35 countries in america

>35 countries in america
>only the citizens of usa are "americans"

>35 countries in America
>none of them speak American, instead they all speak Spanish and a minority English

But no other country in America has America in it's name

You're not relevant

um sweetie, Dutch is spoken on four continents. American is spoken on zero continents.

there is a north and a south america mr. 89iq

the name of our country is america

>4 countries in the north
>only norweigans are northmen

sure is, you're writing in it right now baby

I'm not going to argue with you. You're not relevant and that's fact

>in america

America is a country in North America. I think you're referring to the Americas

Misspelling some words doesn't make it a new language. It barely even qualifies as a dialect. Objectively the changes should be qualified as a minor typo.

The USA is a union of 50 countries named after their geographical location.

speaking german like you're about to vomit doesn't makes yours a language either

Good thing Dutch is older than German. And had no consonant shift like German.

give texas back pinches anglos

> this is what the average unitedstatians believes

let them have it, united statians sounds stupid

>Dutch is spoken on four continents
Europe, South Africa, South America... and...?

>35 countries in america
>>only the citizens of usa are "americans"
First not being chained to Europe means we get to choose.

Also they are two continents. Moreso than Europe being separate from Asia.

american is a specific dialect of english

>South America
That's really stretching it anyways.

North America. Six carribean Islands.

poor bastards

>But no other country in America has America in it's name
Because all of them have their own names. USA does not.

Afrikaans has only been a different language since 1984. For political reasons. In practice its just simplified Dutch. Although we aren't used to each others accents.