So I just started to watch The Expanse. 3 episodes in, and the only storyline that hasn't hooked me up is the one about the guys from the Canterbury. They are as cookie-cutter as it gets. Loving the Ceres Station stuff, though. Reminds me a lot of Blade Runner and Total Recall. Does it get better? Does it hold up?
So I just started to watch The Expanse. 3 episodes in...
I've only watched the first season, S2 still not on Netflix here and too lazy to go through downloading it all. Apparently it gets better in S2 though.
I would say yes, stick with it and enjoy the main plot unfolding. My relationship with a bunch of the characters wasn't very strong through some of S1, and usually this makes me disinterested. But there were enough other things to keep my attention and I enjoyed the season as a whole.
Stick with it. Best SciFi Kino in netflix IMO. You will get into it by 5th episode i'd say.
Episode 4 is one of the best episodes actually.
Season 2 was solid, some quality scifi kino, and a step up in production value.
With season one it's mostly small sets inside ships and stations. They made it work but you can tell they had a limited budget.
In season 2 they had a bigger budget to work with and there's more large/open environments and a larger scope in general.
Episode 4 is where the Canterbury stuff gets more interesting, Ceres remains one of the most interesting parts though. It's definitely one to stick with
>At least 2 seasons to wait for the Amos/Avasarala banter
It hurts to live
I think the writing is much worse in S2 even if there's more expensive visuals.
Nearly the whole first season is world-building. Stick with it.
And read the books in case syfy drop it
You've already learned the first lesson. Miller is the best part of the story. Somewhere around 4th or 5th episode of season 2, you will become hollow and will promptly quit the show after being built up into something that you like a lot.
You've been warned.
This keep watching for based Miller, his arc in season 2 is great
>Quitting because of Miller's death
user, you better wait a bit before dropping it
Did you see the ratings for season 2? I wasn't the only one.
Book bobbi and show bobbi are completely different animals.
>3 episodes in, and the only storyline that hasn't hooked me up is the one about the guys from the Canterbury
ahahahaha well aren't you in for a surprise
>book delayed to end of 2017
>season 3 next fucking year
But he's coming back for at least a season, so people we get back into the bandwagon
That isn't miller, it's a fucking pilot program or whatever. Miller is fucking dead, same with Julie.
>Implying people will care as long as based Thomas Jane is back
post webms pls
Why did they cast a space Jon Snow for the "main" character? It's not doing the show any favors at all
dude the diehards shitpost and repeat these threads trying to trick people into watching the show on a daily basis acting like they haven't seen every episode and read all of the books.
I can only be in so many places at one time.
That's his character in the books too, he only becomes somewhat interesting in book 2 when he becomes mini-miller. So technically his most interesting episodes were end of season 2 and coming up next season most likely. Though I have suspicions it won't get past season 3 even with netflix.
True but he won't even make another appearance at earliest end of season 3 or mid season 3 with "Hey Kid"
>Avasarala will never say "fuck" every 3 words in the show
Bobbi was shit for most of the season but the end of the season was Bobbi kino
We'll have to agree to disagree, I can't get over her face let alone the acting.
The beach scene was probably her best but not enough of those to make me like the character on the show.
The Cant is the focus of the books, you'll get more of that and less of everything you like especially after Miller dies
>the end of the season was Bobbi kino
Book version was better
Who here would board a Mormon generation ship with your eight wives?
>The Cant is the focus of the books
But that's wrong you twat
Did they establish that the protomolecule was an ayy lmao tool in the show? I remember that they were pushing the "experiment going wrong" angle a lot more than in the books.
I had trouble living with 1 woman over a handful of years at any given time and I love pussy.
Mormons are crazy but not for magic underwear, I don't care if you want to rebuild the white race single handedly, living with 8 women is nuts. And then you're on a multi-generational ship going out of system to possibly never coming back which means you're stuck with said 8 women. Fuck. That. Noise.
I like being able to run my own routine without having a woman remind me that I need to go with her to see her parents or do some stupid charity bullshit or anything else on someone else's time clock.
They think their system is better because they're running their family like its the 1800s still but let's just say, 'no'
The Cant is reason we know about the protomolecule and causes the tensions between the UN and Marsies to get to near open warefare. Show me one outcome in Caliban's War or Abaddon's Gate that can't be tied directly to the bombing of the Canterbury.
They never definitively proven it in the books. The whole 'it was shot here to kill us!' is speculation until the third book, and even then it's really more Julie's paranoia mixed with the power of the protomolecule causing her to BUILD THAT space WALL!
They changed the crazy doctors monologue and made him seem less crazy. They made him seem more reasonable and mentioned very little about the origins. I know they said it's alien but not why, they haven't discovered the purpose yet.
End of season 2 had them fighting child soldier so they're only halfway through book 2.
It gets better until Miller is gone then it becomes forgettable. The other characters are extremely weak and bland.
The main problem is that they cast a prefect Holden, and that just highlights what a whiny useless twat Holden was in the books but now we have to see his stupid face as he's being careless and stupid.
But Holden being an optimistic moron starting wars because he cant shut his goddamn mouth is the whole point of the story
Apologies, thought you were meaning that the Cant was the main ship in the series. I had a lengthy argument with a guy back in the day who insisted that the Rocinante was the Canterbury, and thought it was happening all over again
Do you think George is envious of his secretary in how faithful Syfy has been to their books and how dogshit D&D has treated ASoIF?
The producers of Expanse are doing The Witcher for Netflix
Should we worry?
Grrm the slrrm is just happy he got all the tv dosh. Now he can go to his death rolling in money.
I know it's the point, that doesn't make him any less insufferable.
The only real shit casting was bobbi but honestly that casting was always going to be near impossible but otherwise everything else was pretty good/fit books. So no I don't think you have much to worry about
As long as the author isn't involved, we're okay. That guy is a total asshole and doesn't realize the games did a better job with his material than he ever did.
The only thing i regret (apart for the obvious things changed for production like gravity) is how the seasons and the books arent "cut" in the same way, the book' stories always have at least a year between each others but the show is moving like a single long one.
The relationship of the crew off the Cant is a bit weird in the series.
In the books they've already known each other for 4-5 years and have a lot of history.
In the series its written like they don't really know each other all that well so it takes a while before they get over that.
Well worth watching it, season 2 is even better and its uncensored if you find the right versions online. Still wish they would go all out on the swearing. Just not the same without Avasarala swearing like a fucking sailor.
As long as he's following the games
>ywn be on Earth and pin Bobbie's arms down because she can't handle the gravity and claim her as your muscle-fu.
Just fucking put me on Basic and let me wither away.
reee where are the webms
Holden however is a giant Gary Stu.
>They cast a perfect Holden
Nigger, what
He is quite literally the worst thing about the show by a fucking mile
Exactly. He -IS- terrible. But, that's exactly how he is in the books. Terrible. Annoying. Entitled.
But you're an idiot and don't realize he's the same shit in the books.
I would fill her with my protomolecule if you catch my drift
But since he did cause that mess he prevent Mars/Earth armies to buy those things so basically he's a moron but he saved mankind.
>Syfy will never produce a spin off with Amos and Avasarala going on adventures in the ruins of Earth
Anderson and Avasarala saved mankind despite Holden's antics, not because of them. The best thing that could have happened was Miller gone a little further over the edge and just shot Holden.
>The whole series becomes miller going punisher 2.0 and just murdering everyone even if they're only tangibly related to the problem.
"I came an awful long way to find you. Because I believe in you. You’ve made a guy like me...believe in something."
" I’m done fighting. I just wanna go home."
"You can’t go home, [spoiler[Julie[/spoiler]. I’m sorry...I’m sorry. You can go anywhere else in the whole universe, but you can’t go home, honey. OK? But hey, I need you to know...whatever happens, wherever you’re not gonna do it alone."
Hands down the best moment of season 2. While it doesn't follow the books to the letter. Jane's portrayal of Miller is fantastic.
Fund it. Miller leads a splinter OPA faction that terrorizes governments and corps connected to the protomolecule, and then connected to those connected to them, and so on and so forth until everyone is dead and he makes space love to Julie in her bed of Akira tentacles and they reform Venus into a noir theme park like Dark City for Miller to be the central character in.
Despite the dubs, and despite how terrible he is in the books. The acting is atrocious and wooden as hell
They did the same thing with Thrones, snow is an insufferable cunt too.
That is the character archetype, I'm not sure what you're trying to say, they change the character so he's less of a cunt, change the archetype and rewrite the character?
Restating the obvious as if that is a point just makes you look like a cunt yourself.
Yeah, I'd travel to Eros for the chance to tap that
There are a couple of sketchy episodes and scenes, but I thoroughly enjoyed, desu.
Everyone is a winner on Eros!
plot is meh tier, but i love aesthetic of basically everything in this show.
Also, Miller and Amos best boys
They could hire someone who can show emotion. There's plenty of bits where he cries, smiles, is sad, or whatever, and the current actor is just a grumpy sack of shit with only 1 facial expression
user you're very late to the party but everyone accepted he was a shit character with very little redeeming value years ago.
You just haven't accepted it yet.
It's not about the fucking character you dense motherfucker
His acting is an extension of the writing which they got perfectly.
Drummer a cute
Based Drumdrum
Still wonder why they didn't just do Sam from the books.
I miss the daily threads, desu. They were comfy.
Season 3 when?
Well she should be appearing in the first episodes of season 3, right?
This. Without a Nauvoo webm this thread is bound to be shit.
The show really is excellent.
Does well with homages to older sci fi tropes without it feeling trite.
I got no clue, Drummer kinda took her place in the show so not sure how they are going to handle it especially considering shit that happens later on in the books.
All that production value and none left for Dark Matter
I'm fine with that
The firefight at the Blue Falcon was pretty neat
>Slow Zone next season
>Ilus the next after
>Earth getting rocked after that one
how the hell are they going to finance that
i had a hard time paying attention to this plodding shit. easier to read a book where nothing happens than a tv show.
Top fucking notch aesthetic