Was he wrong?
Was he wrong?
Yes, steak should only be eaten medium well
>not well done
>not covered in ketchup
yes he was wrong
ignorance is bliss, but bliss is boring
He did NOTHING wrong.
>He doesn't order different doneness depending on the cut
Top sirloin anything but blue-rare is a fucking crime.
Yes. He didn't get mashed potatoes from agent smith
Honestly this. Raw beef tastes like shit.
>Eating a raw meat.
Yes he was really really wrong.
medium rare or gtfo
>ketchup on steak
Jesus fucking Christ, americunts are so disgusting.
This. Those memesters who insist on medium rare never eat properly cooked steak before.
do you think the squiddy's would have carried him all the way back to his pod to reconnect him to the matrix?
seemed to good to be true, I think the machines would've killed him on the spot after getting morpheus.
No, he was given the same prophecy as Neo and instead of accepting he wasn't the One he resented the fact that Morpheus had taken him out of The Matrix and he'd got nothing out of it except misery.
>not having your steak with horseradish
mental illness tbqh
Needs some Heinz™.
A machine always keeps it's word.
>love the taste and texture of medium-rare chicken
>crispy and smoky on the outside
>soft and pink on the inside
>high risk that it's poisonous because of a few stubborn strains of bacteria
I wish I was born into the chicken universe instead of the steak universe.
You don't join the slaves, you destroy their cage.
That's the only way the people can be free of (((the matrix))).
Harsh truth is always preferable to a pleasant lie.
Machine detected.
He wasn't wrong. He had a choice.
He chose to go back.
He's probably not the first who sold Zion out.
the movie was made by a bunch of jew trannies, you think the matrix has anything to do with a jewish plot?
Wasn't Zion basically a Machine run honey trap that the populated and then cleansed every time another "One" appeared? So he didn't really sell anyone out, the Machines always knew where Zion was.
they were gnostic satanists actually
it was a subconscious projection of a truth not obvious to them. also they plagiarized the matrix
t. parasite brain
>living in a third world shit hole where there's a possibility of your meat having parasites that necessitates the need to cook it well done
all harmful bacteria is seared away on the outside of the steak. there is not inherently parasites in the steak and in first world countries there's ways to prevent and check for parasites so they won't ever make it to your plate
>No parasites
>Literally any lifeform more complex than a handful of specialised cells not having parasites
I got bad news for you friend. Here's a little experiment you can do in your own home. Go and buy the freshest, most expensive, finest whole fish you can from your finest first-world fishmonger or other retailer of aquatic meat. Prepare a container of warm water, put the fish in it and leave it there for an hour. Come back and see what's swimming around in there. Or you can take your cut of finest beef and make a couple of slides from it if you have access to even the most basic microscope.
t. biofag
Curious what would be swimming there?
I'm guessing parasites
Daily reminder the Wachowski brothers were immediately MkUltra'd for getting scarily close to redpilling the masses through the original Matrix.
This is their punishment.
Obviously but I was wondering what king of parasites? Like worms? Or microscopic shit?
Lots of worms, there's an adage that goes something like if you removed a cow from a field and just left the worms, you'd still be able to recognise the shape of the cow. Also awful little trilobite looking things that like to live in gills.
>even bothering with the shittiest steak on available
You know what, you're right. Here in the first world, people are dropping dead left and right from eating steam medium rare.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go get me a 45-day dry aged ribeye.
Is it though
I certainly wouldn't mind never having to worry about money, have a banging 10/10 loyal wife and all the time in the world to spend it
I'd think so.
My life has been noticeably more miserable since finding out about the jews.
god damn i wish i would have never of found Sup Forums back in 2005
>Daily reminder the Wachowski brothers were immediately MkUltra'd for getting scarily close to redpilling the masses
I think the same exact fucking thing. Mindfucking the brothers into being like that was """their""" way as punishment for The Matrix. I don't doubt it for one fucking second.
Living in a fantasy world as a filthy rich guy or living in the real world eating what looks like cream corn and jizz mixed together.
The only problem is the fucking machines would have double crossed him and reprogrammed him as the enslaved fluffer on some third world gay porn set.
ummm, can you like... not
Trump claims this is his favorite meal. Somehow he still has supporters
Jesus fucking Christ user, you have immense mental disease
>not smothering it in A1
republicans are gay
>Being so fucking trash at grilling that you need any type of sauce
If you can't make it taste good on its own, you should start considering a vasectomy if not flat out suicide
Strangely enough, yes.
By virtue of being cold blooded machines their behavior is mercurial, bit at the same time they don't have anything resembling spite.
So if it's actually within their means to plug him back into the matrix and blue-the him, there isn't really any reason to g back on their word.
Why is ketchup even a thing?
Steak has no flavour if it's not blue
>Waiter: how do you want ur chicken senpai?
>(you): put it on the stove for 3 seconds and that'll do
Subconsciously simulating a healthier version of blood.
it was a fucking horse!!!!!
raw chicken is served some places. The chickens and their meat just have to be super controlled
How the fuck did they get humans out of the machine city?
Neo wakes up and is sucked down a short sewer tube and immediately claw grabbed to the ship.
Yet they claim its impossible to go near the place
looks like a poorly cooked steak anyway
and most plebs dont legitimately like the taste of steak, thats why they use sauce/ salts/seasoning to hide the fact that most meats are extremely bland tasting and boring
only legitimately good tasting meat is shit like bacon , most meats you eat taste bland and boring
most people are more vegan/ vegetarian more than they are meat eaters, they always rely on plants/ seasonings/ herbs/ vegetables to hide the fact meat is boring
>there are people in this world who get snobbish about how they eat their bland, boring, spiceless hunk of meat
lol white people. I swear
Not that simple. You can't force people to change their minds. Especially with the conditioning being as advanced as it is
It's true. You hear someone say "I love a good steak", but then you look at their plate and it's covered in jelly beans and broiled in milk. What do they really like, the steak, or the jelly beans melting in the warm milk?
Of course! He killed the horse, who was a beautiful, innocent creature that never hurt nobody!
Human fields =/ Machine City
>forgetting Smith turned Cypher into a meat puppet in Revolutions
>forgetting that the machines nuked the U.N. in the middle of negotiating a peace treaty
Machines have no honor and will do literally anything that's in their best interest
>eating beef when the superior pork exists
Actually there is. Cypher went rogue once, wiping the slate clean leaves a high, high chance he would go rogue again. Leaving him alive would have been the risky move.
It's just a hoooorse!
It astonishes me that anybody actually took the time to draw that.
That some milk steak you got there, user?
Childhood is idolizing Neo. Adulthood is realizing Siefer was right.
When you go to a zoo do you think that the monkey is "oh so depressed and sad because its trapped :(" or do you think "thank god its here because I know how powerful the human race is and how the greed will eventually wipe this species out. At least its safe and happy here"?
It's the same for the AI - they're a far more superior organism and WILL wipe you out if you disrupt their plans, which the humans will do and actually did in that movie by nuking the world, so you should be happy that the AI has preserved you and even went so far as to bother building an entire virtual zoo for you where you can feel free while the AI prevents your extinction from the outside.
>tl;dr - no
then why did they honor Neo's deal? they didnt have to
>The Oracle asks him what will happen to the ones who want out of the Matrix, to which the Architect replies they will be freed. The Oracle asks if she has his word, to which he replies "What do you think I am? Human?", implying he has a low opinion of humans and their tendency to break promises, whereas he will keep his.
he will always look like james franco to me and I don't fucking care if I'm the only one who sees this.
james franco is a fucking pussy, he has nothing on joe pantoliano, fuck you
>hear somewhere that the original idea in matrix was that humans were not batteries, but a big supercomputer
>don't know the exact reason, probably study or the machines missing something the humans have (a random factor, creativity, a soul, whatever)
>suddenly most aspects make immense sense
>neo can fly because the matrix is somewhat a dream created by human brains, but in a machine-controlled environment, so not everyone can do it
>an AI downloading itself into a brain is suddenly not so strange anymore
>agent smith was the one, not because he destroys the matrix, but because he was the thing the machines looked for (because he was more human than other machines? because he could control a human?)
I know I'm late to the party, but I think I finally found peace with those movies.
[breathing heavily]
No, Morpheus was full of shit and Trinity is a dumb sterile cunt.
>sweet red sauce on ground meat = delicious
>sweet red sauce on un-ground meat = literally Stalin
I don't understand this double standard
You're goddamn right.
Its more useful to humanity than you are. Explain why you are a thing
The Animatrix was so much better than the original movie.
Yes. Eating meat is murder.
Literally different cuts of meat
Mixing up Bane and Cypher....
I have no face
>Stop some edgy anarchists and Luddite from forcing the whole human population into slavery on a radiated world that has absolutely no way to feed or sustain them
Cypher did nothing wrong. The Matrix did exactly what machine was invented to do, to make human life comfortable
Nice revelation
how I wish they hadnt gone with the battery excuse, it's so fucking dumb
>tfw no second renaissance matrix prequal
>Thread about villains existential exist
>Thread gets derailed by steak
I love you guys