hovering nearby
>"What are our family words, Robb?"
>"Winter is coming."
>"So is vengeance."

>make all female characters ansurdly retarded
>muh feminism

>soldier asks a child whether she's old enough to drink before offering her strong wine instead of smallbeer
>Sup Forums spergs out and assumes this means there's a legal age

reminder that Catelyn was right about literally everything

Does he draw any dimes?

>all the pov shots of ghost in earlier seasons
>jon snu is a warg

who knew?

Anyone have a webm or GIF (anything?) of the bowl scene?

Haven't laughed that hard during an epi.

One thing from the leaks I still haven't seen an answer for in the past almost year- does Davos stay at Dragonstone for sure?
He doesn't go beyond the wall we know but I remember it being debated whether he stays at Eastwatch or didn't go north at all. And he has to go to Kingslanding before hand to meet Gendry becaus Gendry goes north right?


I'm officially a Euron mark desu

Except about Jon.

It wasn't even funny

fucking hell, even in medieval society there was still an age deemed "appropriate" to drink booze, probably as young as 12 or 13 for sure.

Why does he look like the frontman for some late 90s/early 00s alt-rock band?

>wants him dead

Is Dany the Hitler of the GoT universe or Stalin?

Because all the costumes went to shit.

What really triggered me was that King's Landing still has the Baratheon stag in the introduction.

First for team Euron!
(Brotherhood of No Banners are my second choice)

>everyone has a problem with the stars on his jacket
>the ironborn are from islands
>a seafaring people
>sailors use stars to navigate
what is wrong with this again?

Post his entrance theme.


>no victarion
>no aegon
>no euron the warlock
>no darkstar
>no lady stoneheart
>no arianne
>no jon connington
>no arys oakheart
>no quentyn martell

she is both

she's abraham lincoln

She's more like Muhammad.

>the issue of not having a cock to keep his stride in check


Feminists and SJWs rejoice. She is the Queen in the North.

>no edmure


It's a Sam Tully cleans piss pots while the world is ending episode!

>Jon = FDR. Democratically elected leader that fights against the great evil and has the best interests of his people in mind
>Dany = Stalin. Fights for equality and the rights of peasants however uses extreme methods resulting in lots of deaths.
>Cersei = Hitler. Truly evil and wants to exterminate all non-Lannister forces. Resorts to human experimentation and torture.

Lannister soldiers giving a fuck about Arya to the point they're sharing wine and food with someone who looks like a peasant (also when their Frey allies were wiped out recently) triggers me more. Its probably like US soldiers sharing food/drink with a goat herder in an Afghan checkpoint.

Stalin. Millennials look up to her like they do Stalin

Euron has about fifty different symbols of his own, none of which are used in the show.

Just watched the episode. How did Euron build so many ships so quickly and sail them to King's Landing in the time it took Dany to reach Westeros?

brienne is going to get WILDLINGED

>"The people I was cutting down were you own kin..."

- Jaime "Kin(g)slayer" Lannister

No great loss. His story went literally nowhere.
>no darkstar
Shit character
>no victarion
Worthless without his inner monologue.

But Arya is Stoneheart now!
She's so cool!
A little girl who can kill a great lord and his entire family! She's like a ninja with a pet wolf
(who is secretly a princess~!)

Is it just me, or did anyone think that the singing meant Arya was rolling up on the BwB and they were going to introduce Tom of Sevenstreams?
I was thoroughly disappointed that it was Ed Sheeran

she was a civilian to them, a little girl who posed no threat, they were just being friendly

gib all leaked plot points

>implying America did shit in ww2
Where's Churchill then?

Sansa is a mistake

quentyn is not dead

lol I hate Sansa too! XD


So far, it's been accurate

i was actually expecting arya to roll up on the hound, beric, and thoros

>shit character
leave /got/ and never come back

>capturing the eagles nest and singlehandedly defeated the japs and winning the pacific theater
yea they did nothing, ivan

How did you delete the other thread? I thought deleting threads was impossible.

Alcoholic, quippy weirdo? Tyrion

Sam. Did I ever tell you about the time when I lived on an island made of dragon glass? It's a practical material that you know can be used to defeat white walkers. It is a good friend.

America supplied the Soviets, took North Africa, Italy, and Western Europe. We destroyed German production capabilities and singlehandedly fucked the Japs

>implying anyone gave a shit about the japs other than america

That face you make when your kingdom is called Dragon Stone, and no one mentions that dragon glass kills white walkers during your entire time at the Wall.

Nigga iz u dumb????

jannies probably deleted it to avoid having simultaneous /got/ threads

starks are a mistake

This is show has really gone of the deep end ever since George's departure and D&D's acquisition of complete creative control. What was once a sophisticated rumination on the concepts of war, politics, honor, and the morality therein is now baseless schlock filled with cringe inducing dialogue, flanderized fan service, literal poo poo in loo humor and faux feminist virtue signaling that is borderline zionistic. While the early seasons would cycle through many talented writers for each episode, including GRRM himself, every single episode of nu-GOT (and I mean literally EVERY SINGLE EPISODE) begins with the unholy stamp of shit, "written for Television by David Benieoff and D.B. Weiss", their names almost tauting you as sit down for another miserable hour of Jewish fan-fiction. This show is a disgrace, an abhorent legacy for GRRM to leave behind as this is now the only conclusion to the story we are ever going to get because that lazy fat fuck will never finish the books now that he has complete financial security and thus no need to get off his blubbery ass and finish the goddamn novels. But as long as fangirls can squel YAAS QUEEN on facebook and the normies have enough "reactable" moments for their reaction videos then they are happy. This is the kind of scum the show panders to now to ensure maximum viewership and social media presence. And despite it all I will still return week after week because I've been invested in this series since 19 fucking 96 and I am going to see it through to the bitter, shit filled end, goddammit!

Why would you want the show spoiler for you? You can't even enjoy it the same


>Lannisters all this time knew Dragonstone was deserted
>Island fortress guarding your eastern coast
>they knew Dany was coming with a fleet
>still do not put a garrison on Dragonstone
could they at least try to make this shit believable?

>"Come"! He roared back. "Come kill me if you can"
>Worthless without his inner monologue

The Chinese, Soviets, and Britbongs did you underage fuck

Yeah, he magically survived getting covered with fourth-degree burns.

>capturing the eagles nest
How is that important?

>singlehandedly defeated the japs

Is there a bigger meme character?

hol up
so youze saying
weze the night watch n shit?

>Ed Sheeran
>Are you old enough to drink?
>Dragonstone deserted
>Gay Euron

please D&D just stop

[citation needed]

i love this meme

why the hell does he have pleather pants? was preston right about he seastone chair being made of plastic?

>capturing hitler's base
yea why would that be important

OMG what will happen now? Sam heals Jorah, they bro it up and go on a roadtrip.


It was never that good, it just became much worse.

>no grinch/babygrinch in that collage

Who's d&d?

Fuck this cunt. That scene was the biggest cringe of the entire series even worse than the sand cunts. Holy fuck she is just pure fan service / pandering.

>uh oh all the evil men think women are bad and can't fight people.
>Better get this 12 year old twat to make an 'epic' speech and put the ebil men in their place.
>everyone respects her and agrees

Only good part of that scene was when Jon didn't bow down and kiss the superior woman's feet and go with what Sansa suggested. I'm sure they'll have that change soon, wouldn't want to upset the audience by having a strong male character

>that Hound scene where he sees shit among the flames

I want to believe

>yfw (((they))) have to make Daenarys win to please feminist audience

the war would have been over if the commonwealth didn't hold off german victory, and the soviets beat the nazis. The americans are fucking scum who picked up the pieces

anyway, enjoy your unthinkable decline as the single superpower left

>asha/yara manages to steal entire ironborn fleet
>somehow couldn't muster up enough support to become new ruler
>eurono somehow builds a massive fleet from barren island

look how shopped those legs are lmao

Dungeons & Dragons

Yeah, such a highly target of strategic importance that the Allies never bothered to bomb it during the entire war, right?

Weeew, I wonder how could Hitler meet other people if he didnt have this place!!!!

kys my man


How it is snowing like fucking hell where the Hound is but it lis a nice autumn day where Arya is? THEY ARE BOTH IN THE RIVERLANDS

>i see a mountain


Far greater threat to the world of GoT

>Looks like a caveman
>Dressed up like Zoolander

Exactly how is he supposed to be intimidating?

Normies are always so relentlessly positive and seemingly happy about everything.
Are we wrong for constantly shit posting and being overly critical curmudgeons?
A-Are we the bad guys?

The Germans had zero chance in defeating the Royal Navy and occupying the UK. The brits just kept our seat warm until America saved the day

dude just like turn off your brain

>the only good scene was when Jon didn't take the common sense advice his cousin blurted out and instead thought it best they all "hug it out" like every dead Stark did before him.